Moreover, the ceremony has other purposes.

"The threat of 'Sheng Jie' must be ruled out."

A clear, old voice.

The one who spoke was the woman standing behind Yuba Yuri.

It doesn't match the voice at all. The age of the women is unexpectedly young, at most fourteen or fifteen years old.

Her characteristic is the pure white long hair that is as holy as a snow fox.


Yubo Weili was shocked.

As the sword wizard of the Lion King agency, he was approached so quietly by people.

Even before the 250 girl opened her mouth, she was completely unaware of her existence.

"The day Xiao Nagisa came to the Shinoda Shrine, she fell into a coma for no reason."

"She was in bed after waking up, and she didn't recover until today, right?"

Whether sacrifice is correct or not is a conflict between ideas and values, and Yumiya does not make comments.

But it is undoubtedly stupid to sacrifice without investigating clearly.

"Yes, is this related to the ceremony?"

The white-haired girl asked with a frown.

"Have you investigated the cause of Xiao Nagisa's coma?"

Yumiya asked back.


The white-haired girl's voice froze.

They really don't know the reason why Xiao Nagisa was in a coma.

"Does Your Excellency Yu Gong know?"

Xiao Feisha was worried about her granddaughter's body and wanted to know the reason.

Since Yugiya mentioned about Xiao Nagisa's coma, he should know the root cause of the disease.

"The energy group in Shensheng Lake is not the disaster you think."

"Xiao Nagisa found out the truth of the energy, so she fell into a coma."

Yumiya tells the truth.

beff) The truth?"

The white-haired girl, Xiaofei Sano, Anza Shinzo's first reaction was disbelief.

The judgments of them and their seniors are that the energy group of Shensheng Lake is a disaster.

However, Yu Gong said that their judgment was wrong, and the person who found out the truth was Xiao Nagisa.

Does this mean that all of them are inferior to Xiao Nagisa?

"Don't believe it? Can't accept it? No matter how much you deny it, it won't change the facts."

Yumiya ruthlessly ripped off the face of the three white-haired girls.

"What is the truth?"

After hesitating for a moment, Xiaofei Shanai chose to trust Yugong.

She couldn't find a reason for Yumiya to lie.

"follow me."

Leaving those words, Yu Gong got up and walked outside the tent.

It is a waste of time to explain, it is better for them to see it with their own eyes.


On the shore of Shensheng Lake.

Due to Yu Gong's remarks, everyone gathered by the lake.

There are six people in total, Hamiya, the white-haired girl, Xiaofei Sano, Yuba Yuri, Hikawa Shio, and Anza Shinzo.

"Evacuate all the others."

Yu Gong first decided to clear the scene.

Too many irrelevant people will only get in the way.


Without waiting for Anza Shinzo to refuse, Yu Gong said the second sentence.

"Do as I say, your so-called 'disaster' can be completely resolved in less than an hour."

"If you insist on being stubborn and waste too much time, then forgive me."

If the task is not completed, Yu Gong will not leave Shensheng Lake.

The reason why I say this is because the white-haired girl and others might not listen if you don't say harsh words.

He didn't want to spend unnecessary effort on explaining.

"Bai Nai, listen to Your Excellency Yu Gong."

Xiaofei Shanai didn't know that Yu Gong was bluffing.

After all, Yumiya has clearly stated that there is an urgent matter to be done.

His own side made a mistake and wasted a lot of time, and it was very likely that Yu Gong would leave.

"Anza Shinsan."

Withdrawing the special attacking magic company, the white-haired girl conveyed her meaning to Anza Shinzo with her eyes.


Anza Shinzo turned around and left.

It was useless for him to object.

The commander-in-chief of this operation is the white-haired girl.

"Could she be..."

Yuba Yuri and Hikawa Shio stiffened nervously.

The name of Xiaofei Sanai, the reaction of the Sanzuo Anzhenza.

Combining these two factors, Yuba Yuri and Shio Hikawa guessed the identity of the girl.

One of the three saints of the Lion King agency, Ambina.

"Don't be nervous."

Ambina comforted Yuba Yuri and Feikawa Shio, then ignored them.


Yuba Yuri and Shio Hikawa took a deep breath to relieve their tension.

To tell the truth, they would rather withdraw.

It was too stressful to accompany Yu Gong and other big figures.


Sanzo Anzhenza moved quickly.

In less than half an hour, the camp by Shensheng Lake became an empty camp.

All irrelevant personnel were evacuated.

"That person, is Xiao Nagisa?"

Yumiya raised his hand and pointed to the center of Lake Shensheng.

On the swaying lake, there is a simple wooden altar formed by connecting small boats together.

On a small altar resembling the Kagura Dance Hall, lay a girl in uniform holding a silver sword.


Xiaofei Shanai and An Bainai nodded.

The altar in the center of the lake is the venue for the ceremony, and the **** the altar is Xiao Nagisa, who is regarded as a sacrifice.


Hagiya took steps towards the lake.

Kacha Kacha.

The moment he stepped out, the surface of the lake condensed into ice.

Step, step, step.

Stepping on the ice, Yu Gong approached the altar step by step.

"It lives up to its reputation."

In a single thought, the entire Shensheng Lake was frozen.

Yu Gong's hand shocked An Bai Nai, Xiao Fei Shanai, Yu Bo Weili and others.

Their knowledge of Yu Gong's strength is limited to various rumors and information.

The intelligence and rumors are already quite exaggerated.

Having really seen it, An Bainai and other talents deeply realized it.

The evaluation of Yugiya's strength in the information and rumors may be conservative.

PS: I’m guilty. I’m really handicapped these days, and I’m slow in typing. I owe a new update first, and I promise to make up for it.

Chapter 149

The only human beings who can do this, Hanamiya is the only one they have ever seen.

Step, step, step.

Ambina, Yubori Yuri and the others followed behind Yumiya and headed to the center of the lake.

By the altar in the middle of the lake.

"Protect Xiao Nagisa."

Yu Gong raised his right hand and placed it diagonally in front of him.


The attention of the other five people was attracted by the sudden powerful energy.

They unconsciously looked towards the source of energy - Han Palace.

To be more precise, it was Hanamiya's arm.

On the arm that was originally empty, a gorgeous cloud-patterned glove was added.

The glove is surrounded by ink-colored auras, and these auras are the energy that An Bainai, Yuba Weiri and others perceive.

Xiaofei Sano, Yuba Yuri, and Shio Hikawa stood in three positions, protecting the altar in the middle.

Anzai and Masami Anza watched the surroundings cautiously.

Obviously, Apofa will fight next.

Ka Ka Ka Ka.

The ice surface swayed gently, and fine cracks appeared on the shore.

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