"Are you two guilds still human? In front of such an important event, all the brothers in 33856 are risking their lives to make progress. You two guilds are just fighting for the last bit of Xiao Jiujiu in your belly. Hurt, keep fishing in troubled waters, not doing enough work, just want to sit back and enjoy the results!”

"The people who are secretly suppressing our stars, I can bear it even if I can bear it, but at this time, the progress is so far behind others, and you are still there to fish in the water? If I hadn't been able to get away now, I would have had to kill him with a knife I’ll chop you two into pieces!”

Xingchen Left Bank's indignation instantly gained the support of all players. Following Xingchen Left Bank, many individual players also began to curse.

"That's right, I've already seen that these two guilds are not good things. Brothers, let's just stop fighting and be used as a thug by others. I would rather not get past this boss than be used in such a disgusting way!"

"Mad! I can't stand it for a long time. Do you think we are fools? Quit! Let's break up and quit! Let these two evil guilds make their own plans!"

Suddenly, the mood of indifference spread instantly, and Xiaoyao Qingfeng and Emperor Yuncheng immediately panicked.

The two looked at each other, and Xiaoyao Qingfeng hurriedly shouted, "No, brothers, our brothers from Xiaoyao and Yuncheng have been working hard. Didn't you see that there are only more than 3,000 people left in our two guilds? Don't give up. "

"Haha." Xingchen Zuo'an sneered, "Our Xingchen now has less than 500 strength left. Look who died in your two guilds? Who is left? Do you really think that everyone here is here?" Is he blind?"

Emperor Yuncheng and Xiaoyao Qingfeng blushed at these words. They knew they were wrong and no longer defended themselves.

The two of them looked at each other and said impassionedly, "Brothers, the boss is about to die. We must not give up all our efforts. Our brothers from Yuncheng and Xiaoyao are going to risk their lives today and let's start!"

To be honest, there was no passion at all in these words. It was only after everyone saw that the real main forces of Yuncheng and Xiaoyao were also engaged in the battle that everyone stopped complaining and continued to work.

After all, no one wants to give up.

"Haha, is it that easy to eat alone?"

Jiang Bai's eyes flashed across Xiaoyao Qingfeng and Emperor Yuncheng, revealing a sneer.

As Novice Station No. 101 enters the final stage, more and more stations have followed suit.

In less than two minutes, the 30 positions on the progress list have been filled, and there is no novice station No. 33856 where Jiang Bai is located.

You must know that it is not too late for them to enter the second stage, but now the progress has been delayed.

This has a lot to do with the inactivity of the two major guilds in Xiaoyao Cloud City.

However, as the elite teams of the two guilds entered the battle, the efficiency was significantly improved.

On the damage ranking list, Jiang Bai's damage value is still far ahead, exceeding 40,000, while the second place's damage value has only just exceeded 3,000.

As for Emperor Yuncheng and Xiaoyao Qingfeng, as they put all their strength into the battle, their rankings were quickly catching up.

At this time, Novice Station No. 33856 finally experienced a brief and real unity.

The boss of Novice Station No. 027, the last one on the progress list, has a HP of 27, while Jiang Bai Station has already caught up to 28%.

When it reached 25%, Novice Station No. 33856 finally entered the top 30 list.

"Come on, brothers, you're on the list! Damn it!"

Suddenly the entire 33856 station was boiling.

Since then, Novice Station No. 33856 has surpassed one Novice Station after another at an extremely fast speed.

When the boss's HP was reduced to 20%, the ranking of 33856 also squeezed into the top 20.

And everyone knows very well that the greatest contribution undoubtedly comes from Jiang Bai.

The damage of more than 50,000 is equivalent to the contribution of at least 5,000 players. This is what they rely on to keep catching up.

Of course, just relying on his own damage, Jiang Bai can't hit such a high level, but his strength lies in the percentage of [cutting]. Although the chance is very low, only 1%, it can trigger 5000 damage just once. Who can withstand it?

This maximum health cutting mechanism is simply a god-killing stunt.

When the boss's health was reduced to 15%, Station No. 33856 had already entered the top ten!

At this time, the damage difference from the number one Novice Station No. 101 is only 2.4%.

When the boss only had the last 100,000 HP left, 33856 had already caught up to fifth place! And they are only 1.3% away from the first-ranked 101.

Of course, at this time, the total 33,856 players alive are already less than 5,000!

There is no doubt that this newbie station that has come from behind and climbed so fast has attracted the attention of the world.

While everyone is guessing about Station 101, Station 101 is also guessing about Station No. 33856.

101 Station.

Longyan No. 1: "What's going on at Station 33856? Why are you chasing so fast?"

Long Yan No. 2: "I found out clearly that this station No. 33856 is the station where the 'Empty City Old Dream' is located."

Long Yan No. 1 pondered for a moment, "Let's take a look at the total personal damage of this 'Empty City Old Dream'."

Station No. 33856.

"Brothers, there is only 10% left, victory is in sight, brothers!"

"Who is the master in this 101 station? How powerful is he? We have the master of 'Empty City Old Dream' in charge..."

Including Jiang Bai, they don't know that the 101 Novice Station is the station where China's most elite national team is located. How can it not be powerful?



The battle has entered the final moment. At this moment, the eyes of all players in the world are fixed on the boss and the progress list of the major novice stations.


Novice Station No. 33856 has broken through to the second place on the list, only 0.8% away from the first place!

Dragon Flame No. 1: "Give the order, everyone attack with all your strength, and never lose the first place on the list!"




When the boss had only 30,000 HP left, 33856 finally closed the gap with 101, and the names of the two stations began to rise alternately.

The competition was extremely fierce!

"Hiss... Who is this 33856? It's even on par with 101?"

"It seems that there is a great god..."

"I heard that 'Empty City Old Dream' is in 33856, that's really awesome, his personal damage has exceeded 80,000!"

"Fuck!!! Are you saying that he dealt 8% of the boss's damage alone?"

In other stations, some players who knew the inside story of 101 stared at the top two positions on the progress list with serious faces, and fell into deep thought.


33856 and 101 can no longer pull away from each other. The names of the two garrisons are still changing. It can be seen that 101 also has its own trump card, otherwise it would have been pulled away by 33856 at the previous speed!

"Brothers! Brothers!! The boss is about to die. We must take the first place, and we must take the first place!"

"Too exciting! This is really too exciting!"

Some players' hearts have already jumped to their throats.

All the players of 33856 have red eyes, and those tens of thousands of comrades who died in the battle are all holding their breath and staring at the ever-changing battlefield!

And all the eyes of the world are also looking at these two garrisons with extremely fierce competition.

Who will be the first?


"The last 10,000 blood!"

33856 entered the last 1% stage at almost the same time as 101.

Jiang Bai was also very excited at this moment. He looked at the strongest single-target skill, [Explosive Shot], which had already cooled down, and licked his lips nervously, waiting for the best time to activate the skill.

However, at this critical moment of the final sprint, the two major bases were about to see the outcome!

Jiang Bai suddenly found that he could not move!!!

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