Chapter 101: Luo Shu’s “Reasoning”.

“Welcome back, Takina ~”

In the hotel conference room, Nishiki Chishu saw Luo Shu and Inoue Takina, who came back, and immediately rushed over and held Inoue Takina for the first time.


After Inoue Takina couldn’t dodge and was caught, he immediately showed a helpless smile.

“When I just learned that you were surrounding the target, I was really worried, but fortunately there were no accidents.”

Nishiki Senshu shook Inoue’s hand up and down, and after shaking it for a while, he then turned his head to stare at Luo Shu.


Luo Shu felt the sight of Jinmu Qianshu and immediately stretched out his hand helplessly.

“Hehe” Jinmu Qianshu grabbed Luo Shu’s hand with a smile and shook it up and down a few times: “Welcome back safely, oh yes, you have done a great job this time, Luo Shu.” ”

“Isn’t it a big credit or not.”

Luo Shu shook his head to deny what Nishiki Qianshu said, and then looked at Hilda and Mika standing in front of the projection equipment: “What did the head of the room say over there?” ”

“Let’s put the finishing touches on normally.”

Hilda said while taking out a document from the table and letting Mika next to him pass it to Luo Shu: “Thanks to MR Luo, your investigation, we have indeed locked the whereabouts of the target Yakushiko Tera Katsuhiko and successfully killed him, and now what we give you is the examination report of the corpse.” ”

Luo Shu glanced at the report sent by Mika, and immediately raised his eyebrows: “What does “BS200″ mean above?” ”

Mika, who was standing next to Luo Shu, explained: “The research conducted by the headquarters on the demon body found that the average strength of all the demon body data is 200, and by the way, the average adult is about 10. ”

Mika stretched out his hand at this time and pointed to a number on the document in front of Luo Shu: “Look at the MI210 here, this is the approximate strength of the precipitated demon crystal, and it is also a very standard level. ”

“You must have encountered a little demon when you went to search before, right? Their average data averaged about MI50, and BS50 was five times more intense, mental and physical, than the average adult. ”

“The average number of demon species above the little devil is about 200, which is the data obtained from the latest research by the headquarters.”

“That’s normal, isn’t it? Normal can’t be normal. ”

After listening to Mika’s explanation, Luo Shu suddenly showed a meaningful expression.

“That’s why it’s the biggest abnormality.”

The sound of orange mist came from the loudspeaker of the laptop on the table.

Immediately after that, the projector behind Hilda flashed, revealing the figure of orange mist, at this time, she was sitting in front of the office chair, dressed in a police uniform, with a grim face: “I don’t believe that a guy who dares to fight the idea of a high-level demon will be an ordinary demon species.” ”

Jinmu Qianshu carried his hand behind his back, gently jumped to Luo Shu’s side, and then looked at the orange mist fragrance on the screen and said, “That is, we were tricked this time?” The other party played the trick of the golden cicada to get out of the shell? ”

“First secretly suspended animation, and then during our relaxation, we went to the specific seal of the demon and secretly seized the other party’s body. Inoue Takina thought for a while, and he could guess the general plan of Yakushiji Katsuhiko, so his face gradually became embarrassed. ”

“It seems that the other party has probably already thought of a plan.”

“It can only be said that the probability is high.”

Tachibana Mist Xiang glanced at Luo Shu calmly, and then asked, “If I pull that eldest lady of the Shenji family back, can you persuade the other party?” ”

“All I can say is try my best.”

Luo Shu didn’t say anything that a girl who had been coaxed once would not be tired of cheating again, after all, according to his impression of Kami Ayano, the possibility of that girl being fooled a second time was very high.

But now compared to the matter of Kai Ayano, Luo Shu wants to say something else.

“That, Headmaster… Is there another possibility, you say? ”


Tachibana Wuxiang turned her gaze and looked at Luo Shu: “Luo Shujun, what do you have in mind, you can directly say, with the strength of your spiritual power, there is a high probability that you will find subtle changes that we can’t detect.” ”

“In internal terms, your MI value is very high, at least 300 or more.”

MI value: So MI is short for Mentalintensity? Luo Shu muttered in his heart, and then said in a tentative tone: “I think, with this level of suspended animation, will the other party have already played with it a few times?” ”

“What do you mean?”

Hearing this, let alone the orange mist, the faces of everyone present changed. If Yakushiko Katsuhiko is the identity of the other party after fake death, then who was the other party before? Jinmu Qianshu reacted quickly, and directly guessed what Luo Shu wanted to say: “Hey, isn’t it?” But wasn’t that person killed by Nagetsu-chan and that Sharon after entering the island country? ”

When Inoue Takina heard this, he suddenly thought of a person: “The defector of the truth astronomy who suddenly entered the country, the original owner of the Demon Heart?!! ”

“If that’s the case, it’s not just us who have been teased.”

Mika reported the repair with both hands, and said with a heavy face: “The other party first entered with the abyss props stolen from the Truth Astronomy Department, and then used Sharon and the Nangong instructor to fake their deaths, pretending to be Medicine Master Tera Katsuhiko, and then this time he died on vacation again, replacing the identity of another person, thus disappearing from everyone’s sight. This means… Should I say that I am truly worthy of the Truth Astronomy Demon Warlock? ”

Two vacations died, one avoiding the pursuit of Truth Astronomy, Demon Hunter and Yin Yang Liao, and once avoiding the gaze of SDS, completely lurking in the shadows.

