Chapter 90: The Difficult Search.

“Is this Chiba?”

Beyond the face of Nishiki Chishu, Luo Shu saw Chiba Station in Chiba City through the window, and also saw the hurried pedestrians on the street.

At this time, the news of terrorists was playing on the huge screen on the street, calling on the general public to stay at home.

“The eldest sister is really messy this time, won’t he be reprimanded by the General Department and the Ministry for doing this?”

Nishiki Qianshu muttered softly.

Hearing this sentence up close, Luo Shu thought for a moment and guessed: “Maybe it’s because the headquarters knows some special news, so it made this decision?” ”

“For example, that sealed demon is a very high-level demon and other intelligence.”

Mika, who was driving in front, echoed Luo Shu’s words at this time: “Luo Shu is right, a demon who can make the headquarters so nervous, there is a high probability that the danger level is not lower than the level 3 abyss props”

“Level 3… In principle, it is not allowed to be used, and it needs to be kept tightly, which can cause “city-level” harm…”

Inoue Takina whispered the definition of a Level 3 Abyss prop, and immediately frowned, “It seems that the Chiba Prefecture area has a population of six million, right?” Even the central city of Chiba has more than 900,000 people, that is, there may be a vicious time that causes 900,000 deaths..”

Although this is the result of allowing the demon to break the seal and unleash his power arbitrarily, it is enough to prove the danger of the target

“If that’s the case, we’re going to have textbooks.”

Rishi Nakahara turned sideways, looked at the scenery outside the window, and at the same time quipped: “With the image of a loser on the opposite side.” ”

Hearing this, everyone inside the off-road vehicle went quiet.

“Regardless of the outcome, the priority now is to make peace with the main forces.”

Mika looked in the rearview mirror at the silent three people behind the car, and immediately replied in a deep voice: “Sit tight.” ”

About 10 minutes later, the buggy entered the underground parking lot of a hotel, a group of five people got out of the car, and under the guidance of the waiter, took the internal elevator directly to the hotel’s rented conference room.

When Mika pushed open the door of the conference room, the scene inside suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

“Yo, isn’t this Mika? I thought your car had gone out to sea, but it just arrived at this time. ”

Directly in front of two rows of computers with screens lit up, a woman with a back head, dark red hair, and an eye patch on her right eye stepped forward with a big grin and slapped Mika’s shoulder hard, patting his teeth.

“Measure it a little, I’ll drag on the highway, Hilda.”

Mika complained, then turned around and introduced to everyone, especially Luo Shu, “This is Hilda, the captain of the third operation team of the headquarters. ”

After speaking, Mika immediately turned his head and scanned the staff on the scene, while wondering: “Where did Maz and Helber go?” ”

“They, ah, took someone to investigate the scene.”

Wearing an eye patch and looking quite fierce, Hilda laughed, and then smiled at Nishiki Chishu: “Yo, isn’t this our ace gunman Miss?” Sure enough, it’s beautiful again! ”

“Hello, sister Hilda~”

Jinmu Qianshu immediately smiled and said hello.

Hilda nodded slightly, and then ridiculed Rixi in the Central Plains full of sarcasm: “Rui, looking at your decadent appearance, you still haven’t taken off the list, right?” Or you can simply live with me. ”


Rishi Nakahara glared at Hilda, wrapped his hands in front of him, and tilted his head. At this time, Hilda swept his gaze towards Luo Shu, and after looking up and down, he whistled: “Wow, this is the legendary new member, is it good to be interested in transferring to the third action team?” ”

Without waiting for Luo Shu to respond, Inoue Taki on the side said in a deep voice: “Senior Hilda, have you already determined where the target is?” ”

Hilda’s eyebrows jumped when she heard this, and she shifted her gaze to Inoue Takina, and said in a tone full of disgust: “It’s still so acute, obviously such a cute girl.” ”


Inoue Takina smacked his lips when he heard this, and seemed to be very dissatisfied with Hilda’s description.

At that time, Hilda spread his hands and said: “Well, it seems that the long-lost reminiscence can only be temporarily suspended.” ”

Saying that, Hilda turned around, walked to a vacant laptop, operated on it, and the projection screen behind her suddenly appeared a map of Chiba Prefecture.


At this time, Hilda propped up the table with one hand and looked at everyone, especially Mika: “Your Mr. Hu Tao has helped us solve the problems in the early stage.” ”

“Relying on the surveillance footage she identified, plus the things I brought over this time, I have almost roughly determined the location of several suspected targets.”

Saying that, Hilda pointed to the projection screen that was hung behind him, and at this time, Luo Shu found that the screen of the projection screen was not a common material, but an unknown thing like animal skin.

“This is?”

Just when Luo Shu was puzzled, Ruishi Nakahara on the side explained: “The Level 2 Abyss Prop “Electronic Map” is a special prop used to check all the abnormal reactions within the city limits. ”

Speaking of this, Rishi Nakahara glanced at the two rows of “researchers” in white coats: “It is said that the side effect is to provide road information to the “electronic map” in the form of a hand-type according to a certain logic at all times, and once it goes wrong, all those who enter road information into the map will die, which is a very dangerous tool, and only the headquarters can afford this kind of thing.” ”

“Once you make a mistake, is it death?”

Luo Shu looked at the many research institutes sitting around the oval doughnut-like conference table, and determined the number of people with a sweep: “32 people?” ”

32 people will die if they make a mistake, thinking of this, Luo Shu couldn’t help but feel a stunner. Glancing at the research that was entering data, Mika turned her head towards Hilda and asked, “So, how can we cooperate with you now?” ”

“Sweep the red dots of Chiba Prefecture one by one, catch the target “Yakushiji Katsuhiko” hidden in it, force him to ask about the whereabouts of his demon, and then recover the demon. ”

Hilda pointed to the red dots on the map of Chiba City behind him, and said with a smile: “It’s simple, right? ”

Hearing this, everyone next to them looked at each other, and then said in unison: “No, it’s sad to be too much.” ”

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