But vampires are mystical creatures that only exist in legends and are shrouded in layers of mist, so they are not too attractive.

Rao is her, so it's hard not to be curious.


Dan Zhu's eyes looked back and forth between Yu Gong and Rita, and his strong thirst for knowledge was undoubtedly revealed.

Vampire, just the name is not easy.

Is it a creature of the same level as the high-level Honkai Beast, or even more powerful?

"Vampires are supernatural creatures that exist in folklore and stories."

"They live by sucking the blood of humans or other creatures, they are youthful and have a long lifespan..."

Yumiya explained the definition of vampire in detail.


Dan Zhu has never heard of vampires, so she must have been born while she was sleeping.

But I haven't heard of it, which doesn't mean I can't understand it.

According to Hanamiya's explanation, the human world is simply a vampire's paradise.

If there is a vampire hidden in Canghai City, the consequences will be disastrous.

"So far, I haven't heard any news of vampires haunting somewhere."

The investigation that lasted for more than ten days told Rita that there were no so-called vampires in Canghai City.

Hagiya made a mistake in judgment?

No, if it was someone else, Rita would think so.

Only Yumiya, she would look for problems in herself.

For example, the direction of the investigation is biased, the investigation is not deep enough, and so on.

Because since the two met, Yumiya has never made any mistakes in trivial matters.

Not to mention the fact that it is related to the legendary vampire, a major event of this kind.

He must have noticed something.

"Leave this matter for now."

Yu Gong didn't know that Rita had almost deified him, so she would rather doubt herself than doubt him.

As for vampires, his conclusion was his fault.

"Rita, I have already told you the news about Xilin."

"Her reappearance is bound to increase the frequency of Honkai incidents, and we have to prepare for it."

PS: I'm sorry, everyone, I'll update it today.

Chapter 600

"Actually, there are already signs."

As Hagiya's personal secretary, Rita is the one who helps him coordinate the overall situation.

Recently, she has received many asylum requests.

This is enough to explain the problem.

In addition, Eden's monitoring data shows that the frequency of recent Honkai events is more than doubled compared to before Sirin's resurrection.

People from small and medium-sized cities and remote areas tend to gather in large cities.

"How did you deal with it?"

Eden's affairs, now Yu Gong only pays attention to it every once in a while.

After all, he has such a smart and capable secretary as Rita.

These things, Rita, who has been professionally trained, handles them with ease, without the slightest difficulty.

"If the current momentum continues, the situation will spiral out of control."

"So, within the tolerance of the Construct Corps, I have included as many big cities as possible into the shelter of Eden."

The request to shelter small and medium-sized cities is not without it.

However, Rita refused all.

It is the future trend that people flow to big cities with high safety factor and complete skills in all aspects.

Townships, small cities, and even medium-sized cities are bound to be abandoned.

Sheltering those places, firstly, the number of structures is insufficient, and secondly, it is unnecessary.

Very cruel, but very real.

This is the collapse, a terrifying disaster that can destroy a civilization.

"Hugong, Eden only shelters big cities?"

Dan Zhu asked curiously.

"Not only the big cities, but only the big cities."

Yu Gong reached out and pinched Dan Zhu's nose lightly.

Rita is indeed a virtuous helper, and her work is in his heart.

She knows her personality and style very well, and knows how to do things that can best satisfy her.

"You should be clear about the nature and harm of the collapse."


The higher the level of development of civilization, the stronger the collapse.

This characteristic is one of the important reasons why it is difficult for humans to overcome the collapse.

Dan Zhu still remembers that it was precisely because she and Cang Xuan imparted super-era knowledge to the human beings of this era that led to the appearance of the trial-level Honkai beast Chiyou.

In the end, Ji Lin died in battle, and they slept for thousands of years, but luckily they survived.

The prosperity of today's human society has long reached the standard for the birth of the Herrscher.

It is probably not easy to protect large cities and give people who have suffered from the collapse a relatively safe shelter.

Wanting to do more is difficult.

"Think about what to do with so much."

Yu Gong moved Dan Zhu's hand to the top of her head and deliberately rubbed it hard.

"What you should think about is how to serve your husband and me."

"Who is your wife."

Dan Zhu's face was flushed, and he stared at Yu Gong angrily.

Through her slightly opened mouth, a few sharp teeth were vaguely visible, reflecting the cold light under the light.

"Take your hands away, or I'll bite you."

"Oh? Bit me?"


The happy sparring continued.

This time, even Rita couldn't stay out of it.


In the blink of an eye, another few days passed.

Harmony, warmth, and tranquility are the constant themes of Yu Gong Seaside Villa.

However, this is a special case.

With Xi Lin's awakening, the fragile peace was ruthlessly shattered.

Collapse events, big and small, occur frequently all over the world.

Disaster, fear, despair, pain...

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the world is about to be in chaos.

European Destiny Headquarters, the main classroom.

"Yesterday, the places where the collapse occurred were Manila, Dubai..."

"Thanks to the activity of Lord Hollander..."

The world is in turmoil, and Amber's workload has also increased a lot.

She was used to it and didn't care, and faithfully performed her duties.

"How about the other organizations?"

These "trivial" things made Otto's mood very unpleasant.

It is the purpose of Destiny to fight against Honkai and protect human beings.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Even if you are impatient, you must do your best on the surface.

"Anti-entropy has continued their usual style, and the situation in North America is not bad."

"In terms of world snakes, the few people we focus on have not made big moves."

"The only thing worth caring about is that one of the main cadres of World Snake - Grey Snake appeared in Sky City two days ago."

"Eden, their movements are unusually fast, as if they had expected frequent collapse events in the near future."

"The place sheltered by Eden is still safe."

Amber reports one by one.

"I have an idea."

Destiny's Valkyrie troop is strong and flexible, with only one shortcoming.


Quantity is small.

The anti-entropy mecha units are equally powerful and numerous, but they also have a disadvantage.

It needs special personnel to command, otherwise it will be a pile of steel.

Eden's structural technology has the advantages of both strength and quantity.

At the same time, it also has the function of autonomous combat, without extra manpower.

Such good technology is coveted by countless people.

Even Otto was very interested.

"Amber, do you want me to cooperate with Eden?"

"Pay a little price in exchange for the construction technology mastered by Hagiya Margot Royd?"

"I'm going to prepare the materials right now."

Otto's joke, Amber believed it to be true, and wanted to withdraw.

"I'm just kidding."

Amber, who was about to leave, was stopped by Otto's light words.

His tone was flat, and he obviously had no psychological burden on his secretary.


Amber returned behind Otto and stood respectfully.

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