Synopsis: Problem Gods from Arcadia

Chapter 73 Master Gou Dao

The ghost dance Tsuji no miserable heart is full of fear.

In this world, after the strongest swordsman five hundred years ago, after Guo Yuanyi, another man was born that he could not deal with.

Moreover, judging from the picture just before he died of exhaustion, this man was obviously more terrifying than Jiguoyuanyi.

He could still vaguely see how Ji Guoyuan killed a ghost, but this man, his movements, Wu Mian could not see clearly at all.

This is simply more terrifying than Ji Guoyuan's death and resurrection!

"Has a horn on his head? Is that man a ghost?"

Oniwu Tsuji no miserable paced back and forth in the room, looking flustered:

"No, all ghosts are born from my blood, there can't be ghosts I don't know exist in this world.

On this point, Guiwu Tsuji Wumai can still be sure.

Killing tired men is definitely not a ghost. Although there are horns on their heads, they may be decorations. Second, there seem to be special humans in this world who eat ghosts to gain power.

That kind of human also has horns, although it is rare, but there are always.

So, is it human again this time?

Another monster born among humans that can kill him?

"What should I do, let the six ghosts on the string go around and kill each other?"

Saying these words, Kiwu Tsuji Wumai hurriedly shook his head:

"No, what if the wind-up ghosts get together and come and kill me?

That's right!

Oni Mai Tsuji does not trust the winding ghost.

Even if he made it himself, and even buried the curse, the twelve ghost moons that could control life and death, he was worried that when these ghosts gathered, they would think about overthrowing him.

Therefore, in general, Kiwu Tsuji Wumai will not give Twelve Ghost Moon the slightest chance to meet.

As long as the two twelve ghost moons are in contact, he will focus on monitoring them to avoid accidents.

After all, two hundred years ago, there was a ghost named Jushi who escaped from the control of the ghost dance Tsuji by transforming his brain.

It is impossible for Guiwu Tsuji Wumai to give any ghosts another chance.

And, most importantly....

"Even if all the ghosts join forces, can they really kill that man?"

How could Twelve Ghost Moon, who even Jiguoyuanyi couldn't deal with, deal with a monster that was more terrifying than Jiguoyuanyi this time?

Let him go and deal with the fight on his own?

Ji Guoyuan made a move on him back then, and the wound has not healed for five hundred years.

Fight with someone stronger than Ji Guoyuan?

Isn't this a joke?

"In this way, there is only one choice 々々.

Guiwu Tsuji Wumisi raised his hand and lowered the brim of his hat, and said indifferently.

He left the family in Edo and ordered a ghost to kill the family.

Then, he ran out of Edo overnight and came to a place near Mount Fuji, which would later be called the Suicide Forest.

Recently, it has been officially listed as a protected area by the island country, but outsiders are prohibited from entering.

Oni Mai Tsuji Wu Mian also took a fancy to prohibiting outsiders from entering.

Afterwards, Kiwu Tsuji Mumisi carefully found a cave with a better environment in the forest, and dug a hole in the innermost part of the cave.


He buried himself little by little, and even showed a smug smile on his face.

"huh huh huh huh--!"

"Sure enough, humans can't beat me in lifespan."

"What happened to the strongest swordsman in the Warring States period, Jiguoyuanyi, I buried him for 60 years and successfully boiled him to death!

"This time, what if you follow Guo Yuanyi and become stronger?

"I've been hiding here for a hundred and fifty years, and I've exhausted you to death!

"A mere human being will never be able to defeat me!""

"Unknown man, what if you can turn yourself into a ghost by eating ghosts? After you have eaten all the other ghosts, if you don't eat ghosts, you will die sooner or later!"

"But for a mere hundred and fifty years, I can wait! 35

At this moment, Kiwu Tsuji Wumai had already buried himself in the dark underground.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of...

"Stay here for two hundred years, it's safer! 99

The King of Demons, Oni Mai Tsuji Wumai is gradually falling asleep!

At this moment, although it was uncomfortable to be buried in the soil, he slept very sweetly.

Infinite City.

This is a city under the control of Naruto.

