They followed Yumiya's words and served as witnesses to this terrifying battle.

"Okay, that's amazing."

Yuba Weiri muttered to himself in amazement.

The situation suddenly turned sharply, and the Sanctuary Treaty Body, which had the advantage, was forced into a predicament.

"Which side will win?"

Shio Feikawa asked.

Now the battlefield is divided into three, Yu Gong against the three true ancestors, Aurora against Vatora, and Nangong Nayue against Zana Rashuka.

In terms of combat power, it seems to be equivalent.

"It is estimated that we will soon be able to see the direction of the outcome."

The rest of the people answered very conservatively.

The battle has just started, so it's not easy to make judgments.

However, they believed that Yu Gong, Nangong, Aurora would win that month.


"Where's your beast?"

Yu Gong kicked Qi Yi's waist with a whip leg.


Qi Yi flew more than ten meters and smashed heavily on the ice.

"Fighting with me, you're still a long way off."

"Cough cough."

Qi Yi coughed a few times, then rolled over and got up.

"Want to meet my beast? I am as you wish, Poseidon."

(I didn't read the twenty-two volumes, so I don't know if there is any mention of the beasts of the First True Ancestor. I made it up by myself, please forgive me.)

With the vast fluctuation of magic power, the ice surface vibrated violently.

The tremor came from under his feet, as if a huge force was hitting the ice surface from below.

Kacha Kacha.

With the boundary between Yu Gong and Qi Yi, the ice surface was broken neatly.

A huge amount of sea water surged up and spun wildly.

In an instant, a waterspout with a height of several hundred meters took shape.

"Is he crazy?"

"No, stay away."


Seeing the waterspout, Nangong Nayue, Vattola and others all changed color.

Their tacit truce, far from the center of the battlefield.

The battle of the True Ancestor is too loud, and there is no distinction between enemy and me.

In order not to be affected, the weaker ones could only choose to retreat.


The waterspout seemed to be the wrath of the sea, and it should not be difficult to destroy Itogami Island.

However, Yu Gong did not take it seriously.

In the face of Cang Yue's ice control technique, any water-related offensive would be impossible.


A howling cold wind blows.

The temperature on the frozen sea surface was already low, but now it is getting colder.

The waterspout freezes from the bottom and spreads all the way up.

In less than two seconds, the sky-piercing waterspout turned into icicles.


The familiar shock came from under the ice.

As the name suggests, Qi Yi's Beast has the power to manipulate the sea, and he chose to rely on this Beast and Yu Palace to fight to the end.

Water and ice confrontation, the disadvantage is undoubtedly water, but Qi Yi's arrogance does not allow him to admit defeat.

Between the cracks that cut off the ice, the calm sea began to tumble.

Just as the water dragon roll was about to take shape, the freezing temperature dropped sharply.

The rising water level, the voice in my ear, the United Fleet in the distance, the light and shadow of the rest of the battlefield...

As if pressing the pause button, everything stopped.

In this static world, the only person who can move freely is Hanamiya.

Yu Gong raised his hand and aimed his palm at Qi Yi, whose expression was frozen.

Sharp icicles protruded from the ice surface, mercilessly piercing his heart.


Bright red blood splattered.

Meanwhile, the still world returns to normal.


The unprovoked pain caught Qi Yi by surprise.

Without the slightest preparation, Qi Yi couldn't help screaming.

The next second, he fell on the ice.

Even the true ancestor of the vampire, being pierced through the heart cannot be unaffected. .

Chapter 163


Without restraint, Qi Yi's screams were very loud.

This scream attracted the attention of the other two people on the battlefield.


"As expected of Yu Palace."

Everyone's reaction is divided into two extremes.

People on the side of the Sanctuary Treaty Body, such as Eswald, Perishu Arador and others, were shocked.

Jiada, Nangong Nayue and Aurora, are the plain ones where everything is under control.

"Hamiya Margot Royd, who are you?"

Ayswald withdrew his gaze and refocused on the Demon Lord of Salvation.

The Demon Lord of Salvation floated in the air, looking down at Ayswald from above.

Covering the body of the Demon King of Salvation, the feathers of light that did not seem to leave the body were surrounded by many wing-like suspensions.

The suspended objects are connected together to form the shape of a ring, slowly rotating.

"Dangerous weapons."

Most of Asward's energy was spent on paying attention to unidentified suspended objects.

Without him, these unknown suspended objects left a deep impression on her in the previous battle.


Eswald put his fingers between his lips and made a strange sound.

The sound is sharp and penetrating, very similar to the song of birds.



The same voice came from afar, seemingly responding to Asward.

In the direction of the multinational coalition fleet, the small black spot rapidly grew larger.

It was a strange giant bird.

It has a huge body that rivals the dragons, the wings of a hawk and a tail as gorgeous as a peacock.

The sturdy hind legs that do not lose to the beasts, and the head resembles a ferocious wolf dog.

Seymourge lives in the Lingshan Mountains in the Middle East, and almost no one has ever seen his true form of a fantasy bird.

Of course, excluding Asward.

Eswald is the ruler of the Night Empire - "Destroyed Dynasty" that rules West Asia.

Everything in the "Extinction Dynasty" field is under her control.

This Seymour was raised by Eisward and is usually a walking tool.

The Savior Demon King can fly and lacks the ability to match, so fighting with her is a natural disadvantage.

Eswald is not incapable of flying, but she herself does not have the strength to compare to the Demon Lord of Salvation.

The ability to fly or not to fly doesn't matter much.

Seymourge is a legendary monster, and his strength is not bad. He has a role in helping him fight.

Taking into account all kinds of factors, Asward summoned his mount.

"Come on, the second round of battle."

After Seymour flew above his head, Asward activated his atomization ability and came to its back.

The magic blood mist continuously poured out of her body and spread in all directions.

In an instant, hundreds of ancient pterosaurs took shape.


The floating weapon beside the Savior Demon King sent a jet-black ray towards the pterosaurs and Isvold.

It didn't last for a few seconds, and the pterosaurs were almost wiped out.

However, before the pterosaurs were completely wiped out, Eswald summoned a new group of pterosaurs.

There are reinforcements to fill the vacancy, and the number of pterosaurs is equivalent to not being reduced.

The Demon Lord of Savior also used color to enhance the output of the jet-black beam.

In contrast to her, Eswald also accelerated the speed of summoning the pterosaurs.

The battle was at a stalemate.

For a while, no one could do anything to the other.


Eswald showed a beautiful smile.

The battle situation seems to be balanced, but in fact, she has a slight upper hand.

The attack of the Demon King of Salvation cannot clean up the pterosaurs at one time.

Therefore, the surviving pterosaurs are gradually approaching the Savior Demon King in the interval when the jet-black beam stops.

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