Chapter 289 Spy Twilight! out!



Looking at the sound of battle sounding in the distance, and the huge destructive power, not far away, Dusk sighed helplessly.

"I originally thought that with my ability, I would definitely be able to show off my skills, but... what kind of people are these."

Dusk has always been a very confident person, but what kind of monsters he is facing.

The world-renowned phantom thief, the legendary Hassan, the ninja of Otherworld, the invisible transparent man and even a female ghost, tell me, how do I play!

"Forget it, don't think about it so much, I'm sure I can't catch myself alone.

Dusk thought so, and then prepared to get on his helicopter and continue to look for the target according to the surveillance video. However, when Dusk was about to get on the helicopter, suddenly in front of him, a cold light flashed by!

"not good!"

In the next second Dusk wanted to dodge, however, the opponent's speed was too fast, even if his reaction was beyond ordinary, he did not completely avoid this cold light.


Red blood spurted out, dyeing the clothes of dusk red.

"It turns out that the blood of Otherworld's people is also red."

Dusk just covered the wound with his hand when he heard a silver bell-like voice from 817, and then, a beautiful teenage girl with black hair and black eyes appeared in front of him.

This girl had a dagger that was still dripping blood in her hand, and Dusk knew that the blood on it was her own.

"Is it actually attacked by a thief? I'm really not a qualified pursuer." Dusk endured the pain and said. Although it is a virtual world, even if it is dead, it will not affect the main body, but the pain is not much at all.

"A thief? Actually, I prefer to be a chaser than a thief, but unfortunately, my luck is not very good." The black-haired girl looked at the dusk in front of her and said, "Okay, let me introduce myself, my name is Hei Tong.

Black pupil, the world figure of the red pupil, the younger sister of the red pupil, a member of the police force hunter, owns Teigu, and the deceased marches eight rooms.

"Is it okay not to kill me? I have no threat to you."

"No threat? Then you are really too modest..." Before Hei Tong could speak, the dusk in front of him suddenly moved.

I saw his hand stretched out, and a round grenade flew directly towards Hei Tong!

"hidden weapon?"

Although Hei Tong had never seen a grenade, she didn't need to guess to know that it was not a good thing. So, Hei Tong's body immediately stepped back several steps.

Although the people who cut the world with the red eyes are powerful, they are still mortal in the end, and they will still die if their heads are cut off.


The bright fire engulfed Hei Tong's body! But Dusk was a professional spy after all, and he didn't slack at all.

As soon as his hands were taken out of his arms, the two Brownings were aimed directly at the direction of the explosion of the grenade, and then!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four shots, up and down, left and right, even if this little girl can survive under the grenade, the final outcome will be hit by bullets.

Finally, the light of the grenade finally dissipated, but what I saw at dusk was not Hei Tong's corpse, but a bald man with sunglasses!

"It's really thrilling. The weapons in your world are very powerful. I heard that the revolutionary army in our world did not know where to get a batch of strange weapons. Now it seems that they got it from your world. The bald man came out from behind. Although a little dust fell on her body due to the explosion, obviously, there was no scar at all.

But Dusk didn't care about Hei Tong's words, his attention was completely attracted by the bald man in front of him, because he found that although this man was moving, he was lifeless.

"This...he's dead! 35

(bcdg) Dusk finally discovered the strangeness of the other party! Looking at Dusk's surprised appearance, Hei Tong smiled faintly

"That's right, Wall is a dead man. He turned out to be a famous bodyguard, but he was not my opponent, so he was killed by me."

She is obviously a cute little girl, but the words in her mouth make people shudder! Playing with other people's corpses can still laugh, what kind of monster is this girl!

In the live room

Gekko Moria "Haha! This little girl has a bright future, and it actually coincides with my idea, but unfortunately it's not from our world, otherwise I will definitely accept her as my subordinate.""

Kudo Shinichi "Controlling corpses? Such an ability is really a bit gloomy. Fortunately, most of our modern world has been cremated.

Zombie Man "Controlling corpses? I just don't know if this ability has any effect on me."

Akatsuki "Is it actually black? Did she also participate in the Dragon Ball battle? Hope she won't get the Dragon Ball. 99

Ram "Are you really her sister?

Chi Tong "Because she is my own sister, I have to bury her with my own hands.

Dusk and Hei Tong couldn't see the discussion in the live broadcast room, and they didn't have time to watch.

Seeing that even the high-explosive grenade had no effect, Dusk immediately threw a second mine!

smoke bomb!


The sky full of smoke blocked Hei Tong's attention, and Dusk hurriedly took this opportunity to flee towards the helicopter. This girl doesn't seem to be able to fly, as long as she can fly, she has a chance to escape!

Dusk rushed into the cockpit of the helicopter desperately, and Dusk finally breathed a sigh of relief while sitting on the seat, but unfortunately, the danger was not over.

At this moment, Dusk felt that there was a thick breathing sound on the back of his neck. Dusk slowly turned his head. At this moment, he only saw a gorilla staring at him. flashed before his eyes.



With a cry of exclamation, everything returned to calm.

"Come back Epman.

The black pupil sounded like a silver bell, and then the gorilla banged open the door of the helicopter and jumped out. There was still fresh blood on his hands.

At the same time, the sound of the radio also rang.

[The Chaser Dusk, out. "

The first chaser to be eliminated has appeared!

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