"It's unfortunate."

Xing complained angrily, and struggled to swim to a large wreck of a speedboat not far away.

After swimming to the side of the wreckage, she raised her arm soaked in the sea.

In Xing's hand, a middle-aged man-.

I don't know if it was because of bad luck that I was affected by Yu Gong's attack, or because I was trying to save Xing, my escape was a little slower.

The middle-aged man fell into a coma and has no tendency to wake up.

"When you wake up, remember to kneel down to thank my uncle for saving his life."

Xing was reluctant to put the middle-aged man on the wreckage, and then climbed up on her own.

The titan mechs were completely destroyed, and they recovered a life in a daze.

Now, it is impossible to compete with Tianming for the Yellow Emperor's Stigma and Xuanyuan Sword.

The only way to contact other high-level anti-entropy leaders is to ask them to send rescue troops.

The rest will be discussed later.


In the sea, the trench where Jiuyou is located.

After a lot of effort, Jizi, Kiana and others successfully eliminated the Houkai herd.

"Where's Yu Palace?"

Kiana looked around, but didn't see Hanamiya.

"I don't know, it seems that Brother Yugiya was gone before we encountered the Honkai Beasts."

Bronya told Kiana about the situation.

"Did he do anything else?"

Kiana was surprised.

For no reason, Yu Gong probably wouldn't leave them behind.


Yu Gong's voice suddenly sounded.


Hearing the voice, Kiana, Ji Zi, Fu Hua, and Bronya turned their heads to look.

Yu Gong was behind Kiana, and no one found out when he came.

"Just now, the anti-entropy person came..."

Yumiya briefly described what happened on the sea.

"Uh, are they all dead?"

Knowing that Anti-Entropy also has thoughts on Jiuyou, Ji Zi was shocked.

As the saying goes, guns are easy to hide, but dark arrows are hard to guard against.

The participation of anti-entropy is completely ignorant.

If they came out when they and others were in danger, the consequences would be disastrous.

Luckily, there was Hagiya among the people who went with me.

He ruled out this big threat in advance.


Yumiya shook his head and continued to explain.

"If it's not necessary, I won't kill anyone casually."

"As long as they are sensible, it's okay to let them go once."

This is just one of the reasons.

The more important reason is that Yumiya has a slight fondness for anti-entropy.

Anti-Entropy was originally the North American branch of the Mandate of Heaven, but after the death of Walter Joyce, it broke with the headquarters and established itself.

Through years of hard work, Anti-Entropy has developed a mecha technology that is completely different from Destiny.

Mecha's utilization of Honkai Energy is far less than that of artificial stigmata.

Its manufacturing cost is also much higher than training a Valkyrie.

Despite continuous research and improvement, these two problems still cannot be solved.

But even so, Anti-Entropy insists on using mecha as a combat power instead of a Valkyrie.

This concept is worthy of respect.


Jizi does not comment on Yu Gong's actions, he must have his own ideas.

"You came back at the right time, and we are preparing to enter Jiuyou."

"Okay, let's go."



The regrouped people set off for Jiuyou.

After a while, they saw a hole.

Needless to say, everyone knows that this is the entrance to Jiuyou.

A group of people passed through one after another and entered it.

What caught my eye was a very wide space.

Continuing to go deeper, Yu Gong and others saw the anti-entropy tactical mecha soon after.

The damage to these mechas varies, but they are all scrapped.

"The anti-entropy guys seem to have suffered a lot."

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

The scrapped mecha proved that the exploration of Jiuyou was not very smooth.

In this regard, Ji Zi is quite gloating.

"Teacher Ji Zi, look."

Fu Hua stretched out his finger and pointed to a certain place ahead.

"What's the matter, Fu Hua."

Following the direction Fu Hua pointed, everyone turned to look.

A few dozen meters away, there is a huge stone gate.

"Behind that door, it should be the real Jiuyou."

Fu Hua expressed his guess.


Reasonable and reasonable, Fu Hua's guess was unanimously agreed.

Without any hesitation, everyone accelerated their pace and rushed to the front of Shimen.


When I got closer, I realized that this door is not as simple as a stone door.

Shimen is obviously artificial and has a very strong Chinese style.

The gray tile-shaped roof, the vermilion beams, and the four vermillion pillars are used as decoration.

On the stone gate, there is a carving of the famous divine beast in China, the dragon.

A little further away, there is a finely crafted bird statue.

"The door is closed, do we have to smash the door open before entering?"

Kiana made a joking suggestion.

"Don't mess around, Kiana-san."

Although Kiana was joking, Fu Hua still responded seriously.

"In the story of Shenzhou, a similar environment is always inseparable from the agency."

"If you act rashly and don't open the door in the correct way, you will set off a possible trap."

"Huh? Organization? What."

Kiana originally wanted to liven up the atmosphere and had no intention of breaking the door forcibly.

Unexpectedly, such a profound thing as a mechanism is involved.


While explaining the meaning of the organ, Fu Hua observed the surrounding environment.

Ordinary, unremarkable cave.

If there is anything special about it, there are only a few nearby steles.

There are texts and pictures on the stele.

Combined with the current environment, how these steles seem to be a key factor. Death.

Chapter 423

"I think the way to open the stone gate should be hidden in the stone tablet."

After thinking for a moment, Fu Hua came to a conclusion.

"Okay, let's interpret the information on the stone tablet first."

Fu Hua's analysis can't pick out any faults. Even if it's not the truth, he must be reluctant to leave the truth.

Therefore, Ji Zi chose to trust Fu Hua.

"Look at this first."

"a year ago......"


Immediately, the girls came to the nearest stele.

As a native of Shenzhou, he is the number one advisor on this trip to Jiuyou.

The work of interpretation is naturally done by Fu Hua.

Beside the stone gate, Yu Palace leaned back against the stone wall, very leisurely.

He seems to be resting, but he is not.

The biggest threat in the Nine Serenities is not the anti-entropy people, nor the hordes of shark-shaped Honkai beasts.

He is the mortal enemy of the Yellow Emperor, Chi You.

Chi You is a powerful Honkai Beast at the judgment level.

Compared to the Valkyrie rank of Destiny, Judgment-level Honkaimon is equivalent to an S-rank Valkyrie.

According to historical records, the Judgment-level Honkai Beast has only appeared twice.

The first one is Chi You from ancient China.

The second, in the second collapse more than ten years ago, the second Herrscher's family - the demon dragon - Benares.

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