Here, up and down, left and right are chaotic, and there is no front or back of the village, no shop. Except for ghosts, no one can survive in this place where there is no material.

In normal times, this is actually the place where Kiwu Tsuji was hiding, and he even kept his own small vault here.

However, after Mingnu's "betrayal", Wu Mian did not dare to return home.

The ghosts of the whole island country never thought that the ghost dance Tsuji Wumai had already declared himself in the forest, looking forward to the future world two hundred years later.

This, except for Su Jin's faint hunch, no one will know.

After all, Su Jin, an outsider, can see exactly what kind of person Kiwu Tsuji Wumai is.

——A giant baby with power.

At least Su Jin couldn't do it without misery. He lived for a thousand years and achieved nothing.

Looking for the cyan other side flower, I searched for a thousand years, but I couldn't find it.

Pursuing immortality and wanting to overcome the sun, but stunned that he did not study hard in 997.

Instead, in the last three years, he found the protagonist Tanjiro's family, and wanted to create a ghost who was not afraid of the sun, to sit back and enjoy the success, and personally set out the cause of death in the future.

This shocked Su Jin.

A pig, after a thousand years, can survive for too long in Hakoten, undergo racial evolution, and be promoted to five figures, but no misfortune... He is not even as good as a pig!

What about the ghost king?

The drunk boy will die of laughter.

Su Jin felt that when he was a ghost king, he was definitely better than Wuxian, and there was no need to study this research.

Su Jin didn't even bother to compare Wu Mian with the BOSS-level characters he had seen.

Aizen can laugh, really laugh.

But after relying on Naruto to break into Infinity City, the down-to-earth Su Jin calmly said to the vigilant Butterfly Chana Hui:

"Don't be too wary, just treat this as a hotel.

Will Onibu Tsuji Wumai be in Infinite City?

Su Jin's Reiatsu understood immediately after sensing it, and ran away without misery.

This made him feel a little bit emotional.

The speed of this escape is probably on par with the Black Rabbit.

However, the black rabbit is a real god and Buddha who can fight, but the people of Hakoni won't fight her.

After all, who would fight with the referee?

Although she heard Su Jin's words, Butterfly Chana Hui still did not let go of the knife in her hand:

"", I heard the lord say that Infinity City is the base camp of the ghost dance and Tsuji, so it's better to be careful, what if there is a group of ghosts hiding here? If you are surrounded by rashly, Su Jin will be injured no matter how strong you are?" 5

Naruto next to her sounded confused.

What's going on with this ghost killing team member? Isn't Lord Wuxian right next to her? Why are you talking nonsense here? Still injured, that ghost dares to resist Lord Wuxian?

At this moment, Su Jin raised his index finger towards Naruto and put it to his mouth.

Naruto was suddenly stunned.

Oh... Lord Wuxian is playing with the Ghost Killers again, it's really bad fun.

Is this something new?

However, he didn't kill anyone from the Ghost Killing Team before, because he was afraid that the other party would have something behind him? Why did he change it today?

No, I can't think about it anymore. At a close distance, Lord Wuxian can read my thoughts, so I can't think about it now.


At this time, Su Jin, who didn't know what Naruto was thinking, laughed and said:

"Usually, there is no third ghost in Infinity City, except for the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable and Naruto.


Butterfly Chana Hui, who was beside her, opened her eyes wide.

There are no ghosts in the ghost city?

Is this a bad joke from that place?

However, Su Jin leaned up with a smile on his face, and said affectionately in the ear of Butterfly Chanahui:

"I said I would let you see with your own eyes whether ghosts can coexist with people.

Su Jin said this, paused, and said:

"This is the city of ghosts. Later, you will see all the twelve ghost months. At that time, you will judge Ming with your own eyes."5

"Can these ghosts coexist with humans?

The words fell, and without waiting for Chana Butterfly to respond, Su Jin ordered Naruto:

"Naruto, gather all the members of the Twelve Ghost Moons!"


Naruto picked up her lute and fiddled with it, but she activated her own blood ghost art.

the next moment.

In addition to being tired, Twelve Ghost Moon appeared in this infinite city in astonishment.

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