Such a method, Mika had to say admiration.

At this time, Luo Shu said with deep meaning: “Only in this way can we explain why the members of Truth Astronomy would cooperate with Yakushiko Katsuhiko, and it can also explain why after the death of the members of Truth Astronomy, Yakushiji Katsuhiko is still there.”

“Pursuit, sealed demon.”

“After all, according to the ideas of normal people, the dominant partners are all dead, the abyss props used to take away the demons are lost, and no matter how stupid Yakushiko Katsuhiko is, he understands that there is no possibility of success in the plan.”

“But he still acted, and that’s the biggest problem.”

Speaking of this, Luo Shu raised his head and looked at Orange Mist Xiang: “Of course, there is still a question here, that is, why does that demon warlock himself not take away the demon, but needs to cooperate with Yakushiko Katsuhiko, but I think that the head of the room should know the reason, right?” ”

“Yes, I know.”

Tachibana Wuxiang looked at Luo Shu quite surprised, and shouted in her heart that she had picked up a treasure, she didn’t expect that the new awakened person she picked up would actually be such a strong potential stock: “The defector of Truth Astronomy, the demon warlock Mapa himself has a succubus bloodline. ”

“It is precisely because of this that he can urge the power of the Demon Heart, but he cannot exert it to the extreme, using the power of the Demon Heart to hypnotize the higher demon species.”

“And according to the intelligence transmitted by the European branch, the Demon Heart seems to be a treasure left by the ancestor of Mapa, which is why he does not dare to urge the Demon Heart to the strongest, he is afraid that after urging, he will no longer be himself.”

Mapa? Isn’t it called Isaha? One of the demon barons, a heart-snatching demon who can seize the human body… This does not match the information Shiyu gave me… Wait, could it be that Mapa was also one of the bodies taken by Isaha? Her identity as a demon warlock is also fake?

Thinking of this, Luo Shu thought for a while, and did not choose to tell Tachibana Wuxiang what he knew…

Because such information can no longer be explained by simple reasoning, but directly read according to the answer. Luo Shu didn’t want to expose himself to this point yet.

“That is to say, because of the demon bloodline, it is unable to exert the power of the demon heart, so it is reasonable to find Yakushiko Katsuhiko, and later take his body, but at the same time, in order to avoid the enemy, Mapa also prepared a spare body to take the sealed demon species…”

When Hilda said this, her face revealed a sinister smile: “I have encountered this kind of body-taking demon once in Europe, such an ability, the best seizing object in a short period of time, is generally a close blood relative..”

“That is, the other party is still hidden in the Medicine Master Temple family?”

Nishiki Chishu clapped his small hands and suddenly realized: “By the way, in that case, big sister, I think it is still necessary to block the entire area of Chiba Prefecture.” ”

“As long as we can determine the location of the members of the Yakushiji family in Chiba County, we can directly capture that demon warlock, and then we can find the location of the demon seal through him, right?”

However, hearing Nishiki Qianshu’s plan, Tachibana Kirika laughed heavily: “There is no need to look for the location of the demon seal, because that location has already allowed Rishi to extract from the demon corpse just now.” ”

“Oh, that demon seems to have deliberately exposed the address in order to make us believe that he died.”

“Of course, it is not impossible that the destination is a trap, but I still tend to be the correct address, and according to the current situation, our enemy most likely wants to be a yellow sparrow behind.”

Luo Shu saw the sneer on Tachibana Wuxiang’s face, and immediately asked tentatively: “It seems that the head of the room has an idea.” ”

Tachibana Wuxiang said with a smile on her face at this time: “Unblock the blockade, appease the citizens, we will go directly to the location of the sealing land.” ”

“Hehe, isn’t he going to be a yellow sparrow? Then let him do 0.7, and when the time comes, just make a net, and solve all those who have something in mind in one go. ”

“I don’t believe it, when we transfer the sealed demons, they won’t do anything.”

Speaking of this, Tachibana immediately ordered to everyone present: “Hilda, you take your people to retreat on the bright side, and then from the port we control, secretly board a speedboat and lurk on the sea of the Boso Peninsula in Tokyo Bay. ”

“Luo Shu, you take Senshu and Takina, pick up the eldest lady of the Shenji family, lead three tactical teams, and after 2 hours, go directly to the demon sealing site and try to transfer it.”

“Mika, you and Rishi go to receive the “dangerous goods” and get ready to pick up Luo Shu. ”

“Got it?”




Looking at the urging of Orange Mist Xiang in the picture, everyone was about to take action immediately, but Luo Shu’s feet had just lifted, and he heard Orange Mist Xiang say: “Luo Shu, you wait a minute, I have something to tell you.” ”

Luo Shu, who was about to go out, suddenly stopped his movements and looked at the Nishiki Senshu who waved with him with a smile and took away Inoue Takina, and his expression suddenly looked strange.

And in the sight of everyone who was meaningful, and at the same time mixed with congratulations, only Luo Shu and the orange mist fragrance on the screen were left alone here.

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