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Chapter 987: Teach you to be human again

"Jack! How dare you insult the Capricorn King?"

Hearing Liu Ziqing's frivolous language, the werewolf was furious, and he waved and grabbed a stick, pointing at Liu Ziqing, an angry roar.

"How can the majesty of the Immortal King let you offend?"

"Bold madman, how dare you be so rude?"

Not only were the werewolves furious, but the group of people they were carrying was equally angry and irritable.

In their minds, the immortality is already high above the deities. Not to mention the "Immortal King" who won the title of King of Kings?

It was already a great existence worshipped, and dare not have the slightest blasphemy.

After hearing Liu Ziqing's phrase, "My maids are all immortal kings", can these people not be angry?

"Kid, kneel down! Hoe to pay off!"

The werewolf's roaring roar: "It is unforgivable to offend the majesty of the Immortal King! But if you **** and pay for your sins, your family will be saved from destruction!"


Liu Ziqing shook his hands in disdain, and said to the watch, "Langao, what's going on? Why are all cats and dogs coming out?"

"His Highness forgive sins!"

A little flash of light flashed, and the figure of Lan Yan appeared in front of Liu Ziqing.

As soon as he appeared, Lan Zhi immediately bowed down and apologized to Liu Ziqing. "My Highness, I was negligent. I didn't say hello to the Virtual Universe company, and they let in."

"Okay, you take care of this!"

He waved his hand, Liu Ziqing glanced at the werewolf, and scorned his lips.

"You ... you are ..."

Seeing this bluebird suddenly appearing, the werewolf is also the owner of the realm, and can naturally feel the bluebird's breath.

The vast and mighty power that covers the earth is more vast and deeper than the starry sky, and it is unimaginable.

The beautiful figure of Tina Tingting is like an endless universe of starry sky, as if the whole world is gathered on this figure.

Everything in the world is centered on her and moves with her will.

This is an immortal king!

The werewolf was pale and sweaty, and his legs were soft.

An immortal king is on his way, and in the face of this young man, he still has a gesture of guilt. What exactly is this young boy about?

This time, I really provoked a character who can't be imagined!

"My name is Lan Yan! I'm Your Highness's Maid!"

Lan Yan raised his eyes and glanced at the werewolves and others, the expression on his face was cold, "The name Lan Lan, you may not be familiar with it. I also have a name called" Blood King ", you must have heard it! "


The werewolf was so pale that he sat down on the ground!

"Blood King" was a legend in the extraterritorial battlefield!

Holding a long feather-like sword, a single sword, and entered the Zerg army formation. Slay through the army of 100,000 immortal and one million zerg masters, and beheaded an immortal king-level zerg mother emperor.

In a big battle, the corpses were killed across the wild, the blood bleed into the river, and the feather feather swords in the hands of the blue crickets were all red!

King of the First World War, prestigious!

This is why the name "Blood King" came!

However ... such a brutal and horrible existence is only the young maid?

No wonder people don't care about Capricorn King, because ... in the eyes of others, Capricorn King is not as good as his maid!

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's us who recklessly! Hit His Highness, death penalty! Death penalty!"

The werewolf was sweating, and immediately fell to his knees, begging for mercy!

"His Royal Highness! High Your Highness!"

At this time, the group of people led by the werewolf also returned from horror, and kept hoeing for mercy.

"I suddenly had the illusion of bullying men and women!"

Liu Ziqing smiled, "But ... this feeling is so cool!"

Raising his eyes and glancing at the werewolf, Liu Ziqing waved his hand. "Okay, I will give you a good memory! Each of you will slap yourself!"

"Yes! Yes! Thank you Your Highness!"

The werewolves and other people were pardoned, and they quickly "cracked" and slapped their own dozens of slaps. Every slap in the face was very hard, even his face was swollen, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

"Well. You have a good attitude in admitting a mistake, and that's it! But you have to remember!"

Liu Ziqing learned a serious lesson, "You must converge in the future, don't be so mad! You know, there are still many things in this world that you can't mess with. The Immortal King is really nothing. Even the Lord of the World is Invincible existence. "

"Yes! We must keep in mind His Highness' teachings and dare not make mistakes!"

Werewolves and others hurried to teach!

"Come on!"

Liu Ziqing waved his hand.

"Yes! I'll wait to retire!"

Bowing down, the werewolf fled with his subordinates, and disappeared instantly.

"His Highness is kind-hearted!"

Lan Yan glanced in the direction of the werewolf's departure, and said lightly, "Offensive to Master Diqiu, only suffered a few slaps, which is the lightest punishment."

"Uh? Is this still light?"

Liu Ziqing suddenly found out that he was far from a second generation who really bullied the male and female, lawless.

"His Royal Highness Qinghe is mighty!"

The three Luo Feng raised their thumbs fiercely!


Liu Ziqing laughed loudly, then shook his head again, "I finally understand now, why so many people like to have power!"

"The power is rich and wealth, after all, it is only a foreign object. Qinghe, you must not covet power and forget your own roots!"

Hong looked up at Liu Ziqing and said solemnly.

"The boss is telling the truth!"

Thunder God also looked at Liu Ziqing solemnly, "When the two of us were on the earth, one person could reach one country, wasn't it powerful? But we never cared about power. Our own strength is fundamental, this Remember, do n’t forget! "

"Thank you two brothers for teaching! Qinghe understands!"

Liu Ziqing nodded earnestly.

Ronghua Wealthy is just a dream bubble, and self-cultivation is the foundation of everything. This point, Liu Ziqing knew the truth the day she became a warrior.

At this moment, he became "the Emperor of the Emperor Qiu", the only heir to the Qingtian clan, Liu Ziqing can be described as monstrous!

It was really a hole in the sky, and someone carried it for him.

But all this is false!

If the blood of Emperor Qiu is high, it is because it has extraordinary potential and can grow into the top figure of the human alliance such as the Supreme Master of the Universe.

Otherwise, why would Lan Ying, the "blood king", willingly come to be his maid, not even having a problem in the bed?

It is because the "Diqiu Bloodline" can grow into the backbone of the Human Alliance!

This is the key to everyone's cherishment of "Qinghe"!

"Go! Let's go on! Let's go to Dragon Slay!"

A loud roar ~ ~ Liu Ziqing and Luo Feng swept up, went deep into the mountains, and continued their "slaying dragon great cause!"

"His Highness friends are a little extraordinary! They are tough-minded, strong-willed, and practiced in the realm! Sure enough ... Xiaolong does not swim with fish and shrimp. His Highness's friends are also geniuses!

"Of course, the best thing is His Highness!"

Lan Yan looked at Liu Ziqing with a smile on his back, remembering what Yu Yan had said.

"Is the next mistress of the Qingtian clan?"

Lan Yan's face ... a little shyness came out.

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