The door of room 303.

Luo Shu put on the buttoned dark blue uniform of Toyonogasaki Academy, changed his shoes at the entrance, pushed open the door, and turned his head towards Tsubakihara Mira in the room and said:

“Although I don’t mind, are you sure you stay here like this?”

Tsubakihara Mira smiled, made an OK gesture, and then stretched:

“The freedom to decide whether or not to go to work is a unique right of people in society.”

No, I just wanted to say that isn’t it a bit bad for you to stay in a man’s house alone … Also, social people do not have the right to freely decide whether to go to work or not, you are obviously the right of the boss… Luo Shu complained a few words in his heart, and then looked up at Tsubakihara Mira and said:

“Don’t go too far.”

He also somewhat understood Tsubakihara Mira’s mood of wanting to use it as soon as he gained his ability.

And with that ability, the most suitable place is naturally the station of the Astronomical Society, so Tsubakihara Mira’s reason for staying in the Rashu house is actually obvious.

Having said that, the thought of a beautiful beauty staying in my house, huh, can I still concentrate in class? ’

Thinking like this, Luo Shu walked out of the door, and before closing the door, a lively female voice came from inside the door.

“All the way to the wind~~”

“It feels so subtle…” Luo Shu stopped at the door for a while, then casually picked up his schoolbag and walked to the elevator.


“He’s out.”

In the hotel room not far away, Inoue Takina, who was holding a telescope, put down the telescope, and his tone was calm and rational:

“Do you want to try to touch it now?”

“What, let me see…” Chishu Nishiki who was eating a burger on the side chewed as he walked over, took the telescope and looked in the direction of the apartment.

In less than a minute, Luo Shu’s figure appeared at the door of the apartment, pushed open the glass door and walked out, and looked around, as if observing something.

“Oh~~” Nishiki Qianshu lengthened his tone, and then took another bite of the burger: “The action is really obvious, if there are other people monitoring it is estimated to have been discovered.” ”

Hearing this, Inoue Takina, who was on the side, sighed and said, “You also know that he is a newcomer, in that case, why let him carry out such a dangerous mission.” ”

“Because the danger is not high, the eldest sister said so.”

Chishu Nishiki explained in a relaxed tone:

“Facing an abyss prop like Devil’s Heart, me and Takina as women are dangerous, right?”

“Considering this, the eldest sister will let Luo Shu, who is a male and saved the eldest miss, complete this task.”

Inoue Takina was silent for a moment, and then said:

“…. I do not deny the opinion of the head of the department, but I still think that the danger level of such a task exceeds the upper limit of the newcomer. ”

“The person sent to complete the task should be a senior person with rich sneaking experience and able to properly face possible monitors, rather than a newcomer who has just joined, which is irresponsible to the newcomer…”

Chishu Nishiki was not surprised by Inoue’s thoughts, but just reminded:

“But Takina you said veterans, we don’t have any SDS…”

“Hmm…” Inoue Takina’s face froze when she heard this, and she was silent for a while, and finally she could only sigh in front of reality.

Seeing Takina sighing, Nishiki Chishu quickly waved his hand and comforted:

“Okay, okay, Luo Shu is not okay now~ To some extent, things are still under control. Oh, he found it here, amazing, obviously there is still such a long distance…”

After saying this, Nishiki Qianshu put down the telescope and waved his hand in the direction of Luo Shu:

“Hey, this side ~~”

“Wait~Thousand Bunches..” Inoue Takina saw Nishiki Chishu’s bold behavior, and the whole person was stunned: “If you do this, you may be discovered by secret spiers!” ”

At this time, he found that Luo Shu had already looked at Jinmu Qianshu here and said in a relaxed tone:

“No, my intuition tells me that there are no such watchers, of course, to the exclusion of colleagues upstairs.”

“But considering the relationship between the eldest lady and Luo Shu, the same industry upstairs can be excluded from the list of dangerous people.”

Speaking, Nishiki Qianshu turned his head slightly sideways, looking at the walkway on the third floor of the apartment, Tsubakihara Mira, who was holding the railing and watching Luo Shu walk away, and said casually:

“It’s amazing, Luo Shu, this kind of progress in one night, shouldn’t it be third base?” Or the second category? It’s impossible to get first base, right? ”

Hearing this, Inoue Takina’s face immediately turned red, and she covered Nishiki Chishu’s mouth and said, “Such a speech is too improper!” ”

“Oooo Nishiki Qianshu was covered around, and quickly raised his hands in surrender.

The two fought and rolled to the side.


After 10 minutes.

Luo Shu looked at the hotel concierge in front of him, raised his hand, and knocked on the door.

“Wait a minute, come right away.”

The response of Nishiki Chishu came from the room, followed by a calm female voice:

“I’ll open the door.”

However, when the words fell, Nishiki Qianshu in the room suddenly shouted:


“Ah, bad~~” The previously calm female voice was obviously a little confused at the moment.

Outside the door, Luo Shu, who listened to the ‘whole process’, had a very delicate expression, and the raised hand continued to knock, not knock.

‘Anyway, what are you doing in the room?’ Can you let me see!! (Tremor)’

Not long ago, the door opened, and Jinmu Qianshu’s smiling face suddenly appeared in front of Luo Shu:

“Long wait, partner ~~”

“Compared to these, you guys before…” Luo Shu turned his head sideways, his gaze looking beyond Nishiki Qianshu into the room.

At this time, he saw a purple-eyed girl with over-the-shoulder black hair wiping her uniform skirt by the TV, holding a tissue.

The heart of the short skirt and the black safety pants that bother the scenery are particularly distinct.

“Ah~~ you said this..” Nishiki Chishu waved his hand helplessly: “The ketchup of the burger is stained on the skirt, Takina is really, don’t pay attention to the occasion at all, these are good, the burger fell to the ground, the skirt is also dirty, alas ~~”

Life is not easy, a thousand bundles sighed.

At that time, Inoue Takina, who was in the room, said in a tone mixed with dissatisfaction:

“Such an accident happened obviously because of a thousand bundles of your improper words and deeds.”

“Impropriety?” Luo Shu glanced at Jinmu Qianshu in surprise.

Nishiki Chishu’s face seemed to turn into a bun face at this moment, and she stuck out her tongue and accused: “It’s obviously Takina’s fault, you did it first.” ”

Inoue Takina suddenly bit her lip, stared at Nishiki Chishu, and stopped talking.

Seeing this, Nishiki Qianshu smiled awkwardly, and then hurriedly pulled Luo Shu into the room:

“Okay, okay, now is not the time to care about these little things, Sa, Luo Shu, come in quickly.”

Luo Shu was pulled into the room by Jinmu Qianshu, and then with a bang, the door closed.

Nishiki Qianshu let go of Luo Shu and patted him on the shoulder and said:

“Hard work, partner~”

“It’s embarrassing, last night.”

“Not only to contact the other party under the nose of the eldest lady’s bodyguard, but also to search for her daily necessities and find abyss props while the other party is not paying attention.”

“It’s really hard for you to be able to hold out until the morning without being detected.”

Nishiki Qianshu slammed Luo Shu’s shoulder, and his tone was full of pity.

On the other side, Inoue Takina also comforted from the side: “Although the mission failed, don’t worry, this is originally the unreasonable work distribution of the department head, and the responsibility lies with her, not you.” ”

“Although you say so…”

Luo Shu looked at his colleague who comforted him in front of him, and took out a ‘ruby ring’ from his pocket with a strange expression:

“But I got the ‘target’?”

When the words fell, the scene fell silent.

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