Synopsis: The Day of Destruction At The Start

Chapter 51 Sun Wheel, Obey Death

Seeing a large ball of light appearing in Arjuna's hand, Karna's pupils shrank. He sensed a deadly threat from that ball of light. The alarm bell rang in my heart.

A huge amount of magic power radiated out, and everyone present felt the terrifying energy from the light ball in Ah Zhou's hand.

As a weapon given by Shiva, who is in charge of destruction and creation, it is certainly not a parallel import.

"Karna!! This is my strongest Noble Phantasm, let me use this trick to end this duel!!" Arjuna shouted as he stood in the air.

Karna nodded, and then he also began to prepare his own Noble Phantasm.

"The two of us have been fighting for countless hours, so let's end it here today!!" Karna said with serious eyes.

Karna did not choose to use 'Sunwheel, turn into armor' to defend. Instead, he chose his strongest secret weapon, the light gun capable of knocking down the gods with a single blow.

Karna took a deep breath, raised one hand and pointed at the sky, chanting liberation words.

"Comprehend the mercy of the king of the gods."

"Indra, take a good look at it."

"Extinction, that is, a stab here."

"Burn it completely - 'Sunwheel, obey death'!!"

This is a sure-fire spear composed of lightning. When Indra took away the golden armor, Karna's attitude was actually too noble, and he thought he had to give it back. The spear of light that even the king of the gods has difficulty grasping. A blow that was stained with blood stripped from his entire body swept away all the filth.

As the word of liberation fell, all the armor on Karna's body turned into red flames. This was the strongest blow in exchange for sacrificing his armor. A huge fireball appeared behind him, like the sun, and a pupil like an eyeball was printed under the fireball.

The entire sky was illuminated by a large fireball, like the dawn of a dark night.

Kenneth and the others stared at Karna with wide eyes, and were shocked by Karna's hand.

Animusfia frowned, he could feel that the last move of the two of them fell, and it would definitely cause huge damage. And their current position will definitely be affected.

Animusfia immediately called Kenneth and Tohsaka Rin.

"Get out of here, the aftermath will bring a huge impact. It's dangerous here!!" Animus Fiala went up to Tohsaka Rin and called to Kenneth.

Animusfia immediately used magic to hurry, increasing the speed of her body.

Kenneth instantly understood what Animusfia meant, and knew that the scope of the aftermath was definitely very large. But Kenneth suddenly thought that he didn't seem to exercise much, and he didn't run very fast.

He was quickly pulled away by Animusfia. And he was out of breath for a while.

Brother Brush next to him seemed to be aware of his master's condition, and when he saw it, Brother Brush immediately came to Kenneth's side. Pick up Kenneth directly.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, Master, let me take the Master on my way." Brother Brush hugged Kenneth with a princess.

Brother Hasbrush and Kenneth soon realized that he had finally caught up with Animusfia.

When Animusfia saw a figure beside him quickly surpassing him, he also knew when he saw that it was Brother Shuzi. After all, the other party was a servant, and it was normal for him to be faster than himself.

Just seeing Kenneth being hugged by Princess Brush made Animusfia and Rin, who was lying behind Animusfia, want to laugh. A dignified big man is hugged by another man to the princess. It is estimated that others will find it funny when they see this funny scene.

The screen returns to the battlefield.

Arjuna felt the light of Karnana like a small sun, and said tremblingly: "You are really strong!! Is this your true strength!!!"

The scene on Arjuna's side is against the backdrop of the night, with a bright moon behind him. And there was a fiery little sun over Karna. Light and dark are intertwined.

"The two of us are like light and night, forever fighting and forever intertwined!!!"

"Next!!! This is my last Noble Phantasm!!! Karna!!!!" A Zhouna opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

"Ah!! This is also my strongest blow!!! Arjuna!!!!" Karna took out a strange long spear and sent a red thunder light directly at Arjuna.

Arjuna lifted the ball of light and threw it directly.

The ball of light and the thunder light collided. A huge light curtain appeared throughout Fuyuki. Illuminated the entire Fuyuki night sky.

A loud 'boom' resounded throughout Fuyuki. Even the next city heard a loud noise.

The entire Fuyuki, including the floor near Fuyuki, was shaken, but after all, neon earthquakes were already commonplace, so other people didn't care much at all.

But the people in Fuyuki looked up at the illuminated sky, how suddenly the whole sky was illuminated? ? People were puzzled.

However, there is no such good luck near the battlefield. Due to the influence of the aftermath of the battle, all the surrounding dozens of kilometers around the battlefield have evaporated, leaving no buildings or creatures. Even the floor was pierced, directly exposing the hot magma.

Animusfia and the others, who had just retreated to a safe distance, looked at the place where the battlefield spread with shock, and couldn't speak for a long time.

Kenneth was afraid for a while, if Animusfia hadn't noticed, he might have died inexplicably.

In the middle of the battlefield, two figures stood on the field.

It's just that both Arjuna and Karna looked embarrassed, and they both stood up with difficulty.

"You are really strong!! I am satisfied to be defeated by you." Arjuna said with a calm smile.

Although Karna was not feeling very well at this time, Arzhou's body had gradually begun to dissipate, and although Karna was starting to feel a little bit, after all, he couldn't stand it now. So Arjuna thinks that he has lost.

