The so-called "I can't explain clearly" is actually an excuse for not wanting to speak.

They understood, and wisely gave up asking questions.

Plus, there are more important things to consider now.

Do you want to go into Chi You's body and get Ji Lin's stigmata?

Unspoken, the girls' eyes focused on Ji Zi.

She is the commander of this mission and holds the decision-making power.


Ji Zi was very decisive, without any hesitation.

You've already seen Chi You, how could there be any reason to back down?

"Ha ha."

Kiana, Fu Hua, and Bronya smiled.

Their thoughts were the same as Jizi's.

When you encounter difficulties, you shrink back, which is not in line with your character.

"Okay, let's go."

Seeing that Jizi and the others had made a decision, Yu Gong was no longer lazy.


A faint white mist rose up.

The sea water around the crowd rapidly condensed.

The scope of the ice layer expanded like lightning, and in the blink of an eye, the water in everyone's field of vision turned into ice.

"Don't worry, there will be no accidents with me here."

Yu Gong first stepped on the ice and walked towards Chi You, a few dozen meters away.


He secretly sighed at the strength of Han Palace, and Ji Zi and the others followed closely.


I don't know if it was death or other reasons.

After being attacked by the Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara, Chi You remained motionless, like a corpse.

Thanks to this, Yu Gong and his party easily entered Chi You's body.

Chiyou's body was completely dark, and they could only rely on the lighting equipment they built to provide light.

"A lot of stones."

Kiana thought that Chi You's body must be full of disgusting tissues that keep squirming, just like ordinary creatures.

Actually, it is not.

Chi You's body was dry and empty.

It is not the muscles, bones, blood vessels and other tissues that enter the eye, but a large number of stones.

".~ Legend has it that the giant beast Chiyou will keep devouring the land and cities of China."

"Its body will continue to grow as the amount of land and cities it devours increases."

The goal of everyone is Chi You's heart.

The task of finding Chiyou's heart fell on Bronya's shoulders.

While searching for information about Chiyou, she carried out a search.

"In Bronya's detection data, there are two huge Houkai energy reaction points in Chiyou's body."

"Does Chiyou have two hearts?"

Ji Zi was a little surprised, but not surprised.

Chiyou is a Judgment-level Honkai Beast, and it is normal to be different from ordinary creatures.

"Since I found it, let's go."

"Set off."


No one was suspicious. Jizi and the others all believed that the reaction point of Honkai Energy that Bronya had detected was Chiyou's heart.


Like the game plot, Himeko and the others were misled.

Yu Gong was helpless, thinking about the reason for blocking them.

......Look up.

A few people galloped and galloped all the way.

After a while, they came to a large crystal.

When they found Chi You's heart, Ji Zi and the others did not show any expressions of joy.

Because not long ago, there was a sudden strong shaking.

This shaking has not been heard since it appeared, and it has continued to this day.

"Could it be that Chiyou is moving?"

Fu Hua made a not-so-good, but highly credible guess. .

Chapter 426

"should be."

Ji Zi nodded solemnly.

Other than that, there is no other reasonable explanation.

In other words, they don't have much time left.

If Chiyou was close to the land of Shenzhou, then the stones that his group saw along the way would be the end.

"I'll break this crystal."

Kiana raised her gun and aimed at the huge crystal in front of her.

"Don't worry, Kiana."

Yumiya held down Kiana's arm and motioned her to stay calm.

"A crystal of this size cannot be destroyed by your weapon."

"Mr. Yu Gong, please take action."

Fu Hua asked Yu Gong for help.

Indeed, Chi You is a trial-level Honkai Beast, and his heart is not so easily destroyed.

Under the circumstance that he was hiding his strength, among those present, only Hanamiya could do it.


The expectant gazes of the girls fell on Yu Gong.

They can't do it, isn't there Yugiya still there?

"Do you think this crystal is Chi You's heart?"

"Ji Lin said that the other one is in her heart, have you forgotten?"

Yu Gong did not take action, but raised a question.


The expressions of Jizi, Kiana and the others changed slightly.

Yumiya would definitely not say such words for no reason.

Could it be that there is something wrong with the crystal?

"Crystal's Honkai Energy reacts very strongly. This energy index is higher than the output power of the main engine of the Hyperion."

"Brother Yu Gong, this is not Chi You's heart, what else could it be?"

Bronya gave her reasons.

The data she detected all point to one point.

The crystal is Chi You's heart.

However, the doubts raised by Yumiya are also cause for concern.

After all, it was Ji Lin's lifelong wish to destroy Chi You, and she could not deceive Yu Gong.

"I gonna go see."

Yu Gong walked to the crystal and reached out to touch its outer wall.

If he remembers correctly, there is a piece of soul steel in the crystal.

I found a way to take out the soul steel while ensuring that the crystal is not damaged, and the matter was solved.

"Huh, this is it?"

With his super perception ability, Yu Gong did find the soul steel in the crystal.

However, the situation was slightly different from what he imagined.

On the soul steel, there is a residual consciousness.

This consciousness is like the light of fireflies under the bright moon, very inconspicuous.

Not only that, but it is extremely weak, and it is not surprising that it will disappear in the next second.

"Could it be?"

A rare surprise appeared on Yu Gong's face.

A crystal feather passed through the crystal wall and entered the interior of the crystal.

"Hamiya, what's the matter?"

Yu Gong's small movements were very subtle, and Ji Zi and the others didn't notice it.

However, they could see the change in Yumiya's expression.

What Yu Gong found was actually worthy of his surprise.


The girls stood silently in the distance, communicating in low voices, no one approached.

The current situation is not clear, so it's better not to disturb Yu Gong.


the other side.

At this moment, most of Yumiya's attention is not around him.

His consciousness has followed Yu Duchen and penetrated deep into the crystal.

Destruction energy.

Except for a piece of soul steel, and the endless Houkai energy like the ocean, there is nothing else in the crystal.

Fortunately, it was Yu Gong who came in. He was not afraid of the erosion of Honkai Energy.

If it were someone else, even if it was a Valkyrie with a high level of beff resistance, her consciousness would not be able to escape the polluted ending.


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