This pressure aroused her competitive spirit, which made her more and more want to defeat Horlander.

"Certainly, of course."

Since he has said so much, Yumiya simply said it more clearly.

"Let me put it another way, you should be able to understand it better."

"Urandel, Teresa, and Rita are listed as S-rank Valkyrie, because S-rank is the highest level in the Valkyrie system of Destiny."

"If there is a new rank above the S rank, then Horandal will be listed separately."

"Yi, can Xi'er defeat Horlander?"

Ji Zi asked with interest. Death.

Chapter 452


Next to him, Kiana, Mei and the others were also watching Yu Gong, waiting for his answer.

Within the Destiny, it is recognized that the S-rank Valkyrie and the Herrscher are equal.

Mei is the third Herrscher, and although the source of Xier's power is unknown, it doesn't seem to be bad.

How does Hollander, a special S-rank Valkyrie, compare to them?

"The strength of the two sides depends on the degree of control Xier and Meiyi have over their power."

In the collapsed world, the potential of human beings and the Herrscher are not at the same level.

Even for Valkyrie, the upper limit is extremely limited.

However, there are very few Herrschers who can make good use of their power, and most of the methods are superficial.

Typical among them are Sirin the Herrscher of the Sky and Wendy the Herrscher of the Wind.

If any lawyer can really fully understand his own ability, and use it rationally.

Not to mention Hollander, who is stronger than Chiyuan and Kevin, and is definitely not an opponent.

"That's it."

Himeko, Kiana and the others understood what Yumiya meant.

The potential of Mei and Xi'er is higher than that of Youlandel, but they have not yet been discovered.

"By the way, let me tell you a message."

In order for Kiana, Xier and others to grow up better, Yu Gong decided to put some pressure on them.

"This year, Hollander is only fifteen years old."


Fifteen? Isn't that about the same age as Seer, Bronya?

As Yu Gong expected, all the girls felt a lot of pressure.

Fifteen-year-old Hollander has become an S-rank Valkyrie, and she is the Valkyrie with the strongest destiny.

What are they doing now?

If you don't work hard, you will inevitably be thrown farther and farther.

"What a terrifying talent."

Ji Zi was very emotional.

The gap between people may be doomed from the moment of birth.

This fact is cruel and realistic.

"Talent? Haha."

Yu Gong smiled lightly, but did not explain too much.

It's not surprising that Ji Zi would have this illusion.

Most of the people who have never been in contact with Hollander have the same thoughts as Jizi.

When they really got to know Hollander, their ideas would change naturally.

Indeed, talent is an indispensable and most important factor for the strength of Youlandel to reach today's heights.

But her own efforts also played a key role.


the other side.

"Long time no see, Lord Hollander."

Humiya, who was in St. Freya Academy, didn't know that at this time, Gurandelle had reached the far east.

Rita, who was in charge of welcoming Youlander, did not arrange the meeting place at the seaside villa due to the absence of Hagiya.

Instead, I chose a high-end, quiet cafe on the island.


Pale gold, with light coral-colored wavy hair at the tips, and the iconic blue eyes of Europeans.

The appearance is beautiful and handsome, and the perfect figure of the golden ratio.

She was wearing a small black suit lined with a white T-shirt and black hot pants, which was cool and hot.

Just looking at her appearance, I am afraid no one would think that this is a fifteen-year-old girl.

"Since the bishop arranged that task for you, today is the first time we meet face to face."

"Hehe, I'm not by my side, did Lord Hollander take good care of himself?"

"It's alright, there must be some not used to it, and then I gradually got used to it."



Hollander and Rita often have video calls and have a little understanding of each other's current situation.

Therefore, there were not many greetings between the two.

Their topic quickly turned to Yumiya.

"It always feels like you've changed. Is it comfortable to stay by Hannomiya Margot Royd's side?"

Hollander asked curiously.


At first, Rita stayed by Yugiya's side purely for official business.

Later, it was sincere.

"Lord Hollander, where did you see that my change was very obvious?"

"how to say?"

Yulandel held her chin, thinking about the appropriate adjective.

"Well, you seem to be more beautiful than before. In addition, your words and deeds are full of comfort from your heart."

"I accept your compliment rudely."

As expected of Lord Hollander, her observation skills are as sharp as ever.

Rita's change was not unknowingly.

This change, and the sudden drop in stress, is related to the ease of work and tasks.

It is also inseparable from the long-term unremitting nourishment of Yu Gong.

"Lord Hollander, you said last time that in addition to visiting me, you also want to see Yu Gong."

"He went to the extreme east branch today, do you want me to inform him?"


Yu Palace?

A strange color flashed in Hollander's eyes.

Although Rita is the S-rank Valkyrie of destiny, her status is quite high.

But for the 437 people who had an accident, he was extremely kind, and he was too polite to anyone.

Not to mention the subordinates, Rita has always addressed people with higher status than her as "adult".

Yugiya is the Lord of Eden, and in terms of destiny, he is equivalent to Otto.

With Rita's personality, she should be called "Hamiya-sama".

But she actually called her by her first name, and even omitted her last name.

This is definitely not without reason. The reason inside makes Hollander particularly concerned.

"I plan to stay in Jidong for a few more days, and I'll talk about it when he comes back."


Rita didn't notice that she had slipped the tongue, which made Hollander suspect her relationship with Hagiya.

She put down the coffee cup and stood up gracefully.

"How about I act as your tour guide these days?"

"Thank you, Rita."

Gladdale accepts Rita's kindness.

Before, the two had always been like this.


The next day, early in the morning.

Yu Palace's seaside villa, in the restaurant on the first floor.

"Hugiya, Lord Yulander went to the extreme east yesterday."

Taking away the cutlery in front of Hagiya, Rita said with a smile. .

Chapter 453


Yesterday evening, Hagiya left St. Freya Academy and returned to the seaside villa.

But until just now, Rita didn't mention the story of Hollander.

Yu Gong thought that Hollander hadn't arrived, so he didn't ask.

"She seems to be very interested in you, do you want to, hmm."

At this moment, Rita is a fox, trying her best to seduce Yu Gong.


Is Rita encouraging herself to attack Durandal? Yu Gong was dumbfounded.

In fact, Rita does not need to say, he will do it too.

Blonde Knight, how could I miss it?

"Are you going to see her?"

Rita put all the dishes in the special dishwasher and pressed the start button.

When the machine started, she turned back to Yu Gong.

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