"You mean, the Great Law of the Covenant?"

The answer to Alexander Gascoigne was Bianca.

Yes, the Great Law of the Covenant.

Although the power of the Divine Sword of Salvation is terrifying, it is not impossible to deal with it.

And the great law of the covenant is the ability that the godslayer is absolutely invincible.

"The Great Law of the Covenant?"

The Marquis of Vauban, Sarbatre Doni, and John Pluto Smith have different thoughts.

Ever since they learned that Rama was alive and that a battle broke out between Neon and Yugiya, they immediately gave orders to their subordinates.

Do your best to gather information about Rama from all over the world.

Among these messy information, there is one that the Marquis of Vauban and others are particularly concerned about.

The greater the number of godslayers, the stronger Rama who came in that era.

Is this characteristic the great law of the covenant that Bianca said?


Alexander Gascoigne was slightly relieved.

Bianca is willing to communicate, proving that there is still a chance.

"Letting Hagiya Margot Royd deal with Rama alone is not a wise decision."

"I think it's better for us to help him."


The corners of Luo Hao's lips rose slightly, and a smile appeared.

Clear as a bright moon, beautiful smile, with a chilling chill.

"I think the best help for your husband is to kill you all now."

"In this way, the power of the Great Law of the Rama Covenant will naturally be greatly reduced."

"What do you think? British descendants?"


Alexander Gascoigne was left speechless.

He never imagined that Luo Hao was not only skilled in martial arts, but also so sharp in eloquence.

"I said it before〃〃."

Luo Hao restrained his smile and put on an impatient expression.

"Honestly wait for the end of the matter, and don't have unreasonable thoughts."


The communication between the two sides failed, which is to be expected.

Sarbatre Doni and Alexander Gascoigne regretted coming to Neon.

Now it is difficult to ride a tiger, unable to walk, and unwise to fight.

It's really embarrassing, but they have nothing to do.


Mount Fuji.

"come yet?"

Rama sat in the crater, looking in the direction of Tokyo Bay.


A ray of light as fast as a shooting star crossed the sky and landed in front of him.

"Can I ask? How did you know I was here?"

Undoubtedly, the person who came was Hamiya.

In the past, the goal was extremely clear, and it was aimed at Mount Fuji.

Although it was a trivial matter, Rama was really curious as to how Hanamiya knew where he was.

What did Roshmana and Hanuman tell Yu Gong?

Do not.

Rama did not believe that they would betray themselves, even to death.

"Only through the calcination of fire can hard steel be forged."

"If you want to regain your strength as soon as possible, Mount Fuji is the only choice."

Yumiya's simple explanation.

"Hehe, you are a terrible person."

Rama spoke from the bottom of his heart.

There is no shortage of powerful people in the world.

However, throughout the history of human beings, there are not many people who are powerful and possess the wisdom that matches their strength.

Rama's face was condensed, and his eyes gradually became sharper.

"Let's change the place. I don't think you want to fight near the volcano."

It is true that Mount Fuji is an extinct volcano, but a fierce battle will definitely reactivate it and cause it to erupt.

By then, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The task of annihilating the Demon King is really helpless. Trying to minimize the impact of the battle is an option that Rama can choose.

"follow me."

Hagiya had long anticipated that Rama would make a similar proposal, so the sea was frozen in advance.


Tokyo Bay, ice surface.

"This, did you do it?"

The mind is as strong as Rama, and when he sees the endless ice surface, his heart is surging.

"How is it, is it suitable for you?"

The gorgeous Xuanyuan Sword appeared below Yu Gong's right hand.

Yu Gong held the hilt of the Xuanyuan sword and raised the sword to point at Rama.

Rama is different from his "fanatical groupie" brother Roshmana, who deserves respect,

Otherwise, Yu Gong wouldn't talk so much nonsense with him.

"...It's very suitable."

The wind blew away Rama's white cloak, revealing the divine sword of salvation tied around his waist.

The Sword of Salvation is Rama's usual weapon and his symbol.

Whenever Rama eliminated the godslayer and fell into a deep sleep, he would leave a sword of salvation in the world.

However, those saviour swords are all fakes, his is the real one.


Rama pulled out the divine sword of salvation and waved it towards the sky.

A white-gold sphere of light appeared above Rama's head.

The light ball slowly rose, and at the same time, it rapidly rotated and expanded.

Revived through a formal ceremony, coupled with the divine power of the Earth Goddess left by Artio in the Holy Grail of Magic, and absorbed enough earth spirit in Mount Fuji.

Rama's strength has returned to its peak.

On top of his head is a white-gold ball of light with a diameter of about 100 meters.

"The white light of salvation, crusade against my old enemy."


(Good King Zhao) The ball of light released a dense amount of platinum-gold lightning, the number of which was hundreds of thousands.

A large number of thunder and lightning are intertwined in mid-air, and the scene composed of them is said to be saving the world, and it is more appropriate to describe it as destroying the world.

Facing Rama's stunt, Hanamiya's response was the same as before.

He summoned the Demon Lord of Savior and fired a rain of jet-black rays comparable to a barrage.

Boom boom here.

The earth-shattering roar resounded non-stop, and the violent energy was like a storm, raging everywhere.

White gold and black occupy half of each, and they are deadlocked with each other.

The two are evenly matched and indistinguishable.

This scene is very similar to the mortal struggle between light and darkness in some stories.

Time passed minute by minute.

After a short while, the light and darkness began to fade at the same time, disappearing in no particular order.

In the first confrontation, Hanamiya and Rama were tied. .

Chapter 328


Rama put the Divine Salvation Sword into the scabbard around his waist, and muttered something in his mouth.

A golden disc appeared in his hand.

As the holy spirit chanted out, a figure appeared next to Rama one after another.

A warrior with a sword and a shield, an elegant nobleman, an ape with a stick on his shoulder...

Achilles, King Arthur, Sun Wukong, Hanuman.

All the gods of steel who had met with Yugiya before appeared.

"Everyone, I need your help."

Rama expressed his wishes simply and clearly.

"Oh, is it this terrible person again?"

"I didn't expect that I would come to the world three times in just a few years."


The gods of the steel army said their own words, but they all tacitly agreed with Rama's words.

The disc in Rama's hand is the divine tool - the disc of the arrowhead.

He was able to keep the God of Steel who died before him in the form of a medal composed of iron and gold alloys.

By activating the power of the arrowhead - 367 Heroes, Rama can summon these steel gods and use them as his weapons against the enemy.

"Haha, since you have shown your true skills, then I can't take on the challenge with a playful mentality."

As if completely freed from the constraints of gravity, Yu Gong's figure slowly floated up.

Resurrection from the dead is a taboo and violates the principles of heaven and earth.

Therefore, Rama himself provided the energy and magic power required for the activities of the Gods of Steel, who were summoned by heroes.

Rama's magic power is limited, and the more Steel Gods he uses at the same time, the lower the quality of each individual.

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