When night fell, Kiana, Mei and Hagiya separated.

Hagiya led Seer and Bronya to their residence.

It was the house that Yugiya ordered the people from Eden Technology Group to buy while the three were on their way from Russia to the Far East.

There is direct transportation to Chiba Academy near the house, which is very suitable for Bronya and Seeer to live.

After settling them down, Yu Gong set foot on the way home.

Before leaving, Yu Gong left a lot of cash and a bank card for Seeer and Bronya's daily expenses.

So, that's enough.

Seeer and Bronya are good children, they don't need Yu Gong to be their nanny.

As for the 390-question security question, don't worry about it.


Two days later, at the gate of Chiba Academy.

Considering that Seeer and Bronya went to school on their first day, Hagiya personally sent them to school.

"I'm leaving. Be good at school."

"Well, goodbye, Big Brother Yu Gong."

Hagiya waved goodbye to Seeer and Bronya, and then planned to leave.

An "acquaintance" walked over.

More than two months ago, I met Himeko at a banquet held by Raiden Ryoma.

"Yo, Mr. Yumiya, long time no see."

Ji Zi took the initiative to greet Yu Gong.

"It turned out to be Miss Jizi, long time no see."

Yumiya was quite surprised.

Himeko is still a teacher at Chiba Academy and hasn't returned to Saint Freya?

"Being a teacher is very interesting, what do you think, Mr. Hagiya."

As if seeing through Yu Gong's thoughts, Ji Zi smiled.

"Ha ha."

Yumiya was noncommittal.

"Are you interested in coming to my office for a sit?"

Himeko sends an invitation to Yumiya.

It was a big surprise that the two met at Qianyu Academy today. It happened that she was looking for Yu Gong on something serious. .

Chapter 367

"How can I refuse Miss Jizi's invitation?"

"Otherwise, it's too confusing."

When talking to mature women like Himeko, Hanamiya's style is completely different from when facing Mei, Bronya and others.

Bold, aggressive.


Ji Zi was the first to walk into Qianyu Academy to lead the way for Yu Palace.



The two walked one after the other, chatting while walking.

"Hello, Mr. Jizi."


"Is this gentleman your boyfriend? Teacher Jizi."

"Hahaha, you guessed it."


Whether it is a man or a woman, a student or a teacher.

Along the way, almost everyone who sees Ji Zi greets him.

Obviously, Himeko's popularity in Chiba Academy is very high.

"As expected of Miss Ji Zi, it's almost as if both men and women are killed."

After "a lot of hardships", the two finally reached the entrance of the office building.

Seeing this situation, Yu Gong couldn't help but tease Ji Zi.

"Don't dare."

Ji Zi's eyes were full of smiles.

"Mei, Kiana is the person responsible for the popularity of Chiba Academy."

"I'm old, I can't compare to a young and beautiful little girl."

"You are too modest, Miss Jizi."

Yu Gong didn't believe a word of Ji Zi's words.

Mei and Kiana are both top-notch beautiful girls, and their popularity is normal.

But when it comes to the attractiveness of adolescents, young men and women who have just developed a relationship between men and women.

The mature and charming Jizi is definitely better than Mei and Kiana.


Yu Gong guessed well, Ji Zi was indeed modest.

In the past, she, Mei, and Kiana were evenly popular, and it was almost impossible to tell the difference.

Raiden Ryoma was revealed to be suspected of economic fraud. After being arrested and imprisoned, Mei's popularity was affected, and she lost to Jizi and Kiana.


Inside the office building, Jizi's office.

At this moment, the office is empty.

Probably because the time for class is approaching, the teachers have already gone to their respective classes.

"Miss Jizi, you invited me to come to your office because you have something to say 〃〃."

Hagiya sat down on the sofa for the guests and faced Himeko.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you."

The thoughts in her heart were dismantled, and Ji Zi's smile did not diminish at all.

She walked slowly to Yu Gong, and boldly straddled his lap.


The sudden intimacy of Ji Zi caught Yu Gong by surprise.

"Miss Jizi, you, um..."


After a few minutes, the two slowly separated.

"Before getting down to business, I have other things to do."

Although they were separated, Himeko did not leave Yumiya's legs.

"It's a lot late. I should have given you this gift two months ago."


Yumiya wrapped both hands around Himeko's slender waist.

Did you take the initiative to deliver it to your door? What a great start.

"Looks like you found the answer at St. Freya College."


Ji Zi stared into Yu Gong's eyes with a very serious expression.

"At the banquet that day, I remember the time you met me, only a few seconds."

"In such a short period of time, you can actually heal my body."

"I can't think of any other adjective other than incredible."

"Your ability is amazing, can you tell me how you did it?"

"It's too troublesome to explain, so just treat it as a healing ability."

Yumiya's answer was rather general and unclear.

"Any form of internal injury, as long as the person is not dead, I can cure it."

"If it spreads out, I'm afraid the whole world will fall into madness."

I have to say, Yu Gong's words are very arrogant.

But Ji Zi, who has experienced it personally, has no doubts about the authenticity of this sentence.

"It doesn't matter if it goes out, no one can force me to do what I don't want to do."

If Yumiya was concerned about the issue of leaks, he would not have helped Himiko to heal her body.

"It can be seen that you are not the type that cares about the eyes of unrelated people."

Ji Zi is not a big mouth, and she never thought of making a big statement.

This will bring endless trouble to Yu Gong, thus worsening the relationship between the two sides.

"Okay, it's time to get down to business."

"I am listening."

Yu Gong pretended to be listening.

"...~The annual enrollment period for St. Freya Academy is about to begin, and our dean invites you to visit."

It was Teresa's decision to invite Yumiya after careful consideration.

One of her goals was to meet Yumiya and satisfy her curiosity.

The second purpose is to take the opportunity to have a good relationship with Yu Gong.


Are you recruiting at St. Freya Academy? Yumiya is very interested.

Come to Humble World, why not go to St. Freya Academy?

"In a few days."

The corners of Ji Zi's mouth rose slightly.

What Yumiya meant, undoubtedly, agreed to Theresa's invitation.

"I know the address of your home. I'll pick you up in person when the time comes."

"it is good."

Yumiya felt good about Himeko's arrangement.

"Next, it's private time."

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