"I'm so stupid"

"Female Bodhisattva!"

Looking at the soft and surging whiteness of the hibiscus.

Many male players went crazy at that time.

Of course, Muchen would never allow this to happen. He stopped directly in front of Mu Jin, and whoever came would die.

Eight seconds of group invincibility.

Although it is not enough to defeat the fifteen seconds of combined skills.

But now four seconds have passed, plus eight seconds.

This means that they only need the remaining three seconds of the hard cap.

But in those three seconds, there was basically no chance of overcoming it.

Because in the last three seconds, the deceleration given by [Ice Doom] has exceeded 90%.

Basically equivalent to the immobilization skill.

At this time, [Icicle of Death] has developed to the point where it is as dense as a gust of wind and rain. Let alone the operation, it will be a mess when you go out.

It doesn't give you any chance to perform operations, and there is absolutely no possibility of evasion.

"Damn it, the end of invincibility is a dead end!!!"

Inside the invincible cover, everyone watching the rain had sad expressions on their faces, and those three seconds seemed to fleetingly pass by.

But enough to take away all of their names.

"Hahahaha, hahahahaha!"

In mid-air, the Frost Bone Dragon Noel was like a giant moth, looking at Jiang Bai and others' embarrassed appearance and laughing harder than a dog.

"This is what you get for offending me, ants!"

"You are so fragile!"

Of course, Lu Chen would not let this force destroy them so easily.

Although I don’t know how to pick up [Ice Doom] + [Icicle of Death] next time.

But at the very least, they must survive this wave of attacks first.

So when Hibiscus's [Group Invincibility] is turned on.

Lu Chen suddenly held up his diamond-shaped holy shield with his right hand.

While the milky white holy light surrounded it, it also surrounded Jiang Bai and others.

Suddenly, they felt a holy and warm atmosphere.

[Bright Sacrifice]: After turning on, up to twenty teammates within 20 yards around you, including yourself, will receive 20% damage reduction. At the same time, all damage received by your teammates during the duration of [Bright Sacrifice] will be dealt to you unconditionally. Transfer 80%! If you die during [Light Sacrifice], the death penalty will be doubled!

What should be said should not be said.

The moment this skill is taken out.

Long Teng Ao, Chaos Zhou Yu and others cried on the spot.

Sacrifice skills are truly great and selfless!

Lu Chen's face was full of determination and determination. This was the first skill she learned after joining the [Silver Knights].

It is of great significance and also symbolizes the existence of the hidden profession [Bright Knight]!


Chase Lu will not die.

Because it will save people.

He's not the only one.

After Chase Lu released [Bright Sacrifice], Hibiscus directly shot a single [Invincible Holy Shield] on Chen Lu just right.

In this way, Lu Chen will be immune to all damage during this period, including those transferred damage.

It can be said that under the exquisite cooperation of each link.

He successfully evaded Noel's wave of almost fatal team-killing skills.

"What a fool!?"

After the skill was released, Noel looked at the people who were still alive in surprise.

He couldn't help but take another look at Lu Chen.

"You actually have people from the Silver Knights here?"

"Ah! That was really an ancient era..."

Noel seemed to have remembered something, and he scratched his balls uncontrollably, just about to feel sad and nostalgic for the past.

But a cold arrow hit his still red and swollen balls again.

"Holy crap!!!!"

Noel roared miserably again.

"Despicable adventurers, you horse-riding people have no moral ethics!!!!"

The fierce battle started again.

What should be said is that without great skills, Noel would not be easy to fight, but being innocent can definitely guarantee that he can control the situation.

I thought Noel would use another wave of group-killing combo skills like this when his health reached 80%.

Unexpectedly, Noel actually changed a set of skills.

Although it also explodes, it is obviously much simpler than the combination of [Ice Doom] + [Icicle of Death].

Jiang Bai finally breathed a sigh of relief after passing through this level almost dangerously.

If Noel really does [Ice Doom + Death Icicle] every 10% of his health, then they will have no chance of surviving.

Jiang Bai thought with lingering fear.


Noel still didn't come up with the strongest combination.


Jiang Bai began to wonder if this guy could only release this skill once.

It does make sense when you think about it, after all, the combination of these two skills is too devastating.

But not long after the good life of a group of people, the blood volume dropped to 50%. The moment, the world was between heaven and earth.

Hang the familiar Ice Storm again.


Noel in the air flapped his big wings proudly.

"This time, let me see how you survive! Watch me score twice!"

"If it happens only twice, it's not like I won't survive."

Jiang Bai didn't panic.

According to the established arrangement, Mingyue will activate group invincibility this time.

Eight seconds after being invincible, Jiang Bai's pseudo-group invincibility was activated.

His group is invincible and cannot compare to orthodox wet nurses like Mingyue and Hibiscus.

This title skill can only protect teammates within the range from 90% damage, but to be honest, it is enough.

With this arrangement, everyone survived the second wave of world-destroying skills without any danger.


Noel was very angry.

It can be seen that he relies on these two skills to make a living, and other skills are just for show.

Now that two consecutive shots failed to kill Jiang Bai and others, Noel was naturally very angry.

"Should...shouldn't there be any more?"

When Noel's health was close to 30%, Wuzui muttered worriedly.

To be honest, all kinds of life-saving skills have been used up.

If Noel really hits this.

They really can't stand it, they can't stand it at all!

"You crow mouth, shut up!"

As Noel's health approached 30%, everyone's heart was in their throat.

"Despicable adventurer, die!!!"

After the roar, a huge ice ring swept the whole place.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Bai and others breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, as long as it's not the Ice Doomsday and the Death Ice Cone!"

"That should be it, we're already on the killing line."

As Noel's health dropped to 30%, his blood volume decreased significantly faster.

To use an old saying, Noel was already in the dying stage at this time.

This difficult battle was about to end.

Noel's sinful life.

When he was about to be ended by Jiang Bai and others.

But Noel, whose health reached 20%, flapped his wings again and took off on the spot.

"Hahaha, hahaha! How can you take my hat trick?"

"You will all be buried with me!!!"

The moment the voice fell.

Between heaven and earth, the familiar ice storm swept again!


"There's really more?"


"It's over!"




Everyone was stunned.

Staring blankly at the condensed ice storm, their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley and their faces were filled with despair.

This time, even gods may not be able to save us.

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