Chapter 88: Rogue Tactics.

Toyonozaki Academy.

The former chairman’s office is now in the special lounge of Nangong Nayue.

Nangong Nayue sat on the luxurious sofa that was two heads taller than her, holding the details of all the students in the class she taught at home and looking at it with a serious face.

And just then, the phone rang.

Nangong Nayue frowned slightly, picked up the mobile phone from the desk on the side, glanced at the caller, and connected the call by himself. As soon as the phone was connected, Tachibana Mist’s irritable voice came over: “Who leaked the news over there?” ”

Being asked so directly, Nangong Nayue had already expected it, and explained indifferently: “It took me only 5 minutes to receive the news. ”

“.. Five minutes? ”

Tachibana seemed a little surprised by the time difference: “The news from my side is actually slower than yours?” ”

As we all know, the speed of Mei Daddy’s intelligence is often faster than that of the son of the island country.

But this time, uncharacteristically, Tachibana Wuxiang received the news later than Nangong that month, which is interesting.

“Did those from the shrine sect do it on purpose?”

Tachibana asked suspiciously.

In addition to Nangong Nayue’s internal crime, Orange Wuxiang really couldn’t think of how Nangong Nayue’s intelligence speed surpassed her, or exceeded a full five minutes.

At this time, Nangong Nayue sighed and leaned on the luxurious leather sofa and cocked his legs: “It is because I have long guessed that this will be the case, I will give the job of sealing demons to your special data sorting room”

Aren’t you still clear about this?

“No, I know.”

Tachibana Kirika’s tone was suddenly full of ridicule: “I just didn’t expect that your control over those people in the shrine sect was even lower than I thought.” ”

“If you are here to taunt me, then congratulations, you failed.”

Nangong Nayue didn’t have a little bit of bullying, and said without saltiness: “So what are you going to do now?” Your people shouldn’t have set off yet, right? ”

“Then don’t worry about it, oh yes, I first thank you here for the precious special life you sent, come, kiss one, mu orange mist broke, imitated the sound of kissing, but before that, the phone had long been disconnected by Nangong Nayue.”

Sensing this, Tachibana shook her head, and immediately laughed: “Sure enough, it’s still as cute as ever, Nagetsu-chan~”

After sighing, Tachibana immediately turned her head and looked at the participants at the conference table who were either blonde or short-skinned, and dressed in military uniforms, and immediately smiled;

“Our new colony seems to have its own special ideas.”

The officers sitting in the column did not make a sound, but there was obvious contempt in their eyes.

And at this time, Tachibana sneered: “It seems that it is necessary to let these people know who is the real one”


Bulletproof buggy on.

Luo Shu looked at Mika in the driver’s seat in front, Rishi Nakahara in the passenger seat, and then looked at Nishiki Chishu on his left, Inoue Muda on the right, and said helplessly: “Why, do you have to sit in the middle?” ”

“Because I’m still angry.”

Inoue made a face.

“Because Takina is still angry~”

Jinmu Qianshu spoke cheerfully, and at the same time smiled: “Don’t you like Luo Shu sitting surrounded by beautiful girls?” ”

Saying that, Nishiki Chishu also ruffled the shoulder-length hair and pulled the neckline, as if he wanted to show more skin. However, in the face of such an action, Luo Shu only showed a disdainful gaze.

He admits that Nishiki Chishu is beautiful and has a lively personality, but can you pull the neckline a little more perfunctory? I can’t see my collarbones!!

On the other side, Inoue Kinai, who had long been accustomed to Nishiki’s behavior, was now more curious about the situation: “Mr. Mika, how is the situation now?” ”

“Hmm… From what I know about the head of the room: Well, let’s listen to the news first. ”

Mika said this, pressed the button in the car, and suddenly, a half-broadcast news broadcast came from the car stereo; 9898…The US side in Japan issued an emergency notice 10 minutes ago, which stated that the US side has determined that there is an international terrorist organization infiltrated in Chiba City, in order to prevent terrorist crimes and protect the suffering island people, the US side will strictly follow the international anti-terrorism conventions, carry out a three-day airspace and land blockade of Chiba City, and stop all domestic and foreign flights to and from Chiba City within three days.

With a beep, Mika paused the broadcast, and then said to the stunned Nishiki Kanshu and Inoue Kina behind him: 1 That’s pretty much it.

Jinmu Qianshu made a swallowing motion at this time, and said in shock: “Deceptive, just block the entire city.. The eldest sister has gone too far this time, right? ”

“Eighty percent is trying to teach some people a lesson, right? Bi Jing, after SDS opened the Dongdu branch, it has not been going well, especially this time there was a leak, spraying, and the upper level of Boben~”

Nakahara Rishi sighed with emotion.

Because the devil’s affairs were leaked, so simply block the road directly and prevent others from coming in and grabbing food? Oh, and by the way, take the people who also threaten to grab food, and tell them clearly

“Terrorists, mean half of the people who dare to break in?”

It’s really a rogue eagle with no past, Luo Shu couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. And at this moment, the soft voice of Walnut came from the earphone Luo Shu was wearing: “Hey, are you listening, Luo Shu?” ”

“Ah, I’m in.”

Luo Shu raised his hand and pressed the earphone in his right ear.

“You tell Mika that the road ahead is already jammed with traffic, and I have asked the US military who blocked the road to arrange fast lanes, and then you let Mika turn right on the road in front and follow the road driven by armed vehicles.”

“Okay, I see.”

Luo Shu received the message and immediately relayed it to Mika.

And with the rotation of the steering wheel, the off-road vehicle suddenly turned right, along the high-speed bridge, and drove down.

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