With the idea that one more moment is a moment, Chen Tianwu raised his head and looked straight ahead.

"Introduce myself, my name is Grey Snake."

Approaching Chen Tianwu's approach, Grey Snake stopped.

"Grey snake?"

Grey Snake's low, hoarse voice made Chen Tianwu feel very bad.

Just as the person in front of him claimed, he was like a snake, making the hairs all over his body stand on end.

"Did you do the collapse of Manila?"

Dressed up as a grey snake, she looks like the villain in novels, movies and other stories.

Combined with the timing of his appearance, Chen Tianwu had a hard time believing that Gray Snake came with good intentions.

How do you look at it, how can Gray Snake look like a conspirator who shows up and harvests results after the conspiracy succeeds.

"Oh, you know Honkai? The Valkyrie of Destiny told you."

Grey Snake moved his left hand behind his back and moved in front of him.

"Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to cause a big collapse."

"The reason why I came to you is to get one thing."


Chen Tianwu's pupils contracted, almost reaching the limit.

Grey Snake's left hand holds a pistol.

What is he looking for? own life?


He didn't know Grey Snake at all, and there was no grievance between the two sides. Why did he kill him?

"I'm really sorry, I have no obligation to explain for you, so..."

In all fairness, Grey Snake admires Chen Tianwu very much.

The mere human beings can resist the collapse and erosion for such a long time.

This proves that his endurance and willpower are far beyond ordinary people.

If it takes a lot of effort to cultivate, over time, Chen Tianwu will be a useful tool.

Unfortunately, there is a Herrscher core in his body.

A useful tool to help Kevin get out of the quantum sea.

It doesn't matter which one is more important than the other.

"Please take your doubts and set foot on Huangquan Road."

"I will remember you, Chen Tianwu."

PS: This chapter is relatively early, I have time to make up for one chapter today, and the third chapter will be later.

Chapter 610


The sound of gunfire spread through the ruins.

Several bright blood flowers bloomed on the ground in front of Chen Tianwu.

"you you......"

Chen Tianwu fell backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

He couldn't rest his eyes, and his thoughts were frozen at the moment when he was thinking about the reason why the gray snake killed him.


At the rear, the top of a dilapidated-dilapidated building.

"Grey Snake, have you lived in vain for 1,500 years?"

Yu Gong couldn't help shaking his head.

Killing Chen Tianwu is no different from helping the collapse.

Chen Tianwu's consciousness was silent, so wouldn't it be more convenient for the Herrscher's consciousness to occupy his body?

Grey Snake thinks things too easily.

Or, he didn't understand the essence of the Lawyer at all?

"It has nothing to do with me anyway."

Yu Gong jumped and jumped off the top of the building.

Within the monitoring range of Chichimora, traces of the Destiny transport ship appeared.

According to Chichimora's investigation, the establishment of this transport ship belongs to the European headquarters of the Destiny, not the extreme eastern branch.

Yu Gong planned to go and have a look, but he didn't have time to pay attention to Grey Snake.

He fulfilled the content of the transaction. As for how to get the Herrscher core in Chen Tianwu's body, it is something that Grey Snake should consider.


"Hiora, how long until you get to Manila?"

Grey Snake thinks things too simply? Does he not understand the nature of the lawyer?

No, not at all.

The core of The Lawyer is about whether Kevin can get out of trouble.

Now, the opportunity to get the core of the Herrscher is just around the corner, how could Grey Snake be negligent?

At the moment when Chen Tianwu was disciplined, the action of the World Snake also began.

In order to secure the core of the Lawyer, they mobilized a lot of resources.

"Ten minutes, how is the target?"

On the other end of the communication, a clear female voice came.

Siora, codenamed Raven.

Among the existing combat power of the World Snake, only the Raven has the strength to deal with the Herrscher.

If you want to get the core of the Herrscher, she is indispensable.

"I have killed Chen Tianwu, and he is about to become a Herrscher completely."

Grey Snake stared at Chen Tianwu's body and responded calmly.

His previous shot was impartial and aimed at the heart.

Being hit on the key, Chen Tianwu couldn't possibly still be alive.

Strangely, even though Chen Tianwu died, the purple light in his palm did not disappear.

The dark red aura rushing towards the light group from all directions has not stopped, and even has a tendency to accelerate.

"I'll be there as soon as possible."

Beep beep.

Leaving a sentence, the raven interrupted the communication.

"We don't have much time to prepare."

Grey Snake muttered to himself.

The plan is progressing steadily, but his condition is not good at all.

At this time, the gray snake made a harsh "crunch" sound all over its body.

That sound was like the whining of an old machine that was not running smoothly.

The lawyers have different powers.

It is like the analysis of the first Herrscher, the space of the second Herrscher, the thunder of the third Herrscher, and the wind of the fourth Herrscher.

After Chen Tianwu's discipline, his strength attributes are related to gravity.

This is Gray Snake's personal experience.

Since entering Manila, his body has always been oppressed by gravity.

The closer to Chen Tianwu, the stronger the gravity.

Before Grey Snake killed Chen Tianwu, he was barely able to resist the gravity.

Now that Chen Tianwu is dead, he has lost his checks and balances, and Honkai can run wild.

The multiplied gravity, in the brief communication between the grey snake and the raven, reached a point that he could not bear.

And the situation that the gray snake is on the verge of its limit is manifested through the outside.

In just a few seconds, his body deteriorated from making noises to crawling with cracks.



Outside Manila.

"Yalvet, report the situation."

"The Honkai Energy in Manila is still rising rapidly, and the detection device shows that there are abnormal gravity fluctuations at the center of the explosion point."

"This gravitational wave is slowly expanding, and currently..."

Concerning the Herrscher, Destiny sent the most powerful "Indestructible Blade" team.

Arriving in Manila on a transport ship, the team members quickly divided their work.

The people in charge of logistics set up a temporary camp, while Captain Hollander wanted the intelligence personnel to know the latest situation so that they could act better.

"Are there any survivors?"

Whether there are survivors in Manila, Hollander is pessimistic.

The Honkai Energy that erupted from the birth of the Herrscher, the concentration can only be described as terrifying.

There are very few people who can resist erosion and not be infected and die.

"I found the life signal, but the number, one, two, only five."

The intelligence officer of the Inextinguishable Blade Squad is a girl with short gray hair, whose name is Yallweite.


Hearing Hollander's question, she immediately operated the equipment to search for survivors throughout Manila.

"It's good to have survivors."

Hollander originally just asked casually, but she got a gratifying answer.

How can one of these five survived have such a big life?

"Go save people, and let me deal with the lawyers."

"Yes, Captain..."

"Who are you?"

Yallweite's words were just out of her mouth when she was interrupted by a shout from the direction of the camp.


The complexions of Hollander and Yallweite changed in unison.

The voice was familiar to the two of them, and it was a member of the "Indestructible Blade" team.

Is there a stranger approaching?

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