"My affairs with you have finally come to an end." Karna nodded. Looking at Ar Zhou's gradually dissipating body, he showed a smile, this time he won. Although the price is that he has to quit.

"I hope to meet you again next time. Karna!" Arjuna left one last sentence and disappeared directly.

"Ah, me too, Arjuna." Karna sighed.

Then he looked at his body and gradually dissipated. Then contacted Animusfia.

"Master, I'm sorry, I have to go." Karna said.

Animusfia was silent for a while and said, "Ah, Karna hopes to meet you next time."

"Well! We will meet again in the future. Master, I am very happy these days." After Karna left this sentence, he immediately dissipated.

Animusfia felt Karna's disappearance. Heart can not help but sad up.

The days I spent with this little sun can be said to be very happy. The two became friends very quickly, it can be said that they are trusted friends.

However, Animusfia was also happy that Karna could fulfill his wish, and then greeted Kenneth and left together. As for the on-site processing, it is still left to the person in charge of Fuyuki to solve it.

After sending Rin Tohsaka back to Tohsaka's house, Animusfia and Kenneth left.

When Tokiomi and Tohsaka Aoi saw that Rin had returned safely, the worries in their hearts were also put down.

But Tokiomi didn't know why his eyelids kept twitching, as if there were a bunch of troublesome things waiting for him to deal with. Tokiomi was pacing the room with some unease in his heart, but he couldn't seem to remember what was going on.

When Jin Shining saw the anxious Tokiomi, he felt a burst of joy in his heart. Even eating in front of Lin Yue these past few days felt like the tuba that had been holding back for several days was released, and I was happy both physically and mentally.

He knew what Tokiomi was going to face next, but he just didn't tell Tokiomi. When Jin Shining thought of Tokiomi's constipated expression when he saw that mess tomorrow, didn't the joy in his heart increase even more.


The next day, Tokiomi received the news and rushed to the scene of the battle between Arjuna and Karna.

Tokiomi felt dizzy when he saw the whole place like a lava pool. He almost fell to the ground, holding Kotomine Rizheng next to him.

This. . . . . How to explain this! ! ! ! The daily destruction of their mysterious side mostly prevaricates the masses with gas leaks.

But this obviously can't be leaked with gas! ! ! That hot magma is about to overflow, and it's gas! ! !

He didn't expect that last night's battle could cause such damage, he knew it should be stopped.

When you're done spanking, you're cool, wipe your ass and leave. Leave this mess for him to clean up. Tokiomi felt very sad.

Suddenly Tokiomi wanted to retire. But then I remembered that my daughter seems to be too young now and can't bear this responsibility at all.

"Father, what should I do?" Tokiomi looked at Kotomine Risei.

Kotomine Ri was looking at Tokiomi, and then at the crowd of onlookers around him.

Think about it. "Gas explosion!" Yanfeng Lizheng said seriously.

A black line appeared on Tokiomi's head, and the gas exploded with a hammer. They really thought they were fools. The gas in your house can blast through the ground until the lava comes out! ! Tokiomi is crazy inside Tsukkomi.

Next to him, Mr. Kim, an enthusiastic citizen who had changed into casual clothes, looked at Tokiomi with a happy expression.

Seeing Tokiomi shriveled, I was really happy.

"Father, this can't be done. The reason is too blunt." Tokiomi said with a sad expression.

"Is that so... Then I'll try to find Kirei to help me think of a way." Kotomine Ri was thinking for a while and said.

After hearing this, Tokiomi's eyes lit up, this disciple of his usually respects him, and he is younger than him, so he should have a lot of ideas.

Then Tokiomi suddenly thought of something, he hadn't seen this disciple for several days. What are you doing?

"Okay, it's just Father, what is Kirei doing these days? I haven't seen him for several days." Tokiomi looked at Kotomine Risei suspiciously.

Kotomine Rizheng heard Tokiomi's question, and suddenly his face turned unnatural.

Of course he knew what he was doing lately. That day Kotomine Kirei returned to his church with a man.

Kotomine Rizheng saw the man and immediately recognized that it was the infamous 'Magician Killer' Emiya Kiritsugu. At first, Kotomine Risei looked at Emiya Kiritsugu with a hostile expression, but then his son explained to him that now Emiya Kiritsugu was in good shape and was no longer a 'magic killer', Kotomine Risei was shocked.

After learning that it was his son who persuaded him (Da Wu), Kotomine Rizheng was very happy that his son was so capable that he was able to convince Kiritsugu Emiya. It's just that he saw that his son and Emiya Kiritsugu seemed to be very close, and sometimes there was something wrong with their eyes. But the elderly Kotomine Rizheng didn't care too much. until last night.

When he accidentally passed by Kotomine Kirei's room, he heard a strange sound, and curiously, he secretly peeked through the crack of the door, and as a result, he saw a scene that he will never forget.

He saw Kotomine Kirei carrying out a plate of Mapo tofu and feeding Emiya Kiritsugu. . . .

In short, after Kotomine Rizheng saw it, he could no longer look directly at the two of them. I didn't expect my son to be this kind of XP, and the relationship between the two is actually like this. After seeing this, Kotomine Rizheng even threw up dinner.

"Okay.... I'll contact him..." Yanfeng Lizheng picked up the phone with an embarrassed look and planned to contact his son, but thinking of the scene he saw last night gave him goosebumps. *

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