Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 67 Another smooth road

The thundering moon is like sawdust floating in the river, swirling through the fingertips and disappearing from people's sight.

The weather started to get hotter day by day.

Not long after entering the New Moon, Sunan successfully constructed the sixth star ring.

As he expected, his mental attributes also exceeded the 20 mark.

[Sunan Arneste, human male]

[Spirit 20.36/Physique 15.45]


Star Ring Meditation Lv7 (21/80000)

Potion Production Level 4 (256/10000)

Biomodification Lv2 (903/3000)

Puppet Refining Level 2 (2822/3000)

Magic Item Manufacturing Level 1 (502/1000)

"With a proficiency level of 80,000, it will take about three months to upgrade."

Sunan nodded secretly.

One of the conditions for promotion to the third level wizard apprentice is to build nine star rings.

He is still short of three star rings.

According to the current progress, if everything goes well, it should be completed in two to three years.

At that time, all that is left is mental strength.

"When your mental strength is up, just take the evil potion to increase it."

"The most critical main material, the bloody mandala, has been obtained. The remaining materials have been entrusted to the Firefox Chamber of Commerce to collect. It is only a matter of time before we get them together."

During this period of time, a large number of potions were made, and Sunan's [Pharmacion Making] skill had broken through to level 4.

This level of [Pharmacion Making] is enough to try to make second-level potions.

It is worth mentioning that with the skill upgrade, the success rate of making secondary active potions and secondary dragon blood potions has further improved, already exceeding 40%.

The increase in success rate also further reduced the cost of medicines and increased sales profits, which relieved Sunan, who was very short of money.

"The clay golem and stone golem have been made, so there is no need to spend too much time refining the golem."

Sunan has been working overtime to complete the 10 clay golems and 50 stone golems needed by the base.

In addition, 30 additional clay golems were made and given to Key to form a supply force.

"Silver Moon Flower seeds and Red Vein Fruit have already been ordered from the Firefox Chamber of Commerce, and it will take some time for them to be delivered."

Sunan began to think about the next arrangements.

In addition to practicing and learning spells, there are only two things he has to do next.

The first is to refine the steel golem.

An Iron Golem weighs over 10 tons and must be made of at least as much pure steel.

The better the quality of the steel selected, the stronger the combat effectiveness of the final steel golem will be.

Sunan plans to use black stone iron.

Since black stone iron is lighter than fine iron of the same volume, the steel golem created in this way will be relatively more flexible in movement.

It's just that the black stone iron in the warehouse has recently been used up, and we have to wait for new black stone iron to be shipped from Black Stone City before we can start refining the steel golem.

The second thing is to create magic items.

Sunan flipped his wrist, and a book appeared out of thin air in his palm.

"Comprehensive Collection of Low-Level Magic Items"!

The book left by Amy's master contains more than a hundred kinds of alchemy-level magic items and shimmer-level magic items, and the categories are very complete.

Sunan currently has a lot of magic items in his hands, but they are all of alchemy level.

He planned to make several low-light magic items for himself, including space type, attack type and protection type, at least one each.

However, the difficulty of manufacturing Glimmer-level magic items is much higher than that of Alchemy level. Considering that he currently only has level 1 [Magic Item Creation] skill, the success rate is estimated to be pitifully low.

"[Magic Item Creation] is less than 500 points away from the proficiency upgrade. Let's make some alchemy-level magic items to practice first. It will be just in time to update the equipment for my brother and the others."

Sunan came to the workshop and took down a long sword from the weapons rack nearby.

There are more than a hundred weapons densely packed on the weapons rack, including swords, guns, swords and halberds, all of which Sunan asked Keyi for.

He plans to use these weapons to trial-produce demonized weapons.

Enchanted weapons can be said to be a major category of alchemy-level magic items.

The users are mainly knights.

Many wizards create magical weapons for the knights who follow them to enhance their combat effectiveness.

Some wizards who are proficient in making magic items can use silver, gold and other metals to temporarily add magical properties to the weapons of their knights on the spot during battle.

This is also called a temporary magical weapon.

Su Nan estimated that he would have to upgrade [Magic Item Creation] to at least level 4 in order to master this skill.

Putting the long sword on the workbench, Sunan began to prepare materials.

Commonly used materials for making magic items include various precious metals, gems, magic stones, etc.

Depending on the characteristics of the magic items, some special materials are sometimes required.

For example, when making space magic items, star sand is basically used.

Mithril is basically used to make the staff.

Demonized weapons are the simplest, as they only require basic materials and no additional materials are required.

Both are alchemy-level magic items, and the difficulty of making magic weapons is lower than that of "orthodox" magic items.

Under the bright light, silver ingots, gems and magic stones melted in Sunan's palm, turning into thin threads between his fingers. As his fingertips touched the sword lightly, they slowly merged into the long sword, and formed on the surface of the sword. Leaving behind strange lines.

A silvery white luster visible to the naked eye gradually emerges from the surface of the sword blade.

The whole process lasted for more than ten minutes.

As the last pattern was finished, the silver thread broke from Su Nan's fingertips, and the long sword flashed, with an inexplicable strange aura.

"Not bad, my skills are not rusty!"

Su Nan smiled and put the long sword into the magic cube.

[Magic weapons (alchemical grade/sub-magic items), with [black steel] characteristics, greatly improved hardness, not easy to damage, and reduced loss of fighting spirit attachment. ]

The characteristics of alchemical grade magic weapons are generally [black steel], [sharp] and [blood light].

The better ones are [weak element damage] and [gathering qi].

The former can add weak element damage to the weapon.

The latter can enhance the power of fighting spirit.

Generally speaking, magic weapons can only add one magic characteristic.

Only wizards with extremely superb manufacturing skills can add multiple characteristics to a magic weapon at the same time.

Of course, wizards at that level generally don't do such things at a thankless cost.

Wouldn't it be better to make a glimmer-level magic item with this time?

In addition to these characteristics, magic weapons have another feature that is not considered a characteristic.

Due to the infiltration of magic power, the adaptability of magic weapons to fighting spirit is greatly improved compared to ordinary weapons.

It is reflected in the fact that when attaching fighting spirit, the additional loss of fighting spirit can be greatly reduced.

Because of this, even some magic weapons that failed to be refined and could not attach characteristics are very popular among knights.

"Speaking of which, can magic weapons with different characteristics be synthesized?"

Su Nan had a flash of inspiration.

If it is feasible, wouldn't it be possible to synthesize a magic weapon with more than ten characteristics?

Su Nan thought and did it, and tried it immediately.

In the following time, he successively made more than 20 magic weapons.

The success rate is not bad, with an average of three successes in five manufacturing.

Each success can increase the proficiency by about 20 points, and failure can also increase the proficiency by 7 or 8 points.

After manufacturing more than 20 magic weapons, his [Magic Item Manufacturing] has also successfully broken through to level 2.

However, what disappointed Sunan was that magic weapons with different characteristics could not be synthesized.

"That's right, magic weapons with different characteristics are essentially different items, so it's not surprising that they can't be synthesized."

Magic weapons with the same characteristics can be synthesized.

The characteristic effect of the synthesized magic weapons will be further enhanced.

For example, Sunan used three long swords with the [Sharp] characteristic to synthesize a long sword with the [Armor Breaking] characteristic, which easily broke the defense of fine armor with one strike.

Although the level has not been broken through and is still alchemical grade, the power of this long sword is no less than that of "orthodox" magic items such as blood vine rings and magic coins.

"Since magic items with the same characteristics can be synthesized, I can completely use alchemical grade magic items to synthesize glimmer-level magic items, or even witchcraft weapons!"

The materials of glimmer-level magic items are mostly rare and difficult to find.

Not to mention the materials of witchcraft weapons.

In comparison, the materials of alchemical grade magic items are much more common.

If one could use the alchemical grade to synthesize the glimmer grade, or even the magic weapon, it would undoubtedly save a lot of effort.

Su Nan was refreshed, and felt that he had found a smooth road.

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