Seeing Tsubakihara Mira take out the ‘Devil Heart’, Luo Shu’s face flashed with astonishment.

He couldn’t help frowning, opened the system with his mind, and while preparing to run, he also looked at Miss Mira on the opposite side suspiciously:

“Miss Mira, what this thing is, do you know?”

“It calls itself the ‘devil’s heart.'”

Speaking of this, Tsubakihara Mira thought for a while, and then nodded apologetically towards Luo Shu and said:

“Before, Luo Shujun’s friend, that is, the white-haired, very energetic young lady, asked me about its existence, but I lied.”

“I told her I didn’t know where the ring was, but actually… I actually know that. ”

“It stayed in my pocket all the time, in the gift box in my pocket, and although it made me forget about it after work, then it took the initiative to remind me of it.”

Hearing Tsubakihara Mira say this, Luo Shu was silent for a while, and then said: “Then why did you expose it to me at such a time. ”

Recalling the side effects of the devil’s heart mentioned by Orange Mist Xiang, Luo Shu had a burst of realization in his heart.

The ring will block a woman’s memory of it and forget its existence, but since it can be shielded, it can naturally remind him of it.

For some reason, the Devil’s Heart made Tsubakihara Mira forget and then made her think about it, which caused the current situation.

On the other side, hearing Luo Shu’s inquiry, Tsubakihara Mira hesitated, handed the box containing the ring to Luo Shu, and said in a slightly distressed tone:

“Although you Luo Shujun may not believe it, this ring seems to be ‘alive’.”

“Alive?” Hearing this, Luo Shu looked down at the ring in front of him.

He didn’t reach for it, and even wanted to distance himself from the ring if he could.

In fact, when Tsubakihara Mira said that this ring had made her forget that it existed, Luo Shu felt that this ring was very evil.

It’s just that I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Luo Shu always feels that the eyes in the ring, when looking at him, seem to be a little ‘flattering’.

Illusion… Just as Luo Shu was thinking like this, Tsubakihara Mira explained in an uncertain tone:

“In fact, when I came back to the apartment, I texted the bodyguard at home…”

In Tsubakihara Mira’s explanation, Luo Shu understood something from another perspective.

It turned out that Tsubakihara Mira did not think about the risks when she returned to the apartment, but she thought that it was safe to do so and could avoid harming the innocent.

The reason is that the people who rent rooms 201, 301 and 305 of the apartment building are all trained by the official departments of the island country and seem to be the female bodyguards of the “first and the same model”.

Their daily job is to work shifts to keep Mira Tsubakihara safe.

This seems to be one of the conditions that she negotiated with her grandmother to come out and live independently.

So originally, Tsubakihara’s idea was to return home urgently, let the female bodyguard who received the news come forward to deal with the stalker behind him, and transfer away under the protection of the bodyguard.

However, when she arrived at the door of the apartment, the ‘Devil’s Heart’ suddenly took the initiative to induce Tsubakihara Mira, prompting her to hold Luo Shu for help.

And the series of things that followed were those that Luo Shu experienced.

Because of Luo Shu’s accident, Tsubakihara Mira was taken to the 4th floor by Luo Shu, and then went up to the 5th floor, staggering the bodyguards on the 3rd floor like the hounds who tracked up.

And when Luo Shu rushed from the 5th floor to the 3rd floor through the balcony emergency passage, the female bodyguard had already found Tsubakihara Mira on the 5th floor and protected her.

After that, it was Luo Shu who shot the hounds on the fourth floor.

Because of the shooting, Tsubakihara Mira was protected by female bodyguards in room 503 throughout the whole process.

Luo Shu, on the other hand, was found by the official patrol because he shot and could not return to the fifth floor under the warning and vigilance of the other party, so he could only cooperate and went to the first floor to leave with the police.

After sorting out the situation, Luo Shu couldn’t help but cover his forehead, pressed it with his fingers, relieved his brain, and said:

“So, even if I don’t act, will you be fine?”

“The premise is wrong, Luo Shujun.”

Tsubakihara Mira braced her hands on the table, her cheeks approaching Luo Shu, and at such a distance, Miss Mira’s courage seemed to be super strengthened:

“Let’s not say that without Luo Shujun’s assistance, it is still uncertain whether me and the bodyguards can deal with such an inhuman opponent.”

“So your use of firearms to kill the hounds before they escaped really protected my life.”

“Therefore, the fact that you saved my life is indeed unmistakable.”

Hearing Tsubakihara Mira’s words full of courage and affirmation, Luo Shu leaned back and distanced himself from the other party, raised his hand, and said as if in surrender:

“Well, I understand the status quo, yes, I’m your lifesaver, right?”

“Yes, if only you could think so.” Tsubakihara Mira let go of the table and sat back in her seat, a happy smile on her face.

Seeing Tsubakihara Mira like this, Luo Shu felt a little strange in his heart.

Who rushes to owe the grace of saving his life? It’s really weird… I don’t know how long the brain circuits of these heroines are.

While thinking like this, Luo Shu looked down at the flattering eyes under his eyes, and couldn’t help frowning:

“So: According to Miss Tsubakihara…”

“Mira, call me Mira, or Miss Mira.”

Tsubakihara’s stretched index finger blocked in front of Luo Shu.

Luo Shu glanced up at her, and then changed his words: “So Miss Mira, is this ring actively manipulating you to get close to me?” ”

“… It was like that then, but it’s different now. Tsubakihara Mira paused, then accentuated the second half of the sentence.

Seeing this, Luo Shu glanced at her, but did not have much doubt, but frowned: “It’s very suspicious, rushing to me like this… eh…”

“What’s wrong?” Tsubakihara Mira saw Luo Shu suddenly silent, and immediately looked over curiously.

At this time, Luo Shu, who remembered that his lucky wallet was lost twice, had already noticed that something was wrong, and after casually coping with ‘it’s okay’, he contacted the system that called himself ‘God Servant’ and asked:

‘Did the wallet and ring come close like this because they discovered my specialness?’ ’

【Drip——! 】

[Answer: Under certain conditions, ‘active’ abyss props will actively approach the host and pray for further evolution. ] 】

‘… I don’t think I have the ability to make this prop evolve now. ’

Having said that, the doubts in Luo Shu’s heart were solved.

With his name, which only sounds good, the so-called ‘Lord of the Divine Group’ and ‘Future God King’ still have a little benefit!

But according to the system, why do these active abyss props seem to come to hug the thighs?

But how do I think you are more like thighs than me… Luo Shu complained in his heart, and then he hesitated and said to Tsubakihara Mira, who was looking at him:

“I ask again, are you sure you want to give me this ring?”

“Although it’s a little embarrassing, even if such an abyss prop is given to me, the reward I can give is most likely not equivalent to the prop.”

Although it can be a white prostitute, Su Jin does not think that the things of the white prostitute heroine are a good thing. After all, he is still hungry for the points on others, so the relationship is naturally as bad as possible.

“No, I didn’t actually think about asking for any payment, and besides, this ring originally thought of where you were going…”

Tsubakihara Mira nodded, just wanted to urge Luo Shu to pick up the ring, and then suddenly paused, a little fox glanced at the ring suspiciously, as if remembering something, so he asked out loud:

“However, if you really don’t care, just take the situation of this ring as a payment.”

Speaking of this, Tsubakihara Mira asked with some puzzlement: “What special ability does this ring have, and why do I always feel very uneasy when I come into contact with it?” ”

Hearing these words, Luo Shu wanted to explain, but as soon as the words reached his throat, he got stuck.

Seemingly… The ability of this ring is to ‘hypnotize women’

——This is a completely unanswerable killer question, right!!!

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