Part of the jet-black light particles attacked the black magic bird, while the other part fell to the ground.

An explosion that even the black magic bird can't withstand, let alone a fragile battlefield.

John Pluto Smith was alone in the battlefield, and he was quite sad and desolate.

"Do it yourself."

Luo Hao did not feel sorry for John Pluto Smith.

If you rush to hinder others from doing things, you must have the consciousness to pay the price.

Yu Gong's willingness to let him go easily is already a blessing from the sky.

John Pluto Smith wants to be a hero and his heart to protect Los Angeles deserves recognition.

However, being a hero requires strength to back up.


Leaving the beach, Yu Gong and Luo Hao returned to the hotel.

After a night of rest, the two set foot on the road back to the ancient country.

In JS Province, the "Five Prisons Sacred Religion" prepared the residence for Yu Gong, Bianca and his party.

"Did things go well? Yu Gong."

When Yu Gong and Luo Hao went away, they must have informed Bianca, Chi Yuan, Liliana, Artemis and Erica.

Now seeing Hagiya back, Bianca asked about the situation.

"It went well..."

Hagiya told the four Bianca what had happened.

"Oh? You played against John Pluto Smith?"

Hearing the name of John Pluto Smith, Artemis asked with interest.

"Yes, it's a small lesson for him."

John Pluto Smith is quite interesting, not too entangled.

Therefore, Yu Gong let him go.


Erica moved to Yu Gong's side and hugged his arm coquettishly.

"When you go to Neon, can you take us with you?"


Liliana blushed and scolded Erica loudly.

This guy is too unrestrained and too shameless.

"What are you doing, let go of Yu Gong-sama."

"Lily, what are you mad at?"

Erica was completely unmoved.

Not only did she not let go of Yu Gong's arm, but instead she stuck to Yu Gong.

"I said before, I want to be the lover of Lord Yumiya, and Lord Yumiya has accepted me."

"Isn't this level of intimacy very common among lovers?"


After finishing speaking, Erica offered her apology to Hagiya.

"Ha ha."

Hanamiya put one arm around Erica's slender waist.

It must be admitted that Erica is an uncompromising fairy.

Bold, fiery, and open, once she identifies with someone, she will put other people's eyes away and express her love recklessly.

Hagiya is not a dull, shy Godou.

He will not reject Erica's initiative, and will accept her enthusiasm to the fullest.

Nearly a minute passed, and Hagiya and Erica separated.


Liliana's face flushed with anger, but she couldn't think of anything to refute Erica.

No way, Erica's words make sense.

She and Yumiya are lovers, do you have a lover who is not close?

"Lily, come here."

Hanamiya stretched out his hand to Liliana.

Liliana seemed to be furious, but in fact, under the flames in her eyes, there were hidden excitement and desire.

This excitement and desire was clearly captured by Yu Gong.

Erica and Liliana are both his own knights, how can he favor one over the other?

Lord of the Crystal Palace, don't make stupid mistakes.

"Lord Yumiya?"

Liliana obediently put her little hand in Yumiya's palm.


A force came from Yu Gong's hand.

Liliana was brought forward by this force and sat on the other side of Yu Palace.


Liliana was suddenly attacked.

"Ah, Yumiya-sama, you..."

Liliana blushed almost to the point of bleeding, and stared at Hagiya angrily...

The silver-haired knight was quite frightened, Yumiya Tai...

"Lily, the duty of a knight is not only to guard and fight, but also to daily aspects."

Ji Knight? Nice note.

In the depths of Liliana's heart, there are certain thoughts that cannot be known.

For example, meeting a man of the type of domineering president, and then...

This kind of development was what Liliana was looking forward to.

There are similar plots in her novels.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Hanamiya was quite happy to satisfy Liliana's dark thoughts.


Liliana lowered her head deeply, not daring to look directly at Yu Palace.

She is not a fool, how could she not hear the hidden meaning in Yu Gong's words.

so bad.

"If it's the request of Mimiya-sama, I..."

Liliana is not disgusted with being intimate with Yumiya.

On the contrary, every time I see Hanamiya getting close to Liliana, Bianca, and Artemis.

Emotions such as envy and jealousy will grow in her heart.

Liliana knew that this kind of thinking was wrong, but she couldn't help it.

She also wanted to be Yu Gong's 5.5-year-old lover, and she also wanted to be favored by Yu Gong.


Time passed minute by minute.

Night time, time to sleep.

After taking a shower, Yu Gong returned to the bedroom and found that his quilt was bulging.

There is someone on the bed.


who is it? Bianca? Why are you so active today?

Yu Gong walked over to the bed and pulled the quilt away.

"Uh, you?"

Yu Gong misjudged the person under the quilt.

Not Bianca, but Artemis.

"You taught John Pluto Smith a lesson, and I should reward you."

The original scope of Artemis' activities was in Los Angeles.

There are both gods of disobedience and godslayers in a city, and you don't need to think about what will happen. .

Chapter 225

Artemis and John Pluto Smith had a bad relationship, they had a rift.

Hagiya taught John Pluto Smith a lesson, which was considered a relief for her.

This is one of the reasons, but not the main reason.

"Besides, I don't want to be overtaken by the two little girls."

"I welcome."

Artemis took the initiative to deliver it to the door, and of course Yumiya "accepted everything"


Due to an accident in the middle, the trip to the ancient country of Yu Gong and his party was temporarily interrupted.

The people were divided into two groups.

Yu Gong and Luo Hao took the lead, and the rest made a plane to Neon.

Two days later, everyone met in Neon.

Neon, daylight.

"Monkey King Monkey King is trapped in the Toshogu Palace in Nikko..."

Yumiya gave Bianca, Chiyuan four daughters knowledge related to popular science.

"Lord Yumiya."

After listening to Yumiya's description, Liliana was a little puzzled.

"Monkey King Monkey King is a famous hero in ancient countries. Even I, who are far away in Italy, have heard of his name."

"How could such an existence be kept in captivity by Neon people?"

"There is a secret in the world behind 14, you will know it later."

Yumiya's simple explanation.


Liliana stopped asking.

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