Is identity important? This really isn't the point.

The most important thing is to be able to fight a battle.

"Eat my trick."

Wu Ting untied the two large leather bags tied around his waist and threw them out.

The belt falls downwards and tilts at the same time.

Dozens, hundreds of white beast fangs scattered from the pocket of the belt.

The fangs grew against the wind in midair, and all turned into small pterosaurs with a body length of about four meters.

The power to control the dragon is what Wu Ting uses most often, and it is also his symbol.

It must be said that this power is very powerful.

With a wave of Wu Ting's hand, he was able to create a huge army of divine beasts in the sky.

Facing such a number of divine beasts, even a god-killer would have to spend a lot of time.

"Ha ha."

The group of pterosaurs was coming fiercely, but Yu Gong was not nervous at all.

Yu Gong had seen similar moves.

347 and scale and monomer quality. All are more terrifying than Wuting's pterosaur army.

In midair.

The black floating cannon returned to Yugiya and built a "shield".

Then. All the floating guns fired in a scattered pattern.


The pitch-black light formed a barrage to meet the pterosaurs.

It's like the tide is about to drown a boat that is crumbling in the wind and rain and may capsize at any time.

The momentum of the light barrage is far greater than the number of pterosaurs.

In the center of the battlefield, the two sides met.

There was no accident, the ferocious pterosaurs were torn to pieces, and not one remained.

"I think I overestimated your strength enough, but I didn't expect it, so I underestimated it."

Rao was Wu Ting, and couldn't help but admire Yu Gong's strength.

"If you have any tricks, use them all."

"Or leave Augusta, and don't come here until I leave."

Yu Gong expressed his thoughts and gave Wu Ting two choices.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Wu Ting took off the last leather (beff) belt around his waist.

It turned out that it was the right time for the meeting.

Hagiya happened to live in Augusta and didn't want to be disturbed by others.

So, Hagiya agreed to Augusta's managers to fight against his intruder.

"Want to drive me away? It depends on your strength."

Dozens of white teeth were sprinkled down and transformed into a new army of pterosaurs.

But this time, the pterosaurs did not launch a surprise attack on Yu Palace, but hovered near Wuting.

"My dragon control power is more than that."

"Next, let's have a real experience."

"Although the pterosaurs made with fangs are far from my own, the number can make up for it."

Including the end that served as Wuting's mount, the bodies of the pterosaurs converged and merged into one.

After the fusion, it is still a pterosaur,

But this pterosaur is completely different from the previous one.

The size of the pterosaur is extremely huge. When its wings are opened, the wingspan is about 40 meters.

The tail is the stomach of a scorpion, and the seven horns on the head are like a crown.

Mighty, brave, and extraordinary.


The pterosaur roared wildly, wantonly showing its sense of existence.

"How about it?"

Wu Ting stood on the back of the giant pterosaur and asked showing off.

"Oh, the silver-like pewter tip."

Shu Yu Gong said bluntly, he really doesn't look down on Wuting's divine beast.


Wu Ting's pride and arrogance froze on his face.

It seemed that he had no face, he became angry, and his expression became very ugly.

Wu Ting mobilized the magic power and injected it into the body of the giant pterosaur.

"Hoo **** ho ho."

From the magic power absorbed, the pterosaur felt the master's anger.

It opened its huge mouth and spewed out a sea of ​​blazing fire.


A gust of wind blew up out of thin air in the battlefield.

The gust of wind is icy cold, and it contains a chill that can make people freeze to the bone.

"what happened?"

Due to the cold wind, the flight of the pterosaur was seriously affected.

The divine beast swayed left and right, extremely unstable, and even with Wuting on its back, it was almost thrown out.

In the blink of an eye, the situation of both the offensive and defensive sides called.

And this is just Wuting's first crisis.

Wuting's second crisis is the sea of ​​fire that was blown back.

With the help of the wind, the sea of ​​fire is more violent than before.


Wu Ting's face was darker than the bottom of the pot.

As usual, he wouldn't take such an offensive at all.

Now the situation is different, the pterosaurs can't keep their bodies stable, and there is a high probability that they can't escape the sea of ​​fire that is coming.

"no solution anymore."

Wu Ting tried his best to raise the magic power to the highest peak.

Up to now, it is difficult to escape, so I can only choose to carry it hard.


The sea of ​​fire burned in the air, dyeing the sky orange-red.

Time passed bit by bit.

After about ten seconds, the fire gradually weakened.

It didn't take long for the monstrous fire to go out.

Wu Ting and the pterosaur, who were shrouded in flames just now, were exposed to the air again.


Wu Ting breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

The strength of the Godslayer's magic power breaks through the sky, and the resistance to magic is MAX.

He resisted the sea of ​​​​fire, and there was no serious problem.

The injury is so small that it can be ignored, but the posture is a little embarrassing.

"The thunder of Rudra turned into a hammer of heaven's punishment."

Being beaten without fighting back is not Wu Ting's style.

He drew an arrow and put it on the string of the longbow.


The arrow broke through the obstacles of the cold wind and went straight to Yu Palace.

"The fire of Rudra, purify this land."

After shooting an arrow, Wu Ting's movements did not end.

He fired an arrow again.

The target of the second arrow is not the Han Palace, but the sky.

The arrows that flew into the air were like fireworks blooming, splitting into hundreds of fireballs and falling from the sky.

In front of them are arrows like thunder and lightning, and overhead is the fire of the sky.

In return, Wu Ting's attack this round was quite terrifying.

Inside the fortress, Yumiya remained unmoved.

Wu Ting's offensive is indeed terrifying, but it needs to be divided into targets. .

Chapter 291

God-killers, gods of disobedience, etc., need to be taken seriously.

However, Yumiya doesn't have to use too much effort.

I don't know when, Yu Gong had an ice crystal long sword in his hand.

Yu Gong swung his sword and swept straight ahead.


Like a needle inserted in a seam, the ice crystal long sword hit the tip of the arrow accurately.

The arrow containing the power of lightning turned back and forth and flew back upside down.


The arrows were pinned to the abdomen of the giant pterosaur.

Immediately, a strong electric light erupted from the wound of the pterosaur.


The pterosaur was already unsteady due to the cold wind blowing, and his movements became more and more sluggish.

At the same time, the sky fire in mid-air approached the ground.


The velocity of the air suddenly intensified.

The invisible wind turned into a tornado visible to the naked eye.

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