Wendy's hands on her knees clenched subconsciously.

"it is my responsibility."

"Not qualified, qualified..."

The demon stopped arguing with Wendy, just kept repeating her last words.

As time goes by, the sound becomes smaller and smaller until it disappears.

Did the devil give up?

No, it is not.

Hatred needs to accumulate, and it needs enough time for it to take root.

(What? Zhao) Now Wendy's hatred of Destiny is far from strong enough.

Therefore, we have to take it slowly and step by step.

Just like a spring, the harder it is compressed, the stronger it will rebound.



After a short rest, Wendy pushed the wheelchair and walked towards the exit of the park.

She, it's time to go back to the Oceania branch.

As a host who is hungry for gems, Wendy can't leave the branch for too long.

Nothing can go wrong with the desire for gems, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

"What a good boy."


The tendency of the wheelchair to move forward suddenly stopped.

who? Who is speaking?

Wendy tilted her head and looked to her side.

The strange voice I heard just now came from this direction.

"Mr. Yumiya?".

Chapter 435

There is only one person around, Yu Gong.

Wendy was very surprised when she saw Yu Gong.

A few months ago, during the admissions process of St. Freya Academy, she had met Yumiya several times.

Unexpectedly, the two would meet in Queenstown today.

"Oh? You know me?"

Wendy was quite surprised when she called out her name.

"Well, you are a friend of the principal of the academy, you must remember."

Wendy was a little embarrassed and spoke softly.

"That's it."

Yumiya raised his arm and gestured forward.

Wendy was very smart, she immediately understood what Yu Gong meant and pushed the wheelchair forward.

Hagiya speeded up and came to Wendy's side.

"Mr. Hagiya, why did you come to Queenstown?"

Wendy asked curiously.

"Because you were in trouble, Theresa asked me to help."

Yu Gong did not take the credit, but gave it all to Theresa.

"Lord Principal?"

Simple Wendy, never thought that Yu Gong was lying to herself.

She was overjoyed at first, and then her mood became somewhat depressed.

"My leg problem is caused by craving for gems, I think..."

Wendy's overtones were obvious, and she didn't hold out much hope.

"It's just a desire for gems, no problem."

"Follow me to St. Freya Academy, your legs will be fine."

Hagiya showed a "fox tail".

Yes, his purpose in coming to Queenstown was to take Wendy away.

"Really? Can my leg be cured?"

Wendy's slightly dim eyes reappeared with the splendor that belongs to a flower girl.

If it can be treated, no one wants to have their legs paralyzed.

"Of course, I will do what I say."

Yumiya made a promise.


Wendy was overjoyed, and she agreed to follow the trend.

But as soon as the words came out, she hesitated.

I left without saying goodbye, what about the Oceania branch?

"Are you worried that you won't be able to explain to the Oceania branch?"

Yu Gong understood Wendy's thoughts at a glance, and he was really speechless.

Destiny, or to be more precise, Otto's brainwashing skills are really powerful.

Wendy, these Valkyries, were fooled and confused.

Fortunately, this situation was expected by Yu Gong, and he had already figured out how to deal with it.


Wendy nodded in recognition.

"Here, look."

Yu Gong stretched out her hand in front of Wendy, palm facing up.

"This is?"

A feather floated about five centimeters above Yu Gong's palm.

The feathers are crystal clear, exuding a faint red light, very beautiful.

This artistic feather immediately attracted Wendy.

"Sleep for a while."

Yumiya's answer was strange, completely off topic.

"Sleep, uh."

Wendy was full of confusion.

Yu Gong's words were not right with the mouth of a donkey, she couldn't understand it at all.

Just as she was about to ask the question, Wendy was stunned.

Her eyes lost focus, her face was stiff and dull, as if she had lost consciousness.

"Take a good look, Wendy."

Yu Gong didn't want to waste too much time, so he played a little trick.

Use the power of Yu Duchen to reproduce the plot in the game.

As long as Wendy sees the truth, Yu Gong doesn't believe that she will still give up on her destiny.


"The Oceania Branch..."

"In order to preserve the desire gem, Destiny used Wendy's body as a container? It's too much."


"A broken stone is more important than Wendy's happiness?"

"Desire for gems is not a broken stone. If the huge amount of collapse energy in the gem is released, it is enough to destroy several cities in an instant."

"That's it, doesn't it matter?"


Through the illusion created by Yu Duchen, Wendy saw her future.

After accumulating hatred for nearly three years, he finally couldn't hold it back, became the fourth Herrscher, and launched a frantic revenge.

Destiny's Oceania branch was paralyzed, Queenstown was destroyed, and half of New Zealand suffered.

In the end, he was ruthlessly destroyed.


After reading the whole story from the perspective of a third party, Wendy regained consciousness.

"Do you believe it? Wendy."

"Continue to stay in the Oceania branch, then what you just saw is your fate."

Yumiya opened her mouth at the right time, adding fuel and vinegar.

Say good things for the destiny? how is this possible.

Since Destiny chose to give up Wendy, why not help others and help them?


Shocked? anger? sad? incredible?

Wendy couldn't find the right words to describe her mood.

Everything in the fantasy world will happen in the future?

After several years of perseverance, I actually got a tragic ending?

Then, do you still need to persevere?

"How about it, do you want to go to St. Freya Academy with me?"

The time is ripe, Yu Gong directly fast-forwards to the last step.

"I'm in a wheelchair and can't move well, eh?"

Wendy suddenly widened her eyes and stared around in amazement.

The environment has changed.

Bed, table and chairs, TV, computer...

This is not a park in Queenstown, it seems to be a room.

"Now, we are in a homestay on the island around St. Freya Academy."

Yumiya explained briefly.

"Mr. Yu Gong, did you guess that I would promise you?"

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