"Father, what's wrong with you?"

The abnormality of the man was so obvious that even Rin Yae, who was not familiar with the world, noticed it, she asked suspiciously.


Being able to enter and exit Yae Rin's room freely, his identity as a man is self-evident.

He is the father of Yae Sakura and Yae Rin, the manager of Yae Shrine, and the contemporary Yae God Lord.

She was so frightened that she didn't dare to say anything. She definitely couldn't say such a thing.

Otherwise, the majesty of the father will cease to exist.

The Eightfold God Lord calmed down the waves in his heart and tried his best to maintain his normal state.

"Sakura, who is that boy?"

"He's my friend, and I invited him to treat Rin."

Yae Sakura's answer was neither salty nor light.

The Yae Sakura from the future is quite different from the Yae Sakura in the Yae Village period.

The biggest difference is the mentality.

A mature state of mind makes her not afraid of the Eightfold God Lord.

"Your friend?"

The Eightfold God Lord was puzzled.

Usually, Yae Sakura spends most of her time in Yae Shrine, and rarely even goes to the village.

After all, Yae Rin is sick in bed and needs someone to take care of her.

Where did she make such a powerful friend?

Thinking of Yae Rin, another point in Yae Sakura's words caught the attention of Yae Lord.

Yae Sakura invited Hagiya to the shrine to treat Yae Rin.

The Lord Yae secretly observed Yae Rin and found that she had indeed changed.

The complexion is good, and the ill attitude is no longer there, and it cannot be seen that it is a seriously ill person.

Is what Yae Sakura said true?

Also, Hagiya cured Yae Rin?


In the blink of an eye, countless thoughts flashed through the mind of the Eightfold God Lord.


"I advise you to give up the idea of ​​inquiring about him, it's very dangerous."

As if guessing what Yae God Master wanted to say, Yae Sakura took the lead and blocked the conversation.

"His horror is far beyond your imagination."

"If you anger him, maybe the entire Yae Village will be destroyed in an instant."

After speaking, Yae Sakura took Yae Rin's hand and led her towards the door of the room.

"Let's go out for a walk, Rin."

"Haven't you always wanted to see cherry blossoms? It's a good season for cherry blossoms to bloom recently."

"Okay, look at the cherry blossoms."

The innocent Yae Rin didn't quite understand the meaning of the conversation between his father and his sister.

At this moment, her heart was already filled with excitement.


Yae God Lord's eyes flickered, and he silently watched Yae Sakura and Yae Rin go away.

If there is no such thing as before, the Lord Yae will definitely not believe Yae Rin's words.

But now, he is hesitating whether to believe it or not.

The terrifying of Yu Palace, the Yafold God Lord has personally experienced it.

He had never heard of a person whose eyes were so terrifying, and he didn't even dare to think about it.

Besides Yugiya, there is another strange thing.

Yae Sakura.

She seems to have changed her personality, her temperament, attitude, words and deeds, etc., all of which have changed.

"In the end what happened?"


Outside Yae Shrine.

"Your Excellency Yu Gong."

"Big brother Yu Gong."

Yae Sakura and Yae Rin who came out soon found Yumiya.

He was leaning on the pillar of the torii gate of the shrine, looking into the distance, as if he was looking at the scenery. .

Chapter 407

"The Eightfold God Lord didn't make it difficult for you, right?"

Yumiya had already noticed the arrival of Yae Sakura and Yae Rin.

Their footsteps and breath are very obvious.


Yae Sakura shook her head and said.

"What are you going to do?"

Hagiya noticed that Yae Rin hadn't taken his eyes off since he saw the cherry blossom tree next to the torii.

Recalling the plot of the manga, Yae Sakura and Yae Rin agreed to go to see Sakura together.

That being said, they are now going to fulfill this promise?

"My sister wants to show me the cherry blossoms."

The person who answered Hagiya was Yae Rin.

Sure enough, their goal was cherry blossoms.

Yae Rin held Yae Sakura's sleeve with one hand and pointed at the cherry tree with the other.

"Is this the cherry blossom? It's so beautiful."

"According to the time, it is indeed the season of cherry blossoms."

Yu Gong raised his head and looked at the sky.

The scorching sun hung high, pouring down the poisonous sunlight.

The temperature in the Yae Village area is very high, which is beyond the normal range.

"But, if I'm not mistaken, it probably hasn't rained in Yae Village for a while."

"One, two cherry trees are still 407. There is no problem with the cherry blossom forest. I'm afraid it will not survive."

"The main source of water in Yae Village is a river left from a mountain not far away."

"Exactly, there are cherry blossom trees above."

"I think there is a river, and the dry situation of that mountain will not be as heavy as Yae Village."

Yae Sakura has already drawn up a plan.

"Really, sister."

Yae Rin's voice was full of anticipation.

A cherry tree is so beautiful.

The scene of the cherry blossom trees, the cherry blossom trees...

Yae Rin tried hard to conceive the scene of the cherry blossom forest in his mind, but it always lacked the taste.


Although it is five hundred years late, Yae Sakura is glad that this promise still has a chance to be fulfilled.

"I'll go too."

Hanamiya stood up straight and approached Yae Sakura and Yae Rin.

"If the environment is good, I will live in the mountains."


Yae Sakura and Yae Rin were extremely surprised.

Yu Gong wants to live deep in the mountains?

Wouldn't it be the best choice to spend the night in Yae Village or Yae Shrine?

"I prefer a natural environment, which is clean."

Yumiya really likes natural scenery, but this is also a reason.

He was not interested in staying overnight at the villagers' homes in Yae Village.

As for the Yae Shrine, it's not very suitable either.

"All right."

Now that Yugiya has decided, Yae Sakura and Yae Rin will not say more.

The three of them, together, left Yae Shrine and went straight to the entrance of Yae Village.


The mountain Yae Sakura mentioned is very close to Yae Village.

Walking out of Yae Village, not far away is the road leading to the mountain.

As Yae Sakura said, with the shade of the river, the drought in the mountains is not serious.

"It's here, Your Excellency Yu Gong, Rin."

Shortly after entering the mountain, Hanamiya and the others saw a cherry blossom forest.


A large number of cherry trees, the beauty of the scenery and a single cherry tree are completely different.

Yae Rin was immediately attracted and rushed into the cherry blossom forest excitedly.

"Be careful."

Yae Rin ran too fast, for fear of him falling, Yae Sakura quickly followed.

"Ha ha."

Yu Gong was not in a hurry and followed behind the two of them.

Next, it's fun time.


The time when Yu Gong and Yae Sakura crossed over was almost noon.

Playing until dusk, the three were satisfied.

To be precise, Yae Rin was satisfied.

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