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Chapter 989: Liu Ziqing pushes 100,000 harems sideways

"Strength is fundamental!"

After meditating in Qinghe Palace all night, the "Sword of Washing Hearts" refreshed his mind, and Liu Ziqing returned to the state of cloudlessness, lightness, and stagnation.

"Everything is false! Everything is shackles! The power of the Red Dust, the wealth of the world, are all gloomy!"

The heart is clear, and the meaning of the dust is lingering. At this moment, Liu Ziqing was truly worthy of power and wealth, and he could not hesitate to "the largest tyrant in the universe".

"Congratulations, Your Highness!"

Upon entering the door, I sent in the blue owl earlier, and naturally saw Liu Ziqing's condition at a glance.

For his "young" Highness, Lan Ye admired her heart.

Under this monstrous power, he can still keep his soul pure, not lingering on things, not stained with red dust, and it is impossible to describe it in a peerless manner.

Actually ... Liu Ziqing, who has been practicing "Purple Green Treasure", has laid a solid foundation for spiritual cultivation from the beginning.

Jianxin Jianyi is one of the foundations of Jianxiu.

Liu Ziqing can have this mental cultivation, in addition to her own efforts, it is naturally inseparable from the "golden finger" credit.

"In the vein of Emperor Qiu, a peerless figure will be born."

Lan Yan was amazed.

It is such a great achievement at such a young age, where will your Highness go in the future? Supreme Master of the Universe? Lord of the universe? Or even the legendary "true god"?

Suddenly there was a kind of rejoicing in the bluebird. Fortunately, Yu Yan chose her. Otherwise, how can there be such an opportunity to grow with His Royal Highness, and how can such a chance to spend time with His Highness?

"Bluebird, open the virtual training ground."

After eating early, Liu Ziqing stood up and looked up at the blue owl. "Everyone in Qinghe Palace enters the training ground in turn. I want to play against you!"

"Have your Highness been stirred up by the Genius Hegemony?"

Lan Yan smiled sweetly, "Everyone in the palace is a battle-hardened elite. Even if the cultivation is limited to the universe level, Your Highness can't care less!"

"Just let the horses come!"

Liu Ziqing laughed loudly and daringly.

Qinghe Palace has a variety of training facilities, and virtual training grounds are naturally available.

In addition to the guards on duty in the palace, Liu Ziqing ordered everyone to be summoned and entered the virtual training ground.

Much like the virtual universe, this virtual training ground is also a virtual scene where the spirit and consciousness enter.

Because there are a lot of "spectators", Liu Ziqing opened an arena similar to the "Roman Duel".

In the middle is a circular arena surrounded by numerous auditoriums.

At this moment, Liu Ziqing was playing against the blue cricket in the arena, and the other maids were sitting in the audience to watch!

"Your Highness, it is not a wise choice for you to pick me first!"

Lan Yan cleverly walked forward with a smile, and showed a blue-gold sword like a feather in his hand. "Although the strength is limited to the universe level, but ... my perception of the rules, the control of strength, All the realms of the Immortal King! "

"Invincible in the same realm, do you think I'm talking about fun?"

Liu Ziqing grinned, and the virtual purple and green swords whistled. "Although let go of the horse!"

"Invincible in the same realm does not mean this!"

Lan Yan smiled and raised the sword in his hand, "Your Highness, please be careful!"

"Blood slaying sword!"

The long feather-like sword suddenly trembled, and the blue eagle swept up and cut it out with a sword.

On the sword of blue and gold feather feathers, the hairs like thin needles flew out suddenly, like storms and storms.

Each slender capillary needle turns into gold threads, whistling in all directions, shuttles through the air, and weaves into the shape of a blue-golden phoenix in the air.

Lifelike and vivid.

Although Lan Zhi's strength is limited to the cosmic level, his understanding of the rules and control of his strength is completely the level of the immortal king.

In essence, it has completely surpassed the universe level!

"Lan Yu actually shot so hard?"

In the auditorium, the waitresses and guards watching the duel were shocked.

Especially Qiyue, she has frowned tightly, "Although Her Royal Highness is peerless, her power is far worse than that of Lan Yan. His heavy hand, if hit by His Royal High, will destroy His confidence. It's not good! "

Just about to stop it, Qiyue suddenly saw that the purple and blue swords in Liu Ziqing's hands burst out a gorgeous sword light, and turned into a huge lotus flower out of nowhere.

"The power of the law? Jianqi Chenglian? OK! OK!"

As soon as Jianlian came out, even Qiyue couldn't help cheering loudly. "It really is the blood of Emperor Qiu. He has such strength at the universe level. His Highness really is a peerless talent!"

"it is good!"

The maids and guards watching the battle also applauded.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The blue gold phoenix soared and fluttered, the purple gladiolus petals bloomed, and the swords of light collided with each other, bursting into a dense light.

For a while, Jianlian Wufeng came and went, and the two were even on par.

"His Royal Highness's sword skills are extraordinary and holy, and the power of the rules is so mastered, it is really shocking!"

With a single blow, he returned with a smile, Lan Yan smiled sweetly, "His Royal Highness, Lan Yan is really capable of moving, His Royal Highness must be careful."

"I also have the real ability to not show it!"

Liu Ziqing smiled, and the sword in his hand flew out of the hand, spiraling up, "Come! Let me see your strongest sword skills!"

"His Royal Highness has this Yaxing, and Lan Yan should be accompanied!"

The blue-gold pupa was shaken, and a sharp water of violent sharp gold erupted. This is the **** water, like a sea of ​​blood, soaring into the sky.

"Blood sea red sword!"

A sword is cut out, and the sword light is like a sea of ​​blood, endlessly fierce and violent, straight into the sky.

This is the blue sword that used to be a single-handed sword in the extraterritorial battlefield, breaking through the millions of army formations, and smashing the immortal king of the Zerg tribe, thus creating a unique skill.

Although the strength is limited to the universe level, the artistic conception of this move is not compromised. The will to kill and destroy the world and destroy the earth is not at the level of the universe.

"Damn! What are you doing, Bluebird?"

The sword was cut out, and all the maids and guards watching the battle were frightened.

If it wasn't for the fact that this was a virtual battle, everyone would have thought that Bluebird was going to assassinate His Highness!

"The power is really terrifying, but the way of this sword has gone astray!"

Stepping across the twenty-one island of the sea of ​​fantasy, Liu Ziqing's mentality has been surpassed by the immortal king. Naturally, it can be seen that Lan Yao's heinous sword has actually gone the wrong way.

"I'm happy, I'm free! My heart lake is like a mirror, and I wash my heart with a sword! Lan Yan, pick me a stroke of Qinglian!"

A blue rainbow rose to the sky, Liu Ziqing greeted the sea of ​​blood and cut it out with a sword. As if the waves were cut off, this blue rainbow even split the sea of ​​blood.

Qinghong-like Jianguang split the sea of ​​blood, and also cut into the heart of the blue puppet.

A green lotus bloomed in the heart of the blue lotus, the pure sword light washed the heart, and washed the heart of the blue lotus ... fear!

Yes, that mighty **** sword is a fear!

Single-handed sword, kill through the army, and cut off the enemy chief. It seems that the scenery is infinite. In fact, the battle of being trapped in the enemy line, isolated and helpless, and living in the Jedi left a deep fear in the heart of the blue cricket.

Sword wash heart!

Qinglian blooms ~ ~ The blue light is dazzling, like the same Wang Qingshui, washing the "heart demon" in the heart of the blue lotus.


In his hand, the blue-gold cymbal feather sword fell to the ground. With a relaxed smile on his face, lanji bowed and saluted.

"Wow! Your Highness has won!"

"His Royal Highness is invincible!"

The audience around was applauding!


Liu Ziqing laughed loudly and pointed his sword at the auditorium. "Let's go