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Chapter 976: Enable loading mode

"Are you Bro Luolan?"

Luo Feng's **** went into the dungeon, lifted out the people of the Luolan Mountain family from the dungeon of the castle, and took it to Liu Ziqing.

Liu Ziqing smiled and looked at the two-meter-tall man in a silver combat suit. Liu Ziqing's expression was easy-going, but ... it was a kind of supreme easy-going.

It was as if the king looked down on his subjects, and although he was smiling, he still refused to stay a thousand miles away!


Looking at Liu Ziqing's gaze, Brow lowered his head involuntarily.

"This is your spaceship. There should be communication equipment here that can reach Luolanshan? Open it, I want to talk to Luolanshan!"

The flashes of colorful brilliance in his eyes, and the coercion of the huge rules, made Bro burst into a cold sweat and beat his drums.

What is the origin of this earth?

Obviously an indigenous planet, why are there such terrible characters?

"Yes! Lord!"

Bro Luolanshan hurriedly bowed his salute and was very respectful.

"You should call me ... Your Highness!"

Sitting on the podium, Liu Ziqing held up a glass of red wine and shook it gently, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

The coercion of the rules and his arrogant posture made Bro's heart even more nervous.

The strength of the man in front of him is obviously only star-studded, but he can use the power of rules. This is the case only for those characters who are scary.

"Yes! Your Highness!"

Bro quickly and respectfully salute Liu Ziqing.


Liu Ziqing lifted his glass and took a sip with a full gesture.

This made Luo Feng, who was standing next to him, slandered for a while.


Bro came to the communicator, entered a long string of characters, and dialed the communicator in Luolanshan.


A long beep sounded, and a light curtain appeared on the wall of the main control room.

On the light curtain, a middle-aged man with red eyes and pointed and long ears stretched over his head appeared in the light curtain.

"Who dialed the emergency call?"

The middle-aged man also saw the situation here through the screen.

At the moment, Bro was bowing and saluting in the ship's main control room. But the teenager sitting on the podium was leisurely sipping red wine without even raising his head. The three men standing behind the teenager were equally expressionless.

These people did not show any respect for the founder of the "Luolanshan Family", the ninth-level powerhouse of the universe.

This situation made Luolan Mountain very unhappy.

"Bro Luolan Mountain, meet the ancestors."

Burrow bowed down and bowed to Luolan Mountain, which appeared on the light curtain.

"Bro Luolanshan? My descendants?"

Luolanshan frowned. "Say, what's the matter? Also, who are they? How dare you listen to my communications from the Luolanshan family?"

"Uh ... this ... ancestor Qilu, it is this highness who wants to talk to you!"

Bro quickly expounded the reason and turned to look at Liu Ziqing.

"His Royal Highness?"

Luo Lanshan raised a brow, and his heart was a little surprised.

His Royal Highness's name is not casual. In addition to the lower race honoring His Highness to the upper race, the heirs of the top forces in the universe, or key training objects, can be called His Highness.

This young man turned out to be "His Royal Highness"?

Luo Lanshan looked at Bro, and there was a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

Bro quickly nodded, solemnly nodded.

"My Highness, do you have any instructions?"

Luo Lanshan looked at Liu Ziqing and nodded with a smile.

"Not a big deal!"

Liu Ziqing put down the wine glass in his hand, reached out and knocked on the podium table, smiling, "You tribe, found an indigenous planet named Earth. This place is good, I want it! What's your opinion?"

"Earth? Indigenous planet?"

Luolanshan frowned slightly.

Bro found the earth, and then reported the situation to the Luolan Mountain family. The news of the emergence of such a major treasure, such as the golden horn behemoth and the mechanized spaceship, was reported to Luolan Mountain.

The earth itself is nothing, but the golden horn behemoth and the mechanized spaceship cannot be ignored.

"His Royal Highness is difficult for strong men!"

Luolanshan shook his head. "The earth is an important resource for our Luolanshan family, but there is no way to give it to His Royal Highness."

"Ha ha!"

Liu Ziqing smiled, stretched out a finger, and shook Luolan Mountain, "I think ... you made a mistake! I didn't come to discuss it with you! I just told you. Earth me Fancy it, it's mine! "


Luo Lanshan raised a brow, and an anger came into his eyes.

You dare to be so mad as a "His Royal Highness" who doesn't know what it is?

Just before the attack, Luo Lanshan heard Liu Ziqing speak again.

"My name is Qinghe, and my identification number in the Heilongshan Empire is XXX. Please take a look first."

A bunch of identity numbers were reported casually, Liu Ziqing held up the wine glass again, and enjoyed the wine leisurely.


Luo Lanshan frowned, entered the serial number suspiciously, and then checked!

"Insufficient permission level! Unable to query!"

"Warning: The information you are trying to query is the top secret of the Human Alliance! Your identity information has been included! The Human Department's Internal Affairs Department will question you!"

"Please truthfully report the motivation for inquiring this confidential information, otherwise, you will be treated as a stranger by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Human League and killed on the spot!"

Just after entering the identity number, a series of blood red writings appeared on the smart terminal.


Seeing this reminder, Luolan Mountain shuddered and looked pale.

Oh my God! Just to query his identity information, it is considered to spy on the secrets of the Human Alliance, but also to be questioned by the Ministry of the Interior. What is the origin of this person?

With cold sweat rolling down, Luo Lanshan quickly bowed to Liu Ziqing and saluted, "His Royal Highness! High Your Highness!"

When inquiring identity information, he will be questioned. In case of questioning, what does this "His Royal Highness" say something bad?

"Don't be so nervous ~ ~ I won't treat you like that."

Liu Ziqing waved his hand, "Come on! As long as you stop thinking about the earth, I'm too lazy to care about you!"

"Yes! Yes! Thank you, Your Highness!"

Luolan Mountain was relieved and recorded Liu Ziqing's remarks. When the Ministry of Internal Affairs interrogated, he could pass the level!

As for the earth ... can this place still have a family idea?

"His Royal Highness, then ... I will retreat first!"

Bowing down, Luo Lanshan closed the communicator with cold sweat. Until now, his face was a little pale.

Luo Feng, Thor, and Hong were already stunned.

Really solve the problem in one sentence?

What exactly is Liu Ziqing? The Shushan Sword School has such a powerful force in the cosmic starry sky? No one dares to mess with?

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