Immediately, the strength of the whole body quickly left Yae Sakura.

Her face flushed red, and she fell softly on the sofa.

"Sister, sister, you..."

Yae Rin was so frightened that she thought she had hurt Yae Sakura.

She quickly came to Yae Sakura's side to check her condition.

"Sakura, Rin, what are you doing?"

Coincidentally, Hagiya happened to be in the living room at this moment.

Seeing that Yae Sakura and Yae Rin didn't seem to be quite right, he couldn't help asking strangely.

"Brother Yu Gong, look at elder sister."

"I just touched her ear, she, she became like this."

When Yu Gong arrives, Yae Rin seems to have found a savior,

She immediately stepped aside so that Yumiya could see Yae Sakura clearly on the sofa.

"Touch your ears?"

Hanamiya approached Yae Sakura and carefully observed her.

Ordinary power off is not a big problem.

This scene made Yu Gong think of the plot of the Honkai 3rd manga.

Theresa's body was occupied by Higuomaru, and two ears similar to Yae Sakura grew on her head.

When these two ears were touched lightly by Kiana, she couldn't exert any strength.

Presumably, fox ears are sensitive, similar to the creaking nests of humans.

"Rin, Sakura's fox ears are sensitive, you'd better not touch them."

"Phew, I remember."

Yae Rin breathed a sigh of relief.

(beff) It turned out to be just a sensitive point, she thought it was a big problem.

"Hamiya, are you finished with your affairs?"

At this time, Yae Sakura almost recovered.

She reluctantly raised her strength and sat upright.


Yumiya nodded.

"I'm going out tomorrow, and I may not be back for a few days."

"I will find someone to help you with your life problems."


Yae Sakura and Yae Rin both expressed their obedience to Yu Palace's arrangement.

"what do you need......"

"Don't be too troublesome..."


After a few more chats, Yae Sakura and Yae Rin went upstairs.

They are temporarily staying at Yu Gong's house today and have to pack a room and come out.

As for Yugiya, he went to Rita.

Rita is the best person to handle trivial matters, she will do it beautifully.


The next day.

According to the agreement, Hagiya went to St. Freya Academy.

When Hagiya arrived at St. Freya Academy, Himeko and his party were already ready to set off, just waiting for his arrival.

After everyone gathered, they didn't waste any time and went straight to Shenzhou.

Their first stop was GZ Province, where Jiuyou is suspected to be located.

GZ City, in a certain restaurant.

"Waiter, please have another basket of horseshoe cakes."

Kiana called the waiter and motioned her to add a new meal.

"Please wait."

The slender waiter took down Kiana's request and left.

"Kiana, should it be said that you're the 11th place in the 100 restaurants you want to go to?"

"The tea and snacks in this shop are quite good."

Bronya swallowed the peach cake in her mouth and said expressionlessly.

"Huh? Are you making fun of me?"

Kiana raised her eyebrows and raised her eyes, and her expression was very bad.

Bronya's words were obviously praises, but how could it sound more sarcastic?

"You think too much, Bronya is just stating the facts."

Bronya responded calmly.

Indeed, Bronya did not mock Qiyana.

There is also time for bickering. Now is the time to enjoy the food. Isn't the poisonous Qiyana a spoiler?


Kiana looked at Bronya suspiciously.

Are Bronya's words true or false?


Here, Kiana and Bronya are happily enjoying the food.

On the other side, Ji Zi sighed with a bitter face. .

Chapter 417

"We are not here to enjoy the food, but to do the task."

Kiana was too slack, and Jizi had to remind her all the time.

"What do you think, Jiuyou are just myths and legends."

Kiana didn't care.

"Does this place really exist~?"

"Fu Hua."

Ji Zi is not sure whether Jiuyou exists or not.

So, she turned to Fu Hua, the guide of the trip.

"After learning about the content of the task yesterday, I checked a lot of information."

Fu Hua took out his laptop and opened the searched data.

"According to the analysis of the data I found, Jiuyou refers to the deepest part of the ground."

"As far as I know, there is no suitable place in GZ City."

"Could it be that we have to search all the low-lying places in GZ City?"

"Let's think of other ways first."

Ji Zi did not consider Fu Hua's proposal for the time being.

Searching all over the low-lying places in Guangzhou is obviously the last resort.

Unless absolutely necessary, don't take this approach.


Yumiya drank all the tea in the cup, then put the cup down.

"Actually, don't worry, since it's confirmed that Jiuyou is near GZ City, it's not difficult to find it."


Yu Gong's words attracted the attention of the girls to him.

"Yugong, do you know where Jiuyou is?"

Ji Zi asked curiously.

"I don't know the exact location, but I can roughly infer some."

Infer? Yumiya doesn't need it.

Just tell Ji Zi and the others the approximate location of Jiuyou and that's it.

"The ancient people of Shenzhou looked at mountains and seas, and believed that mountains and seas had an inseparable relationship with the world."

"There is even an ancient book called The Classic of Mountains and Seas."

"Mountain, meaning high, sea, meaning deep."

"In the knowledge of the ancient Chinese people, there is probably no place deeper than the bottom of the sea."

"So if you want to find Jiuyou, just lock the search range in the sea area around GZ City."

"Under the sea?"

After hearing Yu Gong's words, Ji Zi and the others suddenly became enlightened.

"It makes sense."

Fu Hua operates a laptop computer and looks for relevant information.

"In "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", legends about Jiuyou often appear together with sea water."

Finding the exact evidence, Fu Hua believes that Yu Gong's analysis is very correct.

"Mr. Yugiya, I didn't expect you to know so much about the culture of Shenzhou."

"Just a little bit."

Of course, Yu Gong has a deep understanding of the culture of Shenzhou.

Before crossing, he lived in Shenzhou and was very interested in myths and legends.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas", "Journey to the West", "Fengshen Romance" and so on, Yu Gong has read them all.

"I asked the branch to send the navigation equipment."

Now that we have a clear direction, we will continue to investigate in this direction.

Himeko took out the communication device and contacted the GZ branch of St. Freya Academy.


The brief communication soon ended.

Ji Zi put away the equipment and took a sip from the teacup.

"It will take a few hours for the nautical equipment to be delivered."

"Before that, time was at our own disposal."

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