At this time, up to the emperor and ministers, down to the common people.

Everyone, without exception, looked to the west, as if waiting for something.

Step, step, step.

Soon after, dull footsteps came from afar.

A majestic giant tiger appeared on the avenue and slowly approached Huangyue City.

Above the giant tiger's head, a petite figure could be vaguely seen.

"Until now, Lone still feels like a dream."

Huang Guosheng was filled with emotion.

Thinking back in the past three years, the two strange beasts, Yama and Wuxiang, caused the Huang country to suffer heavy losses and almost suffered the disaster of destroying the country.

Today, their companions have actually become the protectors of the kingdom of Huang.

It's really unpredictable, and fate is tricking people.

"You can get this exotic beast thanks to Young Master Yu."

The person closest to Huang Guosheng is Irene, who is a very noble official.

Seeing that there is only star-gazing in the battle of misfortune, and Yu Gong is not there, there is a touch of imperceptible loss in her eyes.

Now, it has been more than ten days since the day when the stargazer sent the letter back to Huangyue City.

More than ten days were enough for them to go back and forth between Huangyue City and the Seabed Altar.

The reason why it took so long was because something happened in the middle.

This matter, even Huang Guosheng does not know.

A week ago, Yu Gong suddenly returned to Huangyue City alone, and took Irene and Kiana to the Peerless Camp.

Afterwards, Star Gazing took Irene, Kiana, and Hollander to the seabed altar.

The three of Irene were a little puzzled at first, but after reaching the seabed altar, they understood the reason.

The colossus in the seabed altar is something like a wishing machine.

If someone awakens the colossus, then everyone present at the time will have a chance to make a wish.

Irene and the others were extremely shocked, and immediately asked Stargazing.

Through the speed of stargazing, the three learned about the specific situation.

It turned out that Yu Gong had long known that the giant image of the underwater altar was a wishing machine.

So I brought Kiana and Irene specially, and asked Xinggao to make a suggestion for the four of them to travel together.

As for why Yu Gong didn't come, he said it was not necessary.

For this reason, Irene, Kiana, and Hollander could not laugh or cry.

Yu Gong is really a magical and unpredictable person.

After the chores were finished, the four star-gazing people packed up their moods and made their wishes one after another.

Stargazing, Irene, and Gurandelle's wishes are unanimous.

I hope that the kingdom of Huang will enjoy prosperity and peace forever.

And Kiana doesn't have such grand ideals. Her wish is that she can be carefree forever.

The wishes of the four have come true to a certain extent.

The stone statues gave them immortality and immortality if there is no external force.

Why is this way, it gives an explanation.

Those who will be kings are wise monarchs, and those who have become generals are loyal ministers and good generals.

With these three people, a peaceful and prosperous world is not difficult.

If they want to survive in the prosperous world, they can live forever.

The country of Huang is prosperous, and Kiana is naturally carefree and worry-free.

The explanation of the stone statue must be said to be far-fetched, but the star-gazing and the others reluctantly agreed.

Your own home, then rely on your own hands to protect it.

At this point, the purpose of the four of them coming to the underwater altar has been achieved.

The stone statue that fulfilled the wish fell into a deep sleep, waiting for someone who was destined later.

They also left the seabed altar and returned to the Peerless Camp.

That night, Yu Gong sent Irene and Kiana back to Huangyue City, and everything went on as usual.

This matter, Irene, Stargazing, Kiana and Hollander tacitly chose to bury it in the bottom of their hearts.

There is a wishing machine that can make all wishes come true at the altar of the sea.

Rao is the slowest among the four, and Kiana understands how serious the consequences will be if the news spreads.

It will be chaos in the world, and there will be no peace in the kingdom of Huang.

"Yeah, it's a pity he doesn't belong to our country〃〃."

Huang Guosheng is glad that he did not act irrationally because of Yu Gong's disrespect.

Otherwise, Huang Guo will face a more terrifying disaster than the birth of an alien beast.

"Ha ha."

Huang Guosheng's words awakened Irene, who was immersed in her own world.

A person like Yugiya cannot be restrained by a certain country, she even doubts...


"I'm coming."


The Holy Master, the minister of civil and military affairs, the people onlookers have different thoughts, watching the stargazing and the battle of misfortune gradually approaching.

After one person and one beast approached Huangyue City, the welcoming ceremony officially began.


"...that day, did you go to see it?"

"You mean alien beast? Of course I went to see it. It's worthy of being an alien beast. It's really majestic."

"Haha, I don't know how many disasters alien beasts have caused in the past three years."

"I never thought that one day I would become a protector of the country."


There is a calamity to set off, plus the secrets of Huangguo Sheng Shang and Irene to fan the flames.

Since the star-gazing return to Huangyue City, her prestige has skyrocketed, and it can be said that she is at the height of the sky.

Streets and alleys, inns and taverns...

After dinner, the people of Huangyue City talked about Yu Palace the most, stargazing, and fighting misfortunes.

The vast majority of people were very happy that Huang Guo received this help.

A small number of people who are envious and jealous are people who are not in the same group as stargazing.

One of the typical representatives is Shaofu Jackal.

Shaofu's residence (Zhao Hao), Jackal's room.




The sound of china, cups, etc. being smashed on the ground constantly came from the room.

The maids outside the room were terrified and did not dare to approach the door.

For fear that Jackal's anger would burn on him, leading to unprovoked loss of life.


Why do alien beasts surrender to Yugiya and Stargazing?


Why don't you have a genius like Yu Gong to join him?




Why... close...


"Hu, hu, hu."

Another piece of precious porcelain was broken, and the jackal stopped temporarily, gasping for breath.

She was really upset, why did God favor stargazing so much and give her all the benefits? .

Chapter 488


The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Jackal picked up a piece of china in his hand again and slammed it to the ground.


Precious and delicate works of art are turned into scraps, and the fragments are scattered all over the place.

Since the place where the porcelain fell was very close to the coffee table, a piece of flying porcelain smashed into the corner of the table.

Coincidentally, the direction the debris bounced off happened to be the jackal's neck.


At this moment, the jackal is reaching out his hand, wanting to take another porcelain.

She never thought that just smashing something could cause a fatal crisis, so she didn't notice it.


The crisp hit the target accurately and pierced into the skin.


The jackal's movements stopped abruptly.

The strength of her whole body quickly drained and fell towards the rear.



The moment he was lying on the ground and lost consciousness, half of the eyes behind the jackal mask were anger and doubt.

Until she died, she didn't understand what happened.


Time, bit by bit, passed by. 473

At night, the mountain behind the imperial city.

Yu Gong followed the winding mountain road to the top of the back mountain.


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