"Do you need my strength? Xier."


At the same time as the voice appeared, Xier's eyes suddenly widened.

As if she was afraid of something, her petite body trembled slightly.

"No, I don't want it."

"Are you sure you want to reject me? Xier."

This voice was like a demon, tempting Xier step by step to fall.

"If you reject me, no one will protect my elder sister."

"No, Big Brother Yugiya, he will come to save Xier and Sister Bronya."

Xi'er resisted with all her might, doing her last struggle.

"Hehe, do you believe your own words?"

The devil's voice was unhurried, as if he was already winning.


Seeer wanted to refute, but couldn't find a suitable reason.

Time is too short, does Hanamiya really know that they are in danger?

"Yes, Xier, don't deceive yourself..."

The "conspiracy" was about to succeed, and the "devil" couldn't hold back his excitement.

"The only one who can help you now is me."

"That's right, I want to protect Sister Bronya."

Xi'er's blue eyes were dyed a blood-like scarlet color.

The red is diffused, and it gradually tends to cover the entire eye.


Not far away, Bronya, who was concentrating on her escape, did not notice Seer's strangeness.

She didn't respond until a sense of unprovoked discomfort enveloped her body.

Following the feeling, Bronya turned back slowly.

At this moment, Xi'er exudes an ominous black aura.

As long as Bronya's head is completely turned to the back, she can definitely see it.

Puff puff.

Bang bang bang.

At the critical moment, there was a new movement outside the classroom.

First, the footsteps of the dead were disrupted, then the sound of tearing and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

"I've looked for most of the junior high school, but I haven't found it yet."

"Hamiya, will they..."

"To a certain extent, no news is good news. Keep looking."

"Brother Yumiya? Sister Mei? Big idiot Kiana?"

An accident appeared on Bronya's little face.

Hagiya really came on 5.5, and Mei and Kiana were also safe.

Bronya turned her eyes to the outside of the window.

As far as the eyes can see, all the dead soldiers fell to the ground, none of them stood.

Every dead man's body was pierced by sharp ice picks.

Did Yugiya clean up the nearby dead?

"Big Brother Yugiya, Sister Mei, and the big idiot Kiana."

After analyzing that she and Xier were safe, Bronya no longer deliberately lowered her voice.

"Che, it's really not the right time."

The black aura around Xi'er dissipated, and her scarlet eyes returned to their usual blue.

The chatter outside stopped for a moment.

The next second...


The door of the classroom was violently pushed open, and the three of Yumiya broke in. .

Chapter 381

"Big Brother Yumiya, Sister Mei, Sister Kiana (Big Stupid Kiana)."

The joy of Bronya and Seer was beyond words when they saw the three of Hagiya.

They quickly ran to the door of the classroom and joined the three of them.

"I knew it, you are all right."

Yu Gong stretched out his hand and hugged Seer and Bronya gently.


Seeer and Bronya leaned on Yumiya's arms from left to right, hugging him back and holding him very tightly.

Encountered an inexplicable disaster, surrounded by monsters, and was alone and helpless.

Seeer and Bronya were still junior high school students, so how could they not be afraid.

Fortunately, they waited for Yu Palace, and in the end there was no danger.

"Bronya, don't call me a big idiot."

Kiana glared at Bronya, as if she had made a big mistake.

"Is there a problem?"

Bronya raised her head and looked at the indignant Qiyana.

She took it for granted, as if Kiana was a big idiot.


Kiana was speechless in anger, and her eyes almost burst into flames.

Why do you call Yayi a big sister when you call yourself a big idiot?

"Ha ha."

Seeing this warm scene, the corners of Mei Yi's mouth raised a smile.

When the four of them first met, Bronya's name for Kiana was indeed "sister".

Later, she found out that Kiana was rambunctious and simple-minded, which did not fit her sister's image at all.

So, he changed his mind.

"If you want to learn Xi'er, call me sister."

"Bronya isn't called Big Fool Sister."


The scene of two beautiful girls bickering is not unpleasant.

"Okay, it's time to go."

Hagiya intervened forcibly to stop Kiana and Bronya.

Now is not the time for bickering.


The two obediently shut up, very well behaved.

With Yugiya present, everyone was safe and sound, so I deliberately relaxed a little.

However, it shouldn't be too much.


The right and wrong place cannot stay for a long time.

Yu Gong and his party rushed out of Chiba Academy at the fastest speed.

On the way, they encountered Rita, who was half a step in the slow feather palace.

At this time, Rita had changed out of her daily attire and put on her Valkyrie armor.

Hunting Suit Shadow Iron.

With black, white, yellow-green and other colors as the main colors, the style is similar to maid clothes.

Next to him is a steel hound, his weapon is a huge scythe that contrasts with Rita's slender female figure.

"Mr. Hagiya, are these your masterpieces?"

Looking at the dead soldiers who were pierced by ice picks all over the ground, Rita asked curiously.


In the process of looking for Seeer and Bronya, Hanamiya was thinking about this sudden collapse at the same time.

The collapse of Chiba Academy was the beginning of the third collapse.

This collapse was artificially caused, and the culprit was Cocolia.

"A few months early, is it due to the butterfly effect?"

"What are you thinking?"

Rita has a strong intuition that Yumiya must know something important.

"Guess the cause of the collapse."

Yu Gong casually gave a reason.

"Rita, have you investigated?"

"I just arrived not long ago and haven't checked."

After Rita arrived at Chiba Academy, she saw many dead soldiers.

The death methods of the deceased are surprisingly similar, and the branch situation is vaguely a road.

Thinking of Hagiya, who was one step ahead, Rita felt that she was inseparable from him.

Sure enough, she used this as a clue to track down and came across Yu Gong.

"Can you find it?"

The time for Yu Gong to travel to the collapsed world is still shallow, and the related technology cannot be compared with the destiny.

With Rita taking the shot, the efficiency will be much higher.


Rita's face was full of confidence.

Hunter Suit Shadow Iron's specialty is to track Honkai.


Rita did not brag about her abilities.

According to the difference in the concentration of Honkai energy, Rita found out the reason in just a few minutes.

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