Athena had to say that Hagiya is really a weirdo.

Of course, Yumiya didn't take it to heart, but it didn't mean that Athena would forget it.

Giving favors but not repaying them would damage the image and majesty of the goddess, and would not be in line with Athena's style.

One day, when Yu Gong asks for something, she will definitely help.

"Lord Athena, you don't know something."

Beside her, Alice spoke at the right time, intervening in the conversation between Hagiya and Athena.

"Among the companions of Mimiya-sama, there is one of your own race."

"Oh? Which one?"

Same race? Mother Earth? Greek goddess?

Athena was very curious.

"Master Artemis."

Alice told Athena the answer.

"is her?"

Athena was completely surprised.

Conquering the **** of disobedience is a matter of infinite possibilities approaching zero.

Not to mention the famous virgin goddess, Artemis, the goddess of the moon.

It must be a particularly attractive place to be favored by Artemis.


After chatting for a while, Yu Gong and Athens started talking about business.

Guinevere, The Last King, etc.

After some discussion, Hagiya and Athena prepared to "visit" Guinevere's base camp.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・


France, Brittany.

Unsurprisingly, this place is already empty.

Yu Gong and Athena had nothing to gain, so they came here in vain.

"Hmph, did you run away? Damn it."

Athena cursed bitterly.

"It's strange that they don't run."

Yu Gong's heart did not fluctuate in the slightest.

After all, he had already thought of it.

"How to do?"

Athena asks Hagiya for advice.

"Go back first. Judging from the current situation, we can only wait for them to move first."

Finding the Stone of Gorgon within a day is purely a matter of luck and coincidence. Yu Gong does not have the ability to find a needle in a haystack.


Guinevere and his party disappeared, and he couldn't dig it out.

For now, we can only wait for the rabbits.


Athena was very unwilling.

But now, there is no better way.


Things in Europe have come to an end, and Yugiya plans to return to the ancient country.

He didn't go to England again, he only informed Alice of his itinerary by phone, and then went straight to the east.


In the ancient country of JX province, the home of Hagiya.


"Did things go smoothly? Mr. Yumiya?"


Seeing Hagiya coming home, Erica, Liliana, Bianca and the others gathered around.

"It went well, and there are additional gains..."

Yumiya briefly told the story, which satisfied the curiosity of the girls.

"In other words, is the decisive battle about to begin?"

After Hanamiya's narration was over, Bianca made a conclusion.


Bianca's summary is quite incisive, and Yumiya can't fault it.

"Lord Yugiya, why didn't you invite Athena to your house to meet us?"

You don't need to guess Erica to know that the "extra gain" in Yu Gong's mouth must be Athena.

You can meet, another **** of disobedience is about to fall into Yu Palace's "claw". Death.

Chapter 307

"Tomorrow, she will come."

Yumiya gently pinched Erika's small nose.

I don't know if it was because of the alliance or other reasons, Athena came to the ancient country with Yu Gong.

Yu Gong was very surprised and accepted it happily.

Not far from his home, Yu Gong arranged a place for Athena.

After the two discussed it, they decided to discuss the follow-up matters at the Hagiya family tomorrow.

"You are really capable."

Artemis looked strange.

How could she not see Yu Gong's thoughts?

"Ha ha."

Yu Gong smiled without saying a word.

To tell the truth, he was looking forward to the meeting between Athena and Artemis.


the next day.

Bang bang bang bang.

In the early morning of 357, someone knocked on Yu Gong's door.

"Hold on."

Liliana walked to the door and opened it.

"Is Hagiya Margot Royd here?"

The one who knocked on the door was a beautiful girl with silver hair.

Before Liliana asked about the identity of the silver-haired girl, she spoke first.

"Are you, the goddess Athena?"

The majesty and invisible oppression of the silver-haired girl gave Liliana the same feeling as Artemis.

Combined with what Yumiya said yesterday, Liliana immediately guessed her identity.

"Yes, is Hagiya Margot Royd here?"

Athena first responded to Liliana, and then repeated her own question.

Her tone was still flat, but she could hear a hint of impatience in it.

Considering that Liliana is very likely to have a close relationship with Yumiya, Athena forcibly endured it and did not have an attack.

For other people, she would never be in a good mood.

"Hamiya-sama is here, please come in."

Liliana stepped aside and motioned for Athena to enter the door.


living room.

"Hehehe, I'm more and more interested in you."

Athena's gaze swept across the girls one by one, and finally stopped on Artemis.

Similar breath.

She is probably her "like" as Alice said.

The number of Hagiya's companions is much more than Athena imagined.

Moreover, even Artemis, the incarnation of purity, was willing to share her with others.

A simple "strong man" can't do this.

"If you want to chat for a while, then you can talk about business. I don't care."

Athena's words were full of ridicule, but Yumiya thought unmoved.

Interest is a good sign.

As the saying goes, when you are curious, you are not far from falling.

"Let's talk about business."

The matter of the last king is not resolved, and Athena is not in the mood to chat.


Guinevere knows that the last king's sleeping place is in Neon.

As long as you make a fuss about it, you won't be afraid that Guinevere won't take the bait.

This is Yumiya's strategy, just wait and see.

Drop drop drop drop.

Just when Yu Gong was about to explain his plan to Athena in detail, the phone rang from his pocket.

"Feel sorry."

Yumiya took out his phone and pressed the connect button.



"Okay, I see, I'll be there tomorrow..."

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to have said something incredible, and Yu Gong showed a rare expression of surprise.

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