System No. 9

Chapter 27

Tearing open the package, Yang Xiaojin took a bite, the taste was average, although it was a little sweet, but it was really not delicious, eating in the mouth was dry, it was not easy to swallow at all, he had to drink a sip of water before sending the compressed biscuit down.

Looking at the relish that everyone ate, Yang Xiaojin wondered, this is not yet delicious instant noodles!

After a few bites, Yang Xiaojin put the remaining compressed biscuits back into the bag.

Not delicious!

"Can't get used to eating?" Professor Wei asked.

"Shriveled, not delicious at all!"

"Hehe, when you go out, especially in an uninhabited place for a long time, compressed biscuits are the best choice, convenient and simple and easy to store," Professor Wei said after taking a sip of water: "If you want to be delicious, compressed biscuits really can't be done, but they are much more delicious than drafting roots and bark."

"Hmph! It's good to have food, and you want to pick and choose, do you still want to cook bowls of instant noodles? Zhang You chewed on the compressed biscuit and said sneeringly: "I can't eat this bit of bitterness, or don't learn people as guides, this money is not for everyone!" Listening

to Zhang You's ridicule, Yang Xiaojin wondered, he didn't seem to offend this man like a grudge? How do you target yourself everywhere?

Moreover, how did he know that he was going to cook instant noodles?

Thinking of this, Yang Xiaojin picked up the bag that Wang Xiaofu was carrying and walked into the woods on the side.

Seeing Yang Xiaojin's actions, Zhang You snorted coldly: "Not only can not endure hardships, but also a careful eye, say two words and pick a pick!"

"Old Kim, where are you going?" Wang Xiaofu got up and prepared to chase him out.

"Sit still!" Yang Xiaojin's voice came from the woods.

Wang Xiaofu sat down again, he didn't believe that Yang Xiaojin had escaped from battle, if he couldn't stand it if he was ridiculed for a few words, it would not be Yang Xiaojin's character.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, Yang Xiaojin appeared in everyone's sight again.

It's just that everyone looked at Yang Xiaojin who came out again, and everyone almost dropped their eyes.

No wonder they were surprised, even Wang Xiaofu didn't expect it.

Yang Xiaojin, who had just carried the bag into the woods, now had an extra small pot in his hand, and two packages of instant noodles with pickled pepper beef were sandwiched under his armpits.

"Don't look stupid, help me get it!" Yang Xiaojin shouted to Wang Xiaofu.

"Oooooh!" Wang Xiaofu reacted from the shock.

Does this really come with pot and instant noodles?

What kind of player is this?

Think of this trip into Erlong Mountain as a tour?

Zhang You was also lost, he just said it casually, could it be that he already had the ability to predict the prophet?

Sure enough, fools who don't understand anything, what's the use of carrying a pot, nothing but boiling instant noodles, and thought they would bring some outdoor necessities, as a result, that's it?

Seeing Yang Xiaojin and Wang Xiaofu busy cooking instant noodles, Zhang You ate compressed cookies and complained in his heart.

Yang Xiaojin ignored everyone's surprised gazes, found a few stones and quickly built a simple stove, poured a bottle of mineral water into the pot, and after a while, the woods were filled with the unique fragrance of instant noodles.

Two packs of instant noodles, after cooking, there is a full pot.

"Would Professor Wei like some?" After the instant noodles were cooked, Yang Xiaojin asked Professor Wei politely.

As a result, before Professor Wei could speak, Zhang You on the side snorted coldly: "How can Professor Wei eat like this..." Before Zhang

You's words were finished, Professor Wei stood up and said, "Okay!"

Yang Xiaojin: "???

Zhang You: "??? "

This plot is not right, shouldn't Professor Wei refuse?

Yang Xiaojin's hand that was sandwiching the face stopped, he really just politely, but he didn't expect this old man to play cards according to the routine.

But if you say it, splash the water, Yang Xiaojin can't make a gaffe for a bowl of instant noodles, right?

Sighing silently, he served the served instant noodles to Professor Wei, who happily took it.

When he turned around, Yang Xiaojin saw that Yuan Yuting was still biting into the compressed biscuits, so the ghost asked again: "Beauty, do you want to eat some instant noodles?" After

Yang Xiaojin asked, he didn't expect Yuan Yuting to answer him, he was purely taking the opportunity to talk to the goddess, it didn't matter if he answered or not, although he Yang Xiaojin loved the goddess, he wouldn't lick the dog, it was best to catch up, can't just let it be.

He was just about to turn around, but heard Yuan Yuting suddenly say: "Okay!

Yang Xiaojin's body was numb, he didn't expect Yuan Yuting to take care of her, in his mind, a goddess like Yuan Yuting must not disdain to eat junk food such as instant noodles, which is generally the standard for dicks like him.

Now, Yuan Yuting actually said yes, the most important thing is that Yuan Yuting's voice is really good, such as the light cry of the yellow warbler, crisp and pleasant, sweeter than Xiao Jiu's voice, it is indeed worthy of his adoration goddess!

Yang Xiaojin gave all the instant noodles in the small pot to Yuan Yuting, and when he gave the instant noodles to Yuan Yuting, the two were not too far away, so Yang Xiaojin could smell the faint fragrance of the other party, I don't know if it was incense or body fragrance, in short, Yang Xiaojin was intoxicated.

"Old Kim, where's mine?" Looking at the empty pot, Wang Xiaofu felt abandoned.



I only care about taking care of the goddess, forgot Wang Xiaofu, and said that I didn't lick the dog?

"I can't finish eating so much, give half to your friend, right?" Yuan Yuting looked at the bowl full of instant noodles, a little crying and laughing.

She is very beautiful, so there are many people who pursue her, some send jewelry, some send bags, and even rich sons give her hundreds of thousands of sports cars, but Yuan Yuting refused.

She is not a superficial girl, of course, understand that these people just like her appearance, and some people may even just want to treat her as a toy, and when one day they get tired, they will not hesitate to abandon her.

She has heard more of this kind of bridge and seen more.

Of course, this does not mean that she does not believe in love, in her view of love, she still longs to have a singing and crying, even vigorous love, but she is also very clear that such love often only exists in TV series.

In reality, she hopes for someone who truly loves her and loves her, and this person does not have to be handsome or rich.

What she wants is innocent love, mixed with nothing else.

He loves her, and she loves him, that's enough!

Of course, with so much talk about Yuan Yuting's psychological activities here, it is not that Yuan Yuting likes or even falls in love with Yang Xiaojin because of a bowl full of instant noodles.

They only met for the first time yesterday, plus what they just said is only the second sentence, if you can say like or love, this can no longer be described as superficial, this is sick.

Although Yang Xiaojin looks quite handsome!

"No need!" Yang Xiaojin smiled slightly, then turned around and dragged the hiking bag and got into the woods again.

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