Yumiya told Mei the truth.

"Using the Sky City?"

Mei didn't understand what Yumiya meant.

The Sky City has been completely destroyed by the collapse, how can we use it?

"Throughout the history of mankind, collapse events are not uncommon."

"In modern times, there have only been three major collapses."

"The first time happened in January 1952, at 397 in Berlin, where the First Herrscher was born."

"The second time happened in 2000, in Siberia, where the Second Herrscher was born."

"These two major collapses not only destroyed the site of the outbreak, but also affected all parts of the world."

Yumiya cites two examples.

Mei Yi remained silent, waiting for Yu Gong's next words.

Yu Gong said so clearly, how could she not understand.

The collapse that broke out in the Sky City yesterday was the third time, and the Herrscher who was born was himself.

However, does this have an inevitable connection with Yumiya's use of the Sky City?

"The Great Collapse is a catastrophe that affects all mankind, and the Sky City is only the menarche."

"In the future, there is no guarantee that other places will follow in its footsteps."

"My goal is to make Long Sky City a shelter for survivors."

Collapse is a cyclical phenomenon, unavoidable and unstoppable.

Yu Gong couldn't think of a good way for the time being, so he could only learn Tianqiong City.

Comparing Changkong City and Tianqiong City, it is unclear whether the area is larger or smaller.

However, the scale should be sufficient.

"The reason for choosing Changkong City is that Changkong City is now a 'non-owner' land. Is it easy to get started?"

Mei finally understood Yumiya's intentions.


In Yayi's words.

Therefore, Yumiya is currently paying attention to the production of structures on Eden Island.

When he and his party leave, Hagiya will send a tectonic unit to Changkong City to sweep away all the dead men and Honkai beasts in the city.

Next, it's time for him to play at will.

"Ha ha."

Mei smiled and silently supported Yu Gong.

"I've finished speaking, it's your turn."

"Tell me, your choice."

Yu Gong hugged Mei and made her lean against him tightly.

In fact, there is no need to ask, what choice they will make is obvious.

"Like Kiana, become stronger."

Mei's pretty face flushed slightly.

Shy, she did not struggle, but obeyed Yu Gong's movements.

Yumiya treats Mei and Kiana equally.

Kiana has feelings for Yumiya, and Mei is no exception.

After experiencing the "suspected economic fraud" incident of Leidian Ryoma and the events of yesterday, this feeling is deeper and stronger than that of Qiyana.

Mei Yi finally stopped hiding and chose to face it.

Even if you want to share Yumiya's feelings with Bianca, Kiana and the others, it doesn't matter.

Mei believes that Yugiya will not ignore herself because of others, nor will she ignore others because of herself.

"After that, you will have to work harder."

Yu Gong lowered his head and slowly approached Mei.


Mei guessed what Yu Gong wanted to do, and closed her eyes shyly.




Soon after, the sound of the engine of the Hyperion broke the peace of the Hagiya family.

"Hahaha, it's really relaxing."

"You are the only ones who dare to live in a city full of dead men and Honkai beasts."

Ji Zi followed Yu Gong into the villa while laughing and teasing him.

"Is there a place to live near St. Freya Academy?"

Yu Gong said to him about him.

"Yes, do you want to live?"

Ji Zi asked curiously.

"I'm going to send Kiana, Seeer, Mei and Bronya to St. Freya Academy to receive Valkyrie training..."

"So, find a place close by."

The residence was prepared by Yumiya for himself, Bianca, Chiyuan, Cangyue, and Tobiichi Origami.

Perhaps, with Rita.

After Mei and the others became students of St. Freya Academy, most of them would live in a dormitory.

"Wrap it on me, and leave now?"

Jizi will help Yu Gong to handle this trivial matter.


Ji Zi came at the right time.

She was a little late, Hannomiya and Kiana were already on their way to St. Freya Academy.


Soldiers are very fast.

After connecting with Yu Gong and his party, the Hyperion did not waste any time, speeding up to the distant sky.

Inside the Hyperion, in a lounge.

"Hamiya, you seem to be quite interested in the Hyperion?"

Ji Zi noticed that Yu Gong had been looking around since he boarded the Hyperion, looking so interested that he couldn't help crying and laughing.

A mere warship, is it worth the fuss about Yu Gong?

"just looking around."

Yumiya really did not dare to be interested in battleships, with the exception of the Hyperion.

After all, this is the captain's ship.

"Okay, you are free, I'll go first."

Ji Zi also wanted to accompany Yu Gong, but unfortunately she couldn't.

5.5 She is the captain of the Hyperion and is in charge of the entire ship.


Putting aside the personal emotional factor, the Hyperion is really nothing to see.

After being a little familiar with the environment in the lounge, Yu Gong took out his mobile phone.

"One S-class structure, A-class structure..."

"Ten minutes ago, they all set off, and they are expected to arrive at Changkong City in fifteen hours."

The black screen of the phone brightened, projecting a virtual map.

On the map, striking lines connect Eden Island and Changkong City.

A big red dot is slowly moving along the line.


Beside, Kiana, Chi Yuan and others were attracted. .

Chapter 386

"This is an artificial intelligence system that I have designed by someone..."

Sensing the curiosity in the girls' eyes, Yumiya took the initiative to explain.

"Mr. Hagiya, do you usually use Chichimora to monitor Changkong City?"

Rita asked with interest.

Otto guessed it well. There are really top hackers in Yumiya's team.

"No, before the third collapse, the only place I paid attention to was Changkong City."

To monitor the entire long sky city? Yu Gong is not that leisurely.

"Chiba Academy?"

Kiana, Xier and the others warmed their hearts.

The reason why Hamiya pays attention to Chiba Academy is that they go to school in Chiba Academy?

No wonder he rushed to their side as soon as the collapse broke out.



Everyone chatted while resting, and the journey was fairly easy.


Although the function is more inclined to combat, the Hyperion is not slow.

Departing from Changkong City in the afternoon, we arrived at St. Freya Academy in the evening.

Jizi picked up Kiana, Xier, Mei, and Bronya.

Yugiya and the others found a hotel to stay on a nearby island.

No way, the artificial island where St. Freya Academy is located, the entire island belongs to the academy.

Yu Gong and his party can stay on the island for a few days, but it is not suitable for long-term stay.

Of course, hotels are also temporary residences, and they will find a place to live for a long time.


St. Freya Academy, the principal's office.

"Two natural stigmata owners and a third Herrscher?"

Theresa's mouth rose slightly, and she stared blankly at Jizi.

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