"Alien"? Sounds interesting.


After the little episode, the group rushed to the door of the cornerstone.

The top of the Keystone Gate.

"Are you ready?"


When the girls were ready, Hagiya took out the iron-grey dagger.

Boom boom boom.

The moment the iron-grey dagger was exposed, the door to the cornerstone began to rumble.

The outer wall of the entire building was gradually dyed with an ominous iron-gray shadow. .

Chapter 177

Echoing the iron-gray dagger, the door of the cornerstone has changed, and the two resonate.


Except for Kasugatani Shizuku, the girls are all paying attention to Hanamiya.

The most dangerous moment is coming, I hope nothing will happen to Yu Gong.


Under the eyes of the girls, Hagiya raised the iron-grey dagger high.

With the movement of raising his sword, he lifted his feet off the ground and floated above the door of the cornerstone.


Manic magic power surrounds Yu Gong, as if to form a real substance.

His momentum is constantly rising, but the strange thing is that the magic power has not increased, and it has always maintained a relatively stable state.

"The attraction of 'otherworld'?"

Yu Gong felt it carefully.

The irresistible attraction that acts on him, like a law, probably comes from another world.

If he does nothing, the end should be the same as Agulola in the original book.

"I want to go to the 'Otherland' is good, but the way to go is up to me."

Yu Gong suddenly released a huge amount of magic power.

The raging magic power formed an unstoppable torrent, rudely breaking through the invisible gravity that enveloped him.

The upward trend stopped, Yu Gong's figure was frozen in mid-air, and then slowly landed.


Seeing this scene, the worried girls breathed a sigh of relief.

If Yu Gong does not resist, they will do it.

In any case, the girls will not let the girls be sucked into the "other world".

"The 'Otherland' is coming."

Yu Gong reached out and gently stroked the blade of the iron-grey dagger.

The sudden change in the world.

The dark night sky was covered with a heavy iron gray.

In the sky, a majestic and huge city appeared in the shape of a nebula.

The appearance of the majestic city is very similar to Itogami New Island, but the size of the two is vastly different.

Itogami New Island, which is more than a hundred times the size of Itogami Island, may only account for a small portion of it in the majestic city in the sky.


The girls looked up at the sky, and there was an undisguised shock in their eyes.

It seems to be a mirror image that has been magnified countless times, and there is an illusion that the world is upside down.

It's even hard to tell which side is the sky and which side is the ground.

"In ancient times, the floating artificial island dominated by 'God of Blame' Cain, this is the true face of 'Otherland'."

Hagiya explains to the girls who don't know the truth.

"Let's go."



Near the Keystone Gate, a dark street.

"Ha ha."

Looking at the majestic city that completely covers Itogami Island, Shavryar Lian smiled.

"Are you sure you can grab the key property of 'Otherland' before you can grab Hannomiya Margot Royd?"

Next to Shavryar Lian, four strange people stood.

The leader was a blond, thin boy.

In that month in Nangong, Ji Hiragana and other girls would definitely be surprised when they saw him.

Because the boy's physical features are too similar to those of Agurolla.

To put it more appropriately, the boy is the male version of Agurolla.

The other three stood respectfully behind the boy.

The three of them wore masks made of magical beast bones on their faces and wore white robes.

They exude a sinister and gloomy aura, and they are obviously not ordinary people.

"No one can compare to me in terms of understanding of 'otherworld'."

Shavlyar Lian said confidently.

I thought that after years of careful planning and careful planning, I would have the opportunity to enter the "other world".

Or to be more pessimistic, the opportunity will never come.

Unexpectedly, Yu Gong took the initiative to connect the present world and the "other world".

For this matter alone, Shavryar Lian has an attitude of gratitude towards Yumiya.



"It's not so much that 'Otherland' is a city, but a military fortress..."

Among the Hagiya group, the people who are most familiar with "Other Realm" are Eswald and Garda.

Therefore, the two took the initiative to undertake the job of introduction.

"Hugiya, is the purpose of our coming to 'Otherland' to find something of value?"

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Nangong asked Yu Gong in that month.

"The development of 'Other Realm' is one of the goals, and it's not an urgent matter."

"The first thing I want to do is to fish out the two..."

Yumiya began to briefly narrate.

The monster incident has never been confirmed, and it has always been about Shavryar Lian's conspiracy.

"As far as I know, the most important thing in 'Otherland' is the Beast Warhead."

"They're too dangerous, it's better to seal them up, so we need to be fast."

"If you are preempted by Shavryar Lian, there will be many complications."

"The location of the Beast's warhead? We know."

Garda and Ashward walked forward to lead the way.


The others followed closely, the situation was extremely urgent and could not be delayed.

The group moved faster and faster. Later, in order to save time, they temporarily changed their strategy.

Jia Da and Asward pointed in the direction, Nangong Nayue cooperated with Xiandumu Yuma, and used space control magic to lead everyone on their way.


"That is?"


Halfway through, a copper-colored shadow broke into everyone's field of vision.

It was a lizard-like monster with a pair of wings behind it.

Standing side by side with vampires, the powerful creature that dominates the apex of the demons - the dragon.

"Have you met? Just right."

Hagiya summoned the Shadow Savior Demon King.

The suspension around the Demon Lord of Salvation split into countless small floating cannons, the muzzles pointing at the copper-colored dragons.

Yanlong is one of the apostles of the Cult of the End, Credo.

His presence proves that Shavryar Lian and the Vampire King are also there.


The Floating Cannon shot out jet-black rays.

The current position of Yu Gong and others seems to be in the blind spot of Yanlong's line of sight. He did not notice the sneak attack of the Devil King

By the time Yanlong reacted, the dark barrage was already close at hand.

Bang bang bang bang.

Beautiful and eerie black fireworks exploded in the sky.

The fast-flying Yanlong fell precariously to the ground like a downed fighter plane. Death.

Chapter 178


The flame dragon that descended from the sky crushed a building and fell heavily to the ground.


In the messy ruins, four people walked out of the smoke.

Shavryar Lian, the vampire king, two white-robed men with animal bone masks.

Previously, the four of them were all on Yanlong's back.

When Yanlong was attacked, they were naturally affected as well.

However, several people are not simple characters.

Although they were a little embarrassed, they were all uninjured.

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