
Yumiya pulled out a branch and brought a bunch of blood flowers.

He threw away his "weapon", his expression was indifferent and calm, as if he had done something trivial.

"Stargazing, is your formation finished?"


Stargazing nodded lightly as an answer.

Afterwards, she couldn't help but glance at the branches thrown away by the man and Hagiya.

The man followed in the footsteps of his two companions and fell to the ground.

His body twitched slightly, his brows were wrinkled, his face was pale, and he seemed to be in great pain.

The branch whose front end was stained red with blood was now broken in two.

"they are?"

"A killer on the rivers and lakes."

Yu Gong said casually.

"People in the rivers and lakes?"

Their identities as killers are beyond doubt.

Stargazing cares about another thing.

These three people were obviously here for him and Yu Gong.

So, a question arises.

Why do the few Yamanos know that they and Yugiya are in the forest?

And, they came too fast.

In the morning, the two left Huangyue City.

That night, they encountered a killer.

No matter how you look at it, this assassination revealed that it was unusual.

"It's useless to think too much, just ask him directly 〃〃."

Yu Gong pointed to the man who was still lingering, trying to survive.


Star Gazing took a brief look at the three killers.

There was an indistinct red mark on the necks of two of them.

Obviously, they were blocked by a blow and lost their lives.

The third person didn't die, it should be Yu Gong deliberately left behind to obtain information.

Although Gou is alive, his condition is very bad, I am afraid it is more uncomfortable than death.

"Say, who are you?"

Looking down at the man, the stargazing attitude is arrogant and awe-inspiring, and his whole body naturally exudes majesty.

She is the grandson of the crown prince, and will be succeeding the throne in the future, His Royal Highness.

This is the normal her.

"I, we are the killer team on the rivers and lakes."

The star-gazing guess was good, but the pain at the wound and the inexplicable feeling of powerlessness made the man extremely painful.

At this moment, he desperately hopes that he can die in place of one of his two companions.

In this way, I don't have to suffer this inhuman suffering and torture.

Based on this, the star-gazing interrogation man was very cooperative.

If he doesn't cooperate with stargazing, he will definitely be better off dead than alive.

Cooperate, the worst result is to get out of the bitter sea earlier.

"A few hours ago, someone found us with your whereabouts."

"He offered ten thousand taels of gold to buy the lives of two adults."

"Who is the employer?"

"I, I don't know."


Stargazing stopped asking and fell into contemplation.

Just like her guess, there was a black hand behind the assassination.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find out the identity of the employer.

Men deceive themselves?

Stargazing had this idea, but it was thrown out of his mind in a blink of an eye.

In the current situation, deception is meaningless.

If he and Yu Gong found out that he was talking, then he wanted to die, it would be an extravagant hope.

Moreover, knowing the whereabouts of the two of them, they can get 10,000 taels of gold.

The status of an employer is definitely not ordinary.

Most of these people act cautiously and carefully, and do not leave a handle for others to attack.

Eighty percent of the people who came into contact with the three killers were not their employers, but their subordinates.

"Are you finished asking?"

Seeing that the star-gazing was silent, Yu Gong asked.

"This person is a small character and can't ask for useful information."

Stargazing is quite helpless.

Despite being accompanied by Hagiya, safety is guaranteed.

But there is a pair of eyes staring at me in the dark all the time, and I still can't figure it out. It's really uncomfortable.

"Actually, he said enough."

Yumiya raised his legs and pointed his toes on the man's waist.


The man flew out like a cannonball, broke several big trees, and fell into the depths of the woods.

".~ The price is sky-high, and you know our location like the back of your hand."

"Who is this related to? It's not hard to think of the answer."

"Huh? Wait."

A flash of aura flashed in the mind of stargazing.

She thought of a person who is the most likely, but also the most unlikely.

His own uncle, the second prince of Huang Kingdom.

"The employer is the emperor's uncle? Impossible."

"I know Uncle Huang, she will never hire assassins to assassinate us."

The second prince is a born optimist, not suitable to be a king.

When she becomes the emperor, the palace will definitely be a **** every day.

The picture was so bad that stargazing couldn't even imagine it.

Otherwise, the sage of Huangguo would not choose himself, who was only twelve years old, as the heir to the throne, nor would he choose the second prince.

Thinking of the character of the second prince, Guan Xingwu (Wang Zhao) is ashamed.

Such a person would hire a killer to kill himself because he covets the throne? She would rather believe that the Beast of the Sun will appear tomorrow.

"The possibility that the second prince is behind the scenes and the black hand is indeed very low."

"Then the possibility that her name was secretly borrowed by an unscrupulous person to do shameful things, is it high or low?"

Yugiya gave stargazing a key tip.

"You mean, Young Master Jackal?"

Speaking of which, if you still don't understand, it's not stargazing.

"It's not a jackal, who else could it be?"

When he noticed the assassins, Yumiya guessed that they were hired by the jackals.

As for the reason, it is more complicated.

Five years ago, riots broke out in the Western Regions of Huangguo.

At that time, the sage of Huangguo rescued the jackal in the wilderness. Seeing her talent, he named her as a young master a few months later. .

Chapter 478

Jackal's heart is not good, he suddenly jumped from a commoner to a young master, how can he restrain his rapidly expanding desire?

Having been by the second prince's side for a long time, Jackal found that her nature was simple and she was an extremely easy target to manipulate.

Over time, the idea of ​​being a powerful minister developed.

If you want to be a powerful minister, the first condition is that the second prince ascends the throne.

Originally, this was almost a certainty.

As a result, something went wrong halfway through, and the heir to the throne became a stargazer.

One can imagine how shocked and unwilling the jackal was.

At the 12th birthday celebration of stargazing a few days ago, Yu Gong's feeling was very obvious.

On that day, he spent the whole time with stargazing, and naturally he became the focus of other people's attention.

During the celebration, the number of eyes full of envy, jealousy, and hatred that Yu Gong felt were innumerable.

However, those people are the old foxes who have been in the court for a long time.

Deep scheming, thoughtful, and cautious.

Therefore, the performance is not very obvious.

Only Jackal, Hong Guoguo showed malice without any cover up.

Yu Gong could roughly guess one or two of her thoughts at that time.

Although I don't know myself, but at such a delicate time, I can be with stargazing, no doubt 467 proves that things are not simple.

If she doesn't get rid of it as soon as possible, it will be a huge obstacle on the way of her powerful ministers in the future.

"The thief."

Stargazing's little face was covered with a layer of frost, and his eyes showed a strong killing intent.

"The jackal received the grace of my royal family, not only did he not want to repay it, but instead did such a wicked act, it really deserves to be damned."

"Just a little guy, don't worry about her."

"Our top priority now is the beast of the sun."

In Yu Gong's heart, Jackal is already a dead person.

Since she has to provoke her, then the underworld is more suitable for her than Huangguo.

"makes sense."

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