The ice wall shook violently, and the fine fragments of ice rustled down.

Looking at the replicant again, his whole being was deeply embedded in the ice wall, and he lost his life.


Yu Gong withdrew his fist, and then patted his palm lightly.

A mere frog at the bottom of a well, who doesn't know the heights of the sky, dares to speak against himself? act recklessly.....

"Yugong, what the **** is going on?"

Before Yu Gong was confronting the replicants, Dan Zhu didn't dare to disturb him.

Now that the battle was over, she couldn't wait to ask the doubts that were buried in her heart.

Who is the replicator? Why is he looking for Anna? What is the core of the Herrscher he said about?

Anna and Cang Xuan didn't speak, but their eyes didn't leave Yu Palace for a moment.

Dan Zhu's question was exactly what they wanted to ask.

"He is a clone of the First Herrscher."

Cang Xuan and the three witnessed the whole process, so an explanation is necessary.

Besides, Anna was also involved, and Yumiyamoto had no plans to hide it.

"Why did this guy find Anna, because..."


Seeing Yu Gong's gaze turned to her, Anna couldn't help trembling.

A strong ominous premonition swirled in her heart.

The goal of the replicator is himself, and Yu Gong said that what he wants is the core of the Herrscher.

Could it be...

Thinking of some terrible possibility, Anna's face turned pale.

"Anna is the next Herrscher."

Telling Anna about this cruel thing, Yu Gong couldn't bear it.

Helpless, she has the right to know, and she must know.

"My physical condition is not caused by high emotions, but..."

The guess became a reality, and Anna was struck by lightning.

Her delicate body was shaky, as if she would fall down at any moment.


Seeing this, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu quickly supported her.

The two looked at each other and sighed in unison.

I'm about to become a Herrscher. This kind of thing happens to most people, and it's hard for that person to accept it.

In particular, Anna is also the Valkyrie of Destiny, who takes the protection of human beings as her mission.

From the protector of mankind to the messenger of disaster that destroys all mankind.

The huge gap between the two conversions can be imagined.

PS: I have made up all the debts I owe, but it took a long time, haha.

Chapter 626

"Broken will is at work."

Yu Gong took Anna's words and said the following content.

"Mr. Hagiya, why did he know that I would become a Herrscher?"

With the help of Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan, Anna reluctantly stood firm.

She squeezed out an unattractive smile and asked Yu Gong.

"do not know."

In the collapsed world, there are too many unsolved mysteries, and Yumiya dare not say that he has fully understood it.

The replicators will find Anna, perhaps in the dark, the Herrschers can sense each other.

Perhaps the Honkai God is deliberately leading, in order to give birth to a new Herrscher.


The reasons are many and varied.


Anna's mood was obviously a little lower, her whole body exuded a decadent atmosphere, and she did not have the demeanor of a young and beautiful girl at all.

This is not because she didn't get the answer from Yu Gong's mouth.

So far, why is it important?

Anna is worried about her own condition.


Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu looked at Yu Palace with hope and expectation in their eyes.

Leaving aside the lawyers, not talking about the big picture14.

Personally, they really don't want Anna to become a cold and cruel Herrscher who only knows **** and destroy.

For a girl, that's too cruel.

"I will help her."

Gave Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan a reassuring look, and Yu Gong made a promise.

If he is unwilling to help Anna, it would not be more convenient to hand him over to a replicator, or leave it alone.

Why waste time explaining a lot?


In Anna's dim eyes, a little bit of light lit up.

Yumiya's words rekindled the flame of hope in her dying heart.

If there are people in the world who have the ability to help her, Yu Gong is definitely one of them.

"Really? Mr. Hagiya, can you really help me?"


Yu Gong raised his arm and slowly released his clenched hand.

There were a few feathers floating in his palm, and the feathers were crystal clear and exuded a touch of fluorescence.

In terms of appearance, even if you compare it with the finest works of art, it will not fall behind.

"Yu Duchen?"

The Eighth God's Key - Yu Duchen, Anna, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu all recognize it and know its purpose.

How many feathers can you play?

"In these few feathers of Yu Duchen, my consciousness and part of my power reside."

Yu Gong knew very well that at this moment, Anna's heart was at the most vulnerable time.

For her, a thousand words are nothing compared to actual actions.

Therefore, he didn't procrastinate, and assumed a resolute attitude.

"If the collapse erodes your will, the power contained in the feathers will be stimulated."

"As long as you carry it with you, even if you become a Herrscher, you don't have to worry about not being able to control yourself."

"Thank you, Mr. Yumiya."

Full of joy, she took the Yuduchen feather that Yugong handed over, Anna solemnly put it away, and then thanked Yugong.

"Fighting against the collapse, I also have the responsibility."

Unexpectedly, on a trip to Coral Island, you will meet Anna first, and then meet the replicator who covets her Herrscher core.

It's really a coincidence. It's a perfect coincidence.

Replicants are not only arrogant and arrogant, but also a tai-level character.

Yu Gong could imagine what would happen to Anna once she fell into his hands.

Being imprisoned and waiting for her to go to the Herrscher's core after she is legalized, it will be fine.

"The process of your legalization is irreversible, and there is nothing I can do about it."

"However, suppression is not a problem."

"Mr. Yu Gong is willing to give me Yu Duchen's feathers, and I am very satisfied."

Anna smiled slightly, and her gratitude to Yu Gong did not diminish in the slightest.

Who can reverse the process of legalization? Destiny? Or Otto?

Yu Gong really helped her, otherwise there would be no need for such trouble.

Wouldn't it be easier to just kill yourself?

"Pay attention to rest and adjust your mental state."


The ice wall blocking the entrance of the alley shattered and turned into pieces of ice on the ground.

The blocked light spilled in again, dispelling the darkness of the alley.

"External forces can only play a supporting role. If you want to overcome the collapse, the key lies in yourself."

"If you admit defeat, no one can help you."

"I will definitely not admit defeat."


This is the end of the matter.

Next, the trip of the four of Yumiya was very pleasant.

As if deliberately trying to get rid of troubles and depression, no one mentions Herrschers and Duplicants anymore.

From noon to noon, Anna offered to separate.

Yu Gong, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu obviously came to Coral Island for a date.

After disturbing them for a long time, she was already uneasy, how could she be bothered in the afternoon?

"You didn't attack Anna, will the sun come out from the west tomorrow?"

After Anna left, the well-behaved image that Danzhu had maintained before was suddenly shattered.

She curled her lips slightly, facing Yumiya as usual.


When I came out to relax, I could meet the beautiful girls that Hagiya knew.

His peach blossom luck is really strong. I don't know if there are other places like Anna.

"Rather than spending my time attacking Anna, I'd rather do something else."

Yu Gong chuckled lightly and moved his face to Dan Zhu.

Dan Zhu's mischief is completely another form of coquetry.

Not only does it not arouse Yu Gong's disgust, but he also likes it very much.

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