Hagiya had to praise Artemis' wit, she played it very beautifully.

The beach has an extremely strong magic power remaining, and it is a good hiding place.

Even if Artemis used his divine power during the recovery process and was noticed by Achilles, Achilles probably wouldn't suspect her.

And, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Achilles never imagined that Artemis would have the courage to hide near the battlefield.


Outside the hotel.

"You can't escape, Lord Artemis."

Achilles stood in the middle of the deserted street with his sword and shield in hand. .

Chapter 205

Achilles is waiting, waiting for Artemis to appear.

Being so close, it was impossible for Artemis not to perceive his presence.

After a few minutes.


There were footsteps in the direction of the hotel's gate.

"Master Artemis, this time..."

Achilles subconsciously thought that the person who came was Artemis, so he issued a battle declaration.

Halfway through the sentence, the declaration of passion came to an abrupt end.

It was indeed Artemis who came, but she wasn't the only one.

A well-known boy who walked with Artemis.

The boy walked silently, like a ghost.

"Who are you?"

Achilles is a god, with five sensitive senses.

I actually didn't hear the boy's footsteps, so I made a mistake in my judgment.

Obviously, he is not an ordinary person.

"you do not need to know."

The boy who accompanied Artemis was naturally Hamiya.

Yu Gong spread out his five fingers in his right hand and held the ice crystal long sword that appeared out of thin air.

"Are you the helper Lord Artemis is looking for?"

Not a god-killer, nor a **** of disobedience.

Artemis actually found a human as a helper? Achilles was puzzled.

"Master Artemis told you about the grudge between the Earth Goddess and our 'steel'."

"Don't interfere in my battle with Lord Artemis."

"Does the grievance between you have anything to do with me?"

Hagiya raised his arm and pointed the ice crystal long sword at Achilles.


A sharp icicle sticks out from the ground.

He didn't see any movement from Achilles, but his shield blocked the front of the ice thorn.


The ice thorn was blocked and could no longer move forward.

"You must be my enemy 〃〃?"

As a god, Achilles didn't want to talk too much with humans.

However, this is aimed at ordinary humans.

Can be chosen by the proud goddess Artemis as a foreign aid against him.

Will Hanamiya be an ordinary human? Think about it and know it's impossible.

Either they are very powerful, or they have special abilities that can threaten the **** of disobedience.

"You're wrong, I'm not trying to be your enemy."


Another ice thorn protruded from the ground, stabbing Achilles from the other direction.

"My purpose is to kill you."

"Looking for death."

Achilles swung his sword and cut the ice thorn into two ends.

Yu Gong's words deeply angered him.

He is a god, and the majesty of God cannot be challenged.


Like a meteor streaking across the night sky, Achilles showed a terrifying speed.

Hanamiya's line of sight moved with the meteor.

When Meteor came in front of him, he slashed out an ice crystal sword like lightning.


The ice crystal long sword and the iron sword clashed, and the crisp sound caused by the collision between the two spread across the street.

"It really isn't easy."

A **** of disobedience and a human being are completely different concepts.

Human warriors experience loneliness and pain, and even using unconventional and crazy means may not be able to reach the realm, the **** of non-compliance has reached it from the beginning.

The ultimate in martial arts is likened to the summit of Mount Everest.

Humans should start from the foot of the mountain and climb up step by step.

The **** of disobedience is standing on the top of the peak, which is slightly worse, and it is not far from the peak.

And climbing a mountain is not the most desperate.

The most despairing thing is that even if human beings try their best, they can't even see the peak at the moment of death.

This decisive gap cannot be filled by talent or hard work.

To be side by side with God, the only way to break through the limitations of the human body and reach the same level as God is.

For example, killing a god, usurping the power of a god, and becoming a demon king named as a god-killer.

Achilles didn't let go of the blow just now.

Yu Gong can easily block it, enough to make him pay attention.

Bang bang bang bang.

The two figures repeated the collision and separation at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Every collision, there will be a strong impact sweeping around.

The impact raised the smoke and dust on the ground, causing the leaves of the street trees on both sides of the street to break away from the branches and fall.

In just a short time, the peaceful streets turned into battlefields filled with chills.

"I am really impressed and admired that human beings can practice martial arts to such a state."

Achilles became more and more excited.

A hero born for the battlefield, the pursuit of the opponent is above everything else.

Yu Gong is exactly the type of opponent he desires the most.

At this moment, Artemis, the mortal enemy, gradually disappeared from Achilles' eyes, and it was all about Yu Gong.

"...You are a worthy opponent, I will do my best."

The voice fell, and Achilles' speed went even higher.

If his speed was a meteor before, at this time, his speed is an electric light.

With Yu Gong's eyesight, he could only see a little shadow.

"Are you very fast?"

Yugiya held the ice crystal long sword in front of him, holding up Achilles' iron sword.

Superb speed, as the name suggests, extraordinary speed.

The name is "speed", in fact, the speed is more inclined to the concept of time than the concept of speed.

It's not how fast you move, but how long it takes to move from place to place.


With Hagiya's feet as the center point, a large-scale crack on the ground.

The extreme speed (by Qian Zhao) brought the ultimate strength.

Although most of it was canceled by Yumiya, the remaining small part of the power still has extraordinary destructive power.

"Formidable opponent."

The speedy attack can still be blocked effortlessly.

While Achilles was excited, he felt incredible.

If he hadn't sensed the aura of the natural enemy, he would have regarded Yugiya as a godslayer.

"It's so fast, do you think it's invincible?"

To a certain extent, Divine Speed ​​is indeed invincible.

After all, all martial arts in the world are invincible, but fast is the only thing that cannot be broken.

In the original Godslayer, there are two ways to fight the speed.

The first method is to use the speed against the speed.

The second method is to cultivate the "mind and eye".

The former Yu Gong can't do it, he doesn't have the power of super speed, the latter, he can do it. .

Chapter 206

If the concept of "heart eyes" in the collapsed world, Chi Yuan has already surpassed this level.

"Don't talk too much."

Achilles instantly retreated.

He circled around Yugiya at great speed, looking for an opportunity to attack.

"Ha ha."

Hagiya had to admit that Achilles was calculating.

Being able to block a speedy attack does not mean that it can attack Achilles who is in a state of speedy speed.

As long as Yu Gong can't capture the speed, he will be invincible.

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