A few days passed after that.

The two walked on the promenade of the royal palace.

“Sister, how is your body?”

Mo Ge looked at Anise with concern, after taking the potion, he overdrew his magic power and the red dragon, and his dear Sister Wang was really messed up.

“Well, I’ve fully recovered Oh, I’m almost rusty in bed all day during this time.”

Anise nodded, as if proving that she was completely resurrected, and made several difficult moves… This man has completely renounced ladylike etiquette.

“I’m relieved to see you in such spirit.”

Mo Gewei said with a bow.

Since the Red Dragon Crusade was reached.

The two can be said to be thoroughly famous.

Not just famous in the country, but has spread abroad, and even the whole world.

Especially the name of Moge.

Now there are many bards who have woven his deeds into poems and sung them all over the world.

The man who slays the red dragon, the man who slays the dragon, the man who tames the wind dragon, the dragon trainer.

These two achievements have made countless men look up to and countless women pregnant with spring, anyway, since that day, Moge has received several times more blind date requests.

Not to mention the king, at least he has been named a hero by the world, and it is estimated that there will be fairy tales based on him in the future.

No, not an estimate.

Rather, already.

In fact, it is clear that it has only been less than five days, and now the private market has already released [The Legend of Prince Moge and Slayer the Dragon], such a book… And sales have exploded this month, not the best novel of the season has been booked.

“Those writers were so fast, were they there? The content written is super right, is the writer’s material so bad now? ”

“Sister, have you actually seen it?”

Mo Ge was very surprised.

“Hmph! Isn’t this of course, after all, it is a story written by Amo, my sister and party can only look at it again, oh, these days in bed, I live on this book.”

Anise said while taking out the [Prince Moge Dragon Slayer] collection signature edition from under her skirt.

These days she lies idle and bored in bed, turning the book at least six or seven times, and she can almost memorize it.

“It’s complicated.”

The corner of Mo Ge’s eyes twitched.

His own deeds were adapted into novels and released, and they were also seen by their own families… Who can understand such a mood and say that this person obviously has storage props, why is he hiding it in his skirt? Well? Why do I say again?

Moge took the novel from Anissy’s hands.

He did not look at the content first, but first looked at the author’s pseudonym, and then showed a fruitful expression.

“Huh, is it really written by Beta.”

Beta, the silver-haired elf in the second seat of the seven shadows, is now active in the watch world as the best-selling novelist “Natsume”.

Just now Anise wondered, why is the content so real… And rightfully so.

Although Beta was not at the scene that night of the dragon slaying, she rushed back the next day and begged Moge to recount the whole process of slaying the dragon.

Even that set of [Seven Deadly Sins] weapons are mentioned in the book, and it’s strange if it’s not real.

As for whether Mo Ge’s identity as Dark Night will be exposed because of this novel, this is impossible.

Although [Seven Deadly Sins] is a loot captured from the stronghold of the Order, yes.

But at that time, the Order had not yet deciphered the information of these weapons, so even if you saw the novel, you would not think that Moge was Dark Night.

“But even so, the efficiency of the girl’s codeword is really fast enough, it seems that the book was published the day after I finished speaking, hiss… I guess Gamma is behind him.”

Mo Ge easily speculated about the actions of the girls.

Although he didn’t care about these, Beta stubbornly said at that time…[Unlike when he dealt with the Order in secret, Lord Lord is so active in the surface world, I Beta will definitely publicize this great cause to the world!] 】

At that time, the elf girl’s gaze was too warm, and there was no reason to refuse, Mo Ge was left to her, but she didn’t expect her to do so exaggerated.

Mo Ge’s fame can now spread all over the world, and I have to say that this novel really contributed a lot.

“This author’s writing is so good, especially this place is simply wonderful, Amo did this at the time, even the lines are so accurate, sure enough, she was on the scene.”

“Ahem, sister, sister, almost, I didn’t discuss with my family the preferences for novels with myself as the protagonist, let’s talk about something else.”

Mo Ge said with some embarrassment.

How to say, he now has the feeling that a fiction writer does reading comprehension on the topic of his own novel.

Obviously, there is no special meaning, but others can parse several meanings in one sentence.

And the beta is not completely realistic, this girl also added some content to her own oil and vinegar.

Like what…… Mo Ge not only saved the queen daughter of Anice, but also saved an elf girl with silver hair and blue eyes with tear moles in the corners of her eyes.

Mo Ge’s mind came up with the appearance of the silver-haired elf with blue eyes with tear moles in the corners of his eyes, and he wanted to ask Beta, when did Zisan save you from the dragon’s mouth? 【See picture】

The most egregious thing is the end of the novel, how did I live a happy life with this elf, and I had five children?! She even had illustrations.

Obviously, I didn’t see it with my own eyes, but I drew quite well, I can only say that this imagination is really okay.

“Ebeta, the adaptation is not a random compilation… Forget it, it’s just a novel anyway, it’s normal to make it up a little nonsense, and Prince Ben ignores it.”

Mo Ge sighed and shook his head.

If it weren’t for the fact that she was his subordinate, he might have used the prince’s authority to seal this one-third of the book.

“In other words, Ah Mo did a little too much this time, obviously it is a rare dragon material, but it was cut into thousands of pieces by you, and it is troublesome when recycling.”

Anise showed a somewhat distressed expression.

That’s dragon material, buy!

As a result, because no one cut too much, more than seventy percent of the corpses could not be used.

Those thousands of square pieces of dragon corpses made Anise want to cry without tears, and she said that instead of trying to make magic props, it was better to make dragon steaks and eat them.

The only places that remain intact are the Dragon Head and the Dragon Magic Stone.

“In short, the magic stone is handed over to my sister, as for the dragon head, I will make it into an ornament and put it in the castle.”

“Amo is really a waste, obviously it can be made into super good props.”

Anise regretted.

“Hehe, I want to use it as a souvenir more than being transformed by my sister who can’t see the appearance.”

Mo Ge said with a smile.

The first dragon slaying achievement in his life, of course, has to leave something as a memorial, and the huge dragon head has been decorated in Moge’s castle at this moment.

Fifth more!

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