“Kuming! Although I really want to beat all three of you siblings, but forget it… Mo Ge, you handled the matter well this time.”

“Well, Your Majesty.”

Mo Ge nodded in response.

Euphemia and Annis next to them widened their eyes in surprise, His Majesty, who was still so angry just now, did not expect that the first sentence turned out to be a praise?

In fact, Mo Ge’s practice is already the best ending the king can come up with, after all, the moment he announces the renunciation of the marriage contract in public, everything is already too late.

Although Yalgard is his own son.

But in the heart of King Offens, the family of Duke Mazanta, who has been absolutely loyal to the royal family for generations, is the higher priority, just to embarrass a prince, can save this monarchical bond, in his opinion, it is worth it!

And although the prince’s public exposure and framing made the Wang family lose a lot of face, but relatively… The image that Mo Ge showed at that time gave the Wang family another face.

Barely leveled.

“So, do you really want to compete with Yalgard for the throne?”

“Didn’t you expect this day? Accept reality, Father.”

“I don’t want to accept such a tragic reality, why, why are you so attached to the throne?”

“Because this is my ideal!”

Mo Ge said with his head held high.

This unwavering and unwavering gaze made King Offens, as well as Prime Minister Glanz, calm down for a while, and it was no longer necessary to say anything to understand.

This black prince is extremely serious.

The corners of King Austral’s eyes twitched.

“But you should know that Yalgard grew up under the king’s teachings.”

“Very clear, but I think that the real king cannot be taught, in fact, today’s events are enough to prove it, right?”


Offenston was speechless.

Mo Ge stepped forward and looked directly into the eyes of the man who had ruled the country for decades and asked.

“Father, no, Your Majesty, I would like to ask what kind of person is most qualified to be king?”

“He who can rule the people, he who brings prosperity and peace.”

Austern replied without hesitation.

“That’s right, but I think it’s more than that, the one who can really dominate a national family should be the most capable person in this country.

Mo Ge said seriously.

He believes that only the most intelligent, capable, talented, idealistic, ambitious, and strongest in all aspects in Guojia are qualified to become the king of a country.

It has nothing to do with whether you are a commoner, a nobleman, a royal family, but simply the ultimate… Competence supremacism.

Mo Ge’s idea is undoubtedly a huge impact on the concept of universal hereditary system in the world.

Who is the most capable and who is king? What a beautiful dream, the reality is not so.

King Austern frowned slightly.

“Are you serious, obviously the person who is most attached to the throne is you, but don’t you think it is very contradictory to say that everyone is qualified to sit in this chair?”

“Huh? Not at all, because there can’t be anyone better than me, so I’m the most suitable.

Mo Ge said confidently.

“…… You are arrogant! ”

“Why can’t the king be arrogant? And ask Father, if you are not convinced, please tell me who you know who is more powerful than me? ”


Offense was silent again.

Because he found out that he really couldn’t think of it yet.

I have read countless people, but I can’t find anyone better than this son after rummaging through my memory… He was a little proud to think of this.

“Ahem, although you have strong ability and talent, more than ninety percent of the nobles do not have a good impression of you, Mo Ge wants to be this son, you will not be recognized by them.”

“Father, I don’t need their approval either, after all, I think nobles or something… It’s better to be gone.”

Mo Ge said with sincere eyes.

Offense almost choked himself, this stinky boy really dared to say, what a dare!

Mo Ge shrugged at this, according to his understanding when he was secretly active over the years, more than fifty percent of the nobles were root rotten moths.

Just enjoy the beauty of power, without fulfilling the obligations of the nobility, but the foundation of a state is not the nobility, but the lowest people.

“Nobles can only use magic, but magic is not everything, and Sister Anise has personally proved this, hasn’t she?”


After hearing herself, Anise proudly straightened her chest, but was startled by the king’s look, and then he continued to look at Moge and asked.

“So what if in the future, the nobles jointly attack you?”

“It’s very simple, there is no amnesty for killing, I will kill as much as I come.”

Mo Ge made a chopping gesture.

“You you you! How dare you say it! ”

The corners of King Austral’s eyes twitched.

“It’s just a rabble, even if they don’t oppose me, I plan to reduce the power of the nobles after I take the throne, if I dare to oppose it, then I will destroy them all.”

Mo Ge waved his hand without care, and his tone was relaxed as if he was saying that he was going to crush a few bugs.

“And Your Majesty, what you are worried about will not happen to me.”

Offens’ whole body froze when he heard this, and he understood the meaning of Mo Ge’s expression.

What I am most worried about is that after Mo Ge offends all the nobles, when he comes to power, he will be boycotted and ousted by those moths.


It is not without history that nobles have united together to form super armies to drag the king off the throne… It’s quite a lot, but Moge said that there will be no such risk.

Not because the nobles of the kingdom did not dare.

It’s because they can’t beat it.

“No matter how many mosquitoes and flies gather, they can’t beat the male lions, if they really want to be bigger than anyone’s fist, then it’s good to come, and Prince Ben will accompany them all.”

Mo Ge said frankly.

Absolute quality can outweigh excess.

How many mana holders can the country add up to? At most, it is only a few thousand people, although the magic swordsman or magic enabler can fight against a hundred ordinary people.

But the members of the [Dark Night Courtyard], the weakest can also single out ten mana holders at the same time, and it is not a matter of replacing them with the Seven Shadows that Mo Ge personally called.

Mo Ge didn’t think that those nobles who were pampered could compare with his [Dark Night Courtyard], and he also had other powers besides him.

Therefore, the nobles or something, he did not put his eyes on it at all.

“Are you trying to change the pattern of the kingdom?”

King Austral asked in a serious tone, to which Moge smiled at the corner of his lips.

“The premise of creation is destruction, it doesn’t matter how many incompetent nobles who are backward in the times die, rest assured Your Majesty, I will not let their blood be shed in vain.”


“At that time, those who are willing to surrender will be killed, anyway, the overall number of nobles is only a thousand, and all the deaths will not have much impact on the population of our country, right?”

Mo Ge said with a smile, what a bright and beautiful smile, but everyone present couldn’t help but shiver.

King Austral slapped the table very hard.

“You, you’re going to be a tyrant!”

“That’s at least better than Dim-kun!”


This sentence poked the king’s soft underbelly.

Although Mo Ge’s approach is indeed lawless, no, he simply wants to destroy the entire kingdom and re-establish a new order.

Offenses only felt his scalp tingle after hearing this, but if you think about it, Ruo Moge really did this… It seems, maybe, it doesn’t seem to be a bad thing?

If you can dispose of those troublesome, lazy, greedy, incompetent nobles in one breath, hissing Ausphen even swallowed several mouthfuls of spit, and his breathing was rapid.

Maybe Moge is really a tyrant in the future, but he will bring unprecedented prosperity and reform, and maybe his throne will be stained with blood.

But it is much better than a comatose prince like Argard, who abandoned his faithful minister for the sake of women.

Second more.

Burst more, burst more!

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