In the evening, Erica and Liliana sent back the exact news.

Western Sardinia, Oristano County.

"The Ruins of St. Basti..."

Erica and Liliana led Hagiya and Seiqiuin Ena to the woods next to a certain group of ruins and introduced them at the same time.

"You are very efficient."

Yumiya was a little surprised.

One of the two disobedient gods on Sardinia, Mercator, is in the underground ruins in the woods.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

In just half a day, Erica and Liliana found their target.

Their abilities are indeed worthy of praise.

"Oristano County is a famous gathering place for relics on Sardinia. It can be used as a sightseeing spot, but it is too unpopular with tourists."

"In addition, the spiritual energy here is relatively abundant, which is very suitable for healing."

"So Lily and I planned to start an investigation in Oristano County, but luckily we found it."

Erica explained.

"Urus Ragnar? Or another one?"

Qingqiuyuan Ena asked curiously.


Due to lack of information, Erica is not sure which one it is.


However, she had guesses about the identity of the **** of disobedience who fought Ursragna.

"King Mercator, is this obstacle trying to stop me?"

Just as Erica was about to explain, a loud roar sounded from the sky.

The voice is very young, presumably its owner is a teenager.

However, it contains arrogance and majesty that cannot be matched with youth.


The conversation and progress of the Hagiya group came to an abrupt end.

They turned their heads one after another, looking in the direction where the roar came from.

There are no figures in sight, only the stars in the sky.

"Lord Yumiya."

The appearance couldn't deceive Erica, Liliana and Seiqiuin Ena.

Obviously, the war between the gods is about to open the second chapter.

If you guessed correctly, this time Urus Ragnar took the initiative to provoke him.

"Come on, let's go take a look."

Yu Gong made a decisive decision.



"Of course not. How could the mere branches stop the dignified army in the footsteps."

"The value of their existence is to block people who come to disturb me."

The four of Yumiya quickly and quietly approached the source of the sound.

During their course of action, another **** of disobedience responded to Ursragna's provocation.

At this point, the two gods of disobedience started a conversation. Death.

Chapter 273


There was a hint of surprise in Urus Ragnar's voice.

"King Mercator, did someone disturb your peace?"


The identity of another **** of disobedience was revealed through their brief conversation.

God's name, Mercator.

Yu Gong and his party hid in the dark, looking out of the woods.

In their sight, there is a boy who looks about fifteen years old.

This young man, Yu Gong and the others had met in a hurry a few days ago.

"Lily, do you think the god-king Mercator is referring to us?"

The branches of the trees twisted and twisted like snakes, blocking Urus Ragnar's path.

Erica is a great knight who is proficient in magic and knows the secrets hidden within.

three three seven

These branches are not ordinary, they were all transformed by Mercator with the magic of enchantment.

According to Mercato, the branch is not used to stop the "enemy" Urus Ragnar, but to stop those who disturb him.

Thinking of today, he and Liliana went into the woods to investigate.

Erica guessed that Mercator was targeting them.

"should be."

Erica's thoughts coincided with Liliana's.

Other than that, she couldn't think of any other possibility.

"The battle is about to begin."

While Erica and Liliana were whispering, the conversation between Mercato and Urs Ragnar continued.

The conversation between them seemed peaceful, like an old friend whom they hadn't seen for many years.

In fact, the atmosphere inside and outside the woods gradually became tense.

Yu Gong also sensed two vast divine powers that were rapidly increasing.

The essence of the **** of disobedience is to fight and win.

When the two gods of disobedience met, it was impossible for them to be at peace with each other.


Erica and Liliana's whispers stopped.

Both of them and Qingqiuyuan Ena opened their eyes wide, calmly and concentrated, waiting for the battle of the gods in the near future.



Two bright rays of light flew out of the woods.

The real body of the light is two sticks, the length of the sticks is fifteen meters, and the thickness is also extraordinary.

Just looking at the size, you can tell that the owner of the weapon is not ordinary.

"The Chaser and the Outcast..."

Urus Ragnar uses language to weave divine words.

As the spirit of words came out, a golden light condensed in his right hand.

The golden light condensed and solidified, and finally turned into a golden long sword.

Urus Ragnar swung the golden long sword against the two sticks in midair.

Pong pong pong.

The fierce collision sound resounded in the sky.

The martial arts of the gods are superb and consummate.

Urus Ragnar dealt with two weapons with one hand, still calm.

dark place.

"Sure enough."

While searching for the trace of the God of Disobedience, Erica and Liliana also did not forget to investigate their identities.

Urus Ragnar's identity is clear, so the focus of the investigation is another **** of disobedience.

The two got in touch with the magic association in Sardinia, and then relied on Erica's superb social skills to inquire into a lot of important information.

Fortunately, there are people who have witnessed the battle between Mercator and Urus Ragnar.

According to his account, Erica and Liliana probably figured out Mercator's identity.

And now this battle has confirmed their judgment.

Mercator, whose real name is Baal.

Born in the desert and the wilderness, the **** of the storm with the divinity of the sun and rain.

"Huh? You?"

Everyone was fascinated when they saw it, when a voice came from behind.


Erica, Liliana, and Seikiuin Ena's pupils shrank.

Being approached so close, how did you not notice it?

The three women turned their heads instantly, and swept their sharp eyes towards the person who came.


Salbatre Doni waved his hand and greeted Hagiya and the others.

"Sir Sarbatre?"

Seeing an "acquaintance", Erica and Liliana relaxed their tense bodies.

"Does he know Lily and Erica?"

Salbatre Doni is obviously not an enemy, so Seiqiuyuan Ena is no longer on guard...

"What are you doing?"

Urus Ragnar and Mercato have already fought, and the fight is in full swing.

But Yu Gong was acting as a spectator, and seemed to have no intention of participating.

Sarbatre Doni likes to use his hands more than his brains, he can't guess Hagiya's intentions.

"Wait until they finish,"

Yu Gong said casually.


Actually, Yu Gong's plan is quite obvious.

He is a discerning person, he will not fail to see

However, Sarbatre Doni is a fighter with thick nerves and a muscular brain.

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