The sparse raindrops fell.

After the gloomy dark clouds covered the sun, the trial personnel who had been correcting in the daytime faced a new challenge in panic or terror.

The ghost is waking up!


One was lifted and fell to the ground, making a roar.

Immediately afterwards, the one-horned ghost emerged from the ground and grinned: "The sun is blocked."

The ghost slowly pulled out his limbs from the ground, and then thumped.

Its head fell to the ground.


The one-horned devil looked blankly at his headless corpse and threw himself to the ground, with a puzzled expression on his face.

And then, a sharp pain from the soul made it-can't help screaming:


In a shrill scream, the body of the evil spirit was dissolved little by little, like scraps of paper burned by flames.


The sound of closing the knife sounded.

Su Jin held a parasol and slowly put the Zanpakutō into the sheath, his eyes calmly looking into the distance:

"You will also die if you are slashed by the Zanpakutō, can you not defend against any kind of spiritual attack... 95

While whispering, he sneered and said:

"Compared to ghosts, it's really too weak..."

"Seven digits? Or eight digits that haven't been established yet, forget it, there's no need to waste time estimating the rank of bugs."

At this time, Butterfly Ninja, who followed Su Jin with an umbrella, looked at the dissipated evil spirit with pleasure, then turned around and said:

"Don't you want a living body for the experiment?"

Along the way, Su Jin has killed more than 35 evil spirits.

Wisteria flower, sun wheel sword, Zanpakutō, spirit bow, demon gift, ghost way, empty food, gift of fire, all kinds of techniques that have not been heard before are used by Su Jin to kill Ghost, it really opened Butterfly Ninja's eyes.

She never imagined that there were so many ways to kill evil spirits.

However, while surprised, Butterfly Ninja was also a little worried.

There are only 7 demons left, can Su Jin really find a satisfactory experiment?

Hearing this, Su Jin turned his head and smiled at Butterfly Shinobi:

"Even for experimental mice, healthy mice are needed.

Butterfly endures something.

Simply put, aren't the ghosts in front of them even qualified to be guinea pigs?

At this time, Su Jin held an umbrella and strolled along the trail:

"Go ahead, the ghost in front should be the strongest one on the whole mountain, I hope it can satisfy me.

Hearing this, Butterfly Ninja had an idea inexplicably.

I hope the evil ghost in front can be stronger and make Su Jin satisfied.

Mako, who followed the two of them, kept looking at the two of them in silence.

Intuition tells her that Su Jin and Butterfly Shinobi's behavior is very abnormal, but she has no idea of ​​stopping.

As long as the two of them are killing ghosts, then to her, they are allies, and naturally they don't need to be vigilant.

As for the trial.... Mako looked up at Butterfly Ninja next to him.

After Butterfly Shinobi felt it, he turned his head and smiled at her, and then he seemed to remember something, and asked Su Jin:

"Speaking of which, have we destroyed the final selection this time?"

The evil spirits were almost wiped out, and most of the ghost killing team members survived. Thinking about it carefully, this year seems to be the rare year with the highest pass rate, right?

But is this really good? Letting the alternate team members who have not undergone much experience skip the selection and become full members directly. Will this kill them?

At this moment, Su Jin, who was walking in front, chuckled lightly:

"There will be no more so-called final selections in the future.

Hearing this, Butterfly was stunned.

But then, she realized it.

Yes, if the ghosts were killed by Su Jin, the god and Buddha above and below, then the so-called final selection would naturally be unnecessary.

This seems to be the future she hopes for.

After this chat, the three fell into a brief silence.

This scene continued until the three of them walked to a cave.

"It stinks." Mako rarely showed an uncomfortable expression.

Butterfly Ren was even more astonished: "This stench, how many people have the ghosts eaten?"

After the evil spirit eats people, there will be a special smell on the body, and the more it eats, the more obvious the smell will be.

The evil ghosts that were finally selected for testing were all captured by members of the ghost killing team. Basically, they only ate 1 or 2 people before they were caught and suffered.

However, the one in the cave ate at least 50 people based on the smell alone.

Butterfly Ninja's complexion changed dramatically, and he said in shock and anger:

"How can there be such a ghost in Fujii Mountain!"


A unique voice rang out.

In the dull footsteps, the evil spirits in the cave gradually revealed their lineup.

It was a 'twisted alien' whose body was turquoise and surrounded by countless turquoise arms.


Just staring at each other made Butterfly Shinobi and Mako nauseous, showing the extent of their ugliness.

At this moment, 'Alien' walked out slowly and said in a strange tone:

"My hunting was clearly over last night, but three people actually came to the door today?

...for flowers...

"What should I do? If I eat too much, it will be bad for the members of the Ghost Slayer to find me.

"But if you take the initiative to come to the door, if you don't eat it, it's a bit bad..."

The alien twisted for a long time, and suddenly saw the mask on Mako's head.

Those golden eyes suddenly widened, and then gradually narrowed: "Yes! Let's play guessing?

"The three of you play guessing, if you lose twice, you will be eaten by me, that is to say, two of you can survive.

"So...want to play?"

"You bastard!!

Butterfly couldn't help but put his hand on the handle of the knife, his eyes spit fire, obviously provoked by the other party.

Next to him, Mako looked at Su Jin frequently, as if he was estimating the strength gap between Su Jin and the evil ghost.

Then, she stood calmly again.

Because in her opinion, Su Jin is stronger than this evil ghost full of arms, stronger than one.

At this moment, Su Jin raised his head slightly, but looked at the "hand ghost" in front of him and said:

"Your voice reminds me of a certain villain's savior, it's a very close voice.

The hand ghost turned his eyes, but finally saw Su Jin, slowly grinned and said:

"Oh, so, then do I want you to look at my throat?"

"Nice proposal. 35

Su Jin clapped his hands, then smiled and said:

"You just said to play games, right? Why don't I play one with you."

While he was talking, he took out one item after another from the gift card.

Scalpels, pliers, chainsaws, high-frequency electric knives, chainsaws, and various props were taken out.

At this time, Su Jin slowly put on his gloves and said to Butterfly Ninja:

"Miss Shinobi, have you ever had a craniotomy?

"..No. 33 Butterfly Ninja shook his head.

Hearing this, Su Jin is not surprised, after all, this is the Taisho period, the early 20th century.

"If that's the case, then you can fight me."

"Okay." Butterfly forbearance nodded very easily. If it was just to fight, she felt that she had no problem.

At this time, Su Jin smiled and pulled up the gloves, and then said:

"Please rest assured, as long as you persist for 2 hours, you will win, and then I will send you to become a Buddha. 95

"But it is worth mentioning that during this time, even if your soul collapses, it will be rescued by me, please be prepared."

"Huh?" Shou Gui froze for a moment, but sneered: "What nonsense are you talking about, you are the one who will die.

Then, the hell that belongs to the hand ghost...begins! Big.

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