Synopsis: Problem Gods from Arcadia

Chapter 39 Come to Vientiane, Bai Ye!

"what is that..."

Shirou Ukitake's eyes widened, and he stared at the figure in the distance in horror, his body trembling uncontrollably.

In his pupils, there was a reflection of an unusually handsome figure in a black gorgeous male kimono, with black horns on his head, silver hair shawls.

This person is Su Jin after the first solution.

"After the God of Death was first resolved, how could even the Zanpakutō disappear? Could it be the legendary shattering face? But there is no sense of chaos? "

Shirou Ukitake was confused. It was as if he saw an indescribable existence beyond his comprehension. His whole person's three-view cognition began to collapse.

Jingle Chunshui also looked at Su Jin, his eyes widened, his expression as exaggerated as Ukitake Shirou:

"This spiritual pressure is not a god of death, nor is it emptiness, nor is it a Quincy, but some kind of existence that surpasses these three..."

"You mean..."

Shirou Ukitake bit his tongue and swallowed the word 'Spirit King'.

But in his heart, there was a certain voice that kept reminding him.

——That posture is the posture of the Spirit King.

——That posture is the most perfect spirit king posture that should exist in the throne of the sky!

Shiruro Ukitake believed this voice because it came from his heart, from the arm of the Spirit King hidden in his body.

The Spirit King's will is envious, and he is envious of that man's perfection... Shirou Ukitake was horrified, but he did not dare to tell anyone this fact.

Because that would almost lead to the collapse of the Gotei Thirteenth Division.

The trip to kill the two captains turned out to be the most perfect spirit king, which is simply ridiculous!

In the same way, Yamamoto Motoyanagi, who faced Su Jin up close, felt the deepest feeling.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at Su Jin with an old face in disbelief, with shock and astonishment:

"This posture... different, but similar, more transcendent and perfect than that (Spirit King), but how is that possible!!"

In an instant, Yamamoto Motoyuki was shaken.

But Su Jin, who was standing in front of him, raised his hand, quietly getting used to his power.

This is his first time to understand, and his body is still not used to such a change, but Su Jin believes that under the power of Bengyu, he can master everything now in 10 seconds.

And at this moment, only Su Jin can see the black and white world.

A beautiful woman who was detached from the world, dressed in a purple cherry blossom kimono, with silver hair and twin horns, was standing quietly beside him.

And looking at the woman's face, faintly, it is 60% similar to the star spirit Bai Yasha.

The woman looked at Su Jin, like the clear voice next to the oriole, and said slightly unpleasantly:

"Why don't you call my full name, completely ghost-like?"

Su Jin raised his head slightly, looked at the woman, and said with a slight smile:

"Why do you want me to explain it? Bai Ye."

This woman is Su Jin's Zanpakutō "Hakuye".

The Zanpakutō sword spirit was born with the power of Su Jin's soul mixed with a trace of Shiroyasha's remaining power in the godhead.

It is also a longing in Su Jin's heart, the embodied soul.


Facing Su Jin's somewhat frivolous words, Bai Ye just glanced at him lightly and disappeared randomly.

Only the unpleasant words were conveyed in Su Jin's ears.

Returning to reality, Su Jin moved his neck, as if surprised, but also regretfully said:

"After the first solution, did you get the power of ghosts and gods to control all phenomena?"

Transforming oneself into a ghost that shakes the sky and the earth and controls the power, this is the ability of Bai Ye after the first solution.

However, this power, for Su Jin, although powerful, also has regrets.

The desire in his heart is to become the strongest celestial spirit who controls the total mass of the universe and reigns over all myths, just like the heyday of Shiroyasha!

However, this is of course impossible.

Desire is just craving after all.

With the blessing of Bengyu, and under the action of Bai Ye, he can transform himself from a human quasi-god to a ghost and god with power that shakes the sky and the earth, which is already the limit.

After all, it is too greedy!

Thinking of this, Su Jin sighed softly.

Then, he turned his attention back to Yamamoto Yuan Liusai: "Are you ready? Yamamoto Yuan Liusai Chongguo."

Yamamoto Motoyanai was silent, but clenched the flowing blade in his hand.

One-way stroke!

Gather the spiritual pressure on the blade and slash with extreme speed!

This was Yamamoto's fastest move.

In the face of Su Jin after the first solution, he did not hesitate to use this trick, which is both a test and a strangulation!


Two fingers, in mid-air, came first, and clamped the blade that was flaming.


Yamamoto Motoyasu shouted loudly, but it was a technique in kendo to oppress the enemy's mind by shouting.

And just as he was shouting, the Reiatsu compressed by Liu Ren Ruohuo suddenly erupted in the form of scarlet flames!

The raging flames even turned into pillars of fire, breaking through the sky and evaporating the surrounding clouds!

"Did you succeed?" Jingle Chunshui, who was watching the battle, said with a frown.

Shirou Ukitake's breathing was heavy, but it was the Spirit King's will that awakened, which made his condition worse.

Even so, he still kept his eyes fixed on Su Jin's direction.

After a while, he widened his eyes and shouted:

"Teacher run away!!"

"What?" Yamamoto Yuan Liusai was shocked.

At this time, there was a tearing sound.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi's left arm was rubbish in mid-air.

And more than ten meters behind him, Su Jin turned slightly to the side, looked at Yamamoto Motoyuki, and said plainly:

"Your flame is so dull!"


Yamamoto Motoyanai didn't speak, just clutched his broken arm and looked at Su Jin with sweat on his face:

"The old man's blade is like fire, and he can't even break the defense?"

At this moment, Su Jin raised his hand.

The scarlet flames that were walking around Yamamoto Motoyukiya's body poured into Su Jin's palm like a hundred birds facing a phoenix.

At this time, Su Jin said indifferently:

"A mere courtier, dare to kill the king?"

The power of the flames is deprived? No, it was overtaken by a higher power and controlled by the other party!

Yamamoto Motoyanagi realized the truth in an instant.

At this time, he opened his eyes wide and said in amazement:

"Your ability to understand, is it to control the flame?"


Su Jin let out a low laugh, and then suddenly appeared behind Yamamoto Motoyanai.

This step is a secret technique that can only be used by Daxu - ringing!

"Space is also under my control."

The words descended with the slashing of the hand knife!

However, this knife

Cut out!

Su Jin looked at the leader Yuori in front of him, then turned his head to look at Yamamoto Motoyanai in the distance.

"Secret maneuvering steps, Kong Chan!" Yamamoto Yuan Liuzai whispered: "Don't underestimate the old man, boy!"

His broken left arm wriggled for a while, and the blood stopped. Then, he clenched the blade tightly, and said not sharply:

"The old man didn't live for thousands of years in vain!!"


- Residual fire sword! ! "

The flames splashed everywhere, and a simple black Tang saber appeared in Yamamoto Yuan Liuzai's hand.

At this time, Yamamoto Yuan Liuzai shouted: "Remnant Fire Taidao Nan-Huohuo Ten Trillion Dead Burial Array!"

A raging flame rose, and within that flame, strands of jet-black ashes continued to gather.

Under the power of the flames, the dark skeleton army, the ancient powerhouses who died in the hands of Yamamoto Motoyuki, began to wake up one by one.


Su Jin smiled and looked at Motoyuki Yamamoto who disappeared in the firelight, and said softly:

"Procrastinate and build up strength?"

He said this with a look of indifference:

"The act of the weak!"

The battle with the oldest god of death seems to have fallen into a war of attrition.

On the other side, at the bottom of Bipolar Hill.

The original protagonist Ichigo Kurosaki is long overdue! *

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