Yu Gong's information seems to be perfect and seamless, more than enough to deceive ordinary people.

However, Ji Zi saw the truth at a glance.

She is the A-level Valkyrie of Destiny. It is not so easy to deceive her.


Jizi can see through the truth and falsehood of Yu Palace's information, and of course Theresa can see through it at night.

While responding to Ji Zi, she called up another virtual screen.

It was an artificial island in the Pacific Ocean near New Zealand.

"Today, this island in New Zealand was bought."

(Good Zhao Hao) "With such a big hand, I thought he was a world-renowned rich man, but it turned out to be someone I didn't know."

"I made an astonishing discovery under my scrutiny."

"The other party's identity, life history, bank records, etc., are all carefully forged by computer experts."

"He... Light"

Speaking of excitement, Deresa's words came to an abrupt end.

Because Ji Zi was staring at her strangely.

"How much did Hagiya Margot Royd cost?"

No wonder he enthusiastically introduced himself to his partner, but he really didn't feel at ease.

Although Theresa "has a ghost", she succeeded in provoking Jizi's interest.

As far as results are concerned, Theresa succeeded.

The artificial island is not a small object, it is not that you can buy it if you buy it.

The procedures are complicated and time-consuming, and cannot be done in a short period of time. .

Chapter 338

In the chat before, Theresa told Jizi about the origin of St. Freya Academy.

The artificial island where St. Freya Academy is located was applied by Teresa to her grandfather Otto.

Himeko still remembers the distressed look when Teresa talked about the process of handing over the artificial island to her.

The pain and irritability revealed in her words are by no means fake.

Therefore, before the transfer of ownership of an artificial island, there must be wind.

In less than a day, the island suddenly changed hands, which is unusual no matter how you look at it.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

There are people who have the ability to do this kind of thing.

But those big people, Ji Zi doesn't say they know everything, the most basic impression is there.

She was sure that there was no Hagiya among them.


Theresa read out a number.


Rao is that Ji Zi has seen strong winds and waves, and her temperament is calm, so she can't help but be surprised.

She really had no way of connecting the astronomical numbers that Teresa said with 373 young people who were nineteen and twenty years old.

No wonder it can be done in one day.

If it is this price, then the seller cannot refuse it.

The institutions responsible for handling the relevant procedures will not dare to neglect.

"Which family is Yugiya Margot Royd? Why have I never heard his name?"

"Hey, if I can find out, do I still need you?"

Theresa sighed.

She just wanted to manage the St. Freya Academy in an old-fashioned way, and didn't want to contact troublesome people.

But unfortunately, Yu Gong was in the extreme east, and he had to pay attention.

Who can guarantee that what Yugiya does will not affect St. Freya Academy?

"I understand."

Jizi put her hand on Teresa's head again.

This time, she increased her strength to rub.

"You mean, let me help you find out about Hagiya Margot Royd?"

"Hey hey hey."

In order to ask Jizi, Theresa can only let Jizi play tricks on herself.

She put on a cute expression (beff), selling cute.

"Okay, I promise you."

Among the opposite **** of the same age, it is rare to find someone of the same age that can arouse her interest.


Theresa lowered her head, showing a planned smile.

She introduced Yu Gong to Ji Zi, of course she had her own thoughts.

Now, Teresa's plan is half successful.

As for the success of the other half of the plan, it depends on the will of God.


Changkong City.

Yu Gong, who had been busy for most of the day, returned home just before dinner time.

At this moment, Lan Yu Shallow just ended her affairs.

"The network field in this world is very developed, but it's not a big problem."

"As long as there are equipment with sufficient performance, I can write a defense system with a full safety factor."

Lan Yu Shallow told Yumiya how she felt.

"Okay, I bought an artificial island today and registered a business."

"The plan can begin."

As expected of Lan Yu Shallow, her ability will not disappoint Yu Gong.

"You seem to be quite anxious, Yu Gong."

A series of actions by Yu Gong, the fast Lan Feather Scallion found it unusual.

He has always been vigorous and resolute, and he doesn't like to procrastinate in doing things. Lan Yu is clear.

However, this time was obviously unusual.

"Did you say that the collapse is about to explode?"

"I have a strong hunch that the third collapse will break out within a year."

Yu Gong put the reason on the mysterious and mysterious, elusive intuition.

No way, Yu Gong had no choice but to do this.

Could it be that he told Lan Yu Shallow that he knew the plot of the collapse? impossible.


Yumiya's excuse really worked, Lanyu Shallow didn't ask any further questions.

After all, I had a hunch about this, so I couldn't tell.


In the blink of an eye, a week has passed.

A company that suddenly appeared was like a pebble thrown into the lake, causing violent waves in the calm long sky city.

Eden Technology Group.

The industries it involves are high-precision fields, mainly in the field of machinery.

At the beginning of its establishment, it has established cooperative relations with many large electronic, biological and Internet companies in Changkong.

Among them, Massive Electric, a world-renowned multinational electronics manufacturer, is included.

ME Headquarters, President's Office.

"Hamiya Margot Royd?"

Looking at the information sent by the secretary, the president of ME Club, Raiden Ryoma, fell into deep thought.

Yesterday, ME received the largest order since its founding.

This order comes from Eden Technology Group, which has recently emerged in Changkong City and has made a lot of noise.

In his own habit, Leidian Longma sent someone to investigate this emerging company.

After all, whether it is cooperation or competition in the future, knowing the details of each other is the first priority.

The results of the investigation made Raiden Ryoma extremely surprised.

The ability to develop ME to its current scale is evident in his business talent.

Thunderbolt Longma is sure that the rise of Eden Technology Group is unstoppable, and it is inevitable that it will soar into the sky.

And its helm is actually a young man.


Raiden Ryoma closed his eyes and pondered.

After a while, he reopened his eyes and called his secretary.

"In my name, send an invitation letter to Mr. Hagiya Margot Royd."

"Three days after I invited him to the banquet I held at the Changkong Hotel."

"Yes, President, I'll do it right away."


An artificial island purchased by Hamiya in the waters near New Zealand.

For convenience, after getting the artificial island, he changed the name of the island to Eden.

Boom boom boom.

"Hurry up."

"This way."


At this moment, the roar of Eden Island resounded endlessly.

There are people coming and going in many places, and there are many construction machines in operation.

Due to the existence of these people and machines, the whole island was enveloped by an impatience atmosphere.

It's in full swing, so busy. .

Chapter 339

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