"The Herrscher is very powerful. If he joins the human camp, he will become the backbone of the fight against Honkai."

Yu Gong told Fu Hua of his own thoughts.

Otto's bold idea of ​​"killing" the Herrscher with emotion, Yumiya is in favor of it.

In the last era, it was the value of human nature and emotion that human beings neglected that led to the disastrous collapse and the collapse of civilization.

The power of the Archangel is too terrifying, and human power alone cannot compete with it.

If you want to defeat her, you must combine the power of other Herrschers as much as possible.

If he hadn't traveled to the collapsed world, Yu Gong believed that this might be the only way for humans to win.

"Ha ha."

The corners of Chiyuan's mouth rose, revealing a faint smile.

Sure enough, Hanamiya and Dr. Mei are not the same kind.

His idea is correct.

"...Chiyuan, in a few days, I have a big surprise for you."

Yu Gong said mysteriously.

When Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan appeared in front of Chi Yuan, he believed that Chi Yuan would definitely be shocked.


Chiyuan was looking forward to Yu Gong's surprise.

"Surprise, do we have a share?"

"I think......"

At this moment, Rita, Tobiichi Origami and the others came downstairs.

The crowd made a fuss, and the atmosphere was very harmonious and happy.


Time, day by day.

Before I knew it, nearly five days had passed.

During the past five days, the reconstruction of St. Freya Academy has been steadily progressing.

Hamiya visited occasionally, and by the way, cultivated a relationship with Theresa, whose relationship had just broken through.

(How good is Zhao) More often, he goes back and forth between the seaside villa and Eden Island.

Eden Island, a secret laboratory.

"Finally finished."

In the middle of the laboratory test, there are two exquisite nutrition warehouses placed side by side.

Drop drop.

As Yu Gong pressed the button on the nutrition warehouse, the warehouse door slowly opened.

Inside the nutrition warehouse, lay two beautiful girls with exactly the same appearance and body shape.

They are the resurrected Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan.

After the final adjustment, Yu Gong transferred the consciousness of Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan to their new bodies.

Now, all the work has been completed, just waiting for the two to wake up.


After a while, the twin girls like Sleeping Beauty snorted and woke up one after another.

They opened their eyes and looked at the unfamiliar surroundings around them. crowd.

Chapter 450

Because they just woke up, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu still had a little chaos in their eyes.

However, it is more than joy.

"how do you feel?"

Seeing Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu wake up, Yu Gong asked them how they felt.

"Alright, alright."

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu held the wall of the nutrition warehouse with one hand and stepped outside.


The conscious body and the real body are very different.

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu, who had just been reborn, were obviously a little uncomfortable.

The moment they walked outside the nutrition warehouse, one of their feet was unstable and they fell forward.

"Be careful."

In front of Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan is Yu Palace.

Seeing that they had a tendency to fall, Yu Gong held each of them one by one.


"Thank you, thank you."

Suddenly being hugged by Yu Gong, Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan were a little shy.

There is only one person who has had such intimate contact with them - Chiyuan.

The two quickly stood firm and left Yu Gong's embrace.

"Slow down and try 437. After you get used to it, I'll take you to see Chiyuan."

Yu Gong let go of Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan, and then backed away a certain distance.

Things need to be done step by step, he is not in a hurry.


Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu walked slowly in the laboratory according to Yu Gong's words.

At the beginning, they were still not quite used to it, but fortunately there was no loss of balance.


As time went by, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu gradually got used to it.

When they walk, they are no different from ordinary people, and their movements are not sluggish or dull.

Hagiya took the two out of the laboratory and returned to the seaside villa.


"Cangxuan, what do you think Chiyuan will react to when she sees us?"

"I don't know, I should be very surprised."


Outside the seaside villa, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu were having a heated discussion.

Repeated with old friends, they were obviously quite excited too.

"Ha ha."

Listening to the beff of the two, Hagiya, who was walking in front, smiled from time to time.

With the addition of Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu, the villa is expected to be very lively.


Coming to the door of the villa, Yu Gong opened the door.

Coincidentally, Chi Yuan happened to be in the living room on the first floor.

"Hamiya, you, huh?"

As early as in Yu Palace, when Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan arrived at the door, Chi Yuan noticed them.

The aura of Yu Palace, Chi Yuan is familiar with, can no longer be familiar.

However, the breath of Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan, because of the long time interval, she had long forgotten.

Originally, Chiyuan thought that Yu Gong had brought back two friends.

But when she turned her head to look, she suddenly lost her mind and was stunned.

How could it be Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan? Didn't they die in the battle with Chi You?

Is it...

"Hee hee, do you miss us?"

Dan Zhu was extremely satisfied with Chi Yuan's expression.

She smiled and held Dan Zhu's hand, trotted to Chi Yuan's side.

"Long time no see, Chiyuan."

Compared to the naughty Dan Zhu, Cang Xuan seemed much calmer.

However, there was obvious excitement and excitement in her eyes.


Chi Yuan's heart was turbulent, and she couldn't calm down for a long time.

Thousands of years ago, the three were friends and good partners.

She was responsible for destroying Honkai beasts outside, while Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan compiled myths to wrap her up.

Whenever Chiyuan came home, Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan would surround her like this.

While blaming her for how rough her life was, she helped her take care of it.

The current situation reminds Chiyuan of the past.

"It was Yu Gong who saved us."

"She can use Yu Duchen to that extent, she is really amazing."

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu explained each and every one of you to Chiyuan.


Chi Yuan's puzzled eyes turned to Yu Gong, who had just come over.

Just based on the words of Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan, she could only know a vague outline.

If you want to know the specific situation, you still have to rely on Yu Gong.

"Back then I went to Jiuyou..."

It started from the trip to Jiuyou and ended at this moment.

Yu Gong told Chiyuan in detail the ins and outs of the whole thing.

"This is the surprise I want to give you."

"Thank you, Yu Gong."

It was indeed a surprise, but leaving was a huge surprise.

Chiyuan couldn't help but sigh that the sky has eyes, and the deaths of Dan Zhu, Cang Xuan and Ji Lin have always been her regret.

Now, this regret is more than half made up.

"Between us, don't say thank you."

Although the purpose is not pure, but Yu Gong rescued Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan, and Chi Yuan did account for part of the reason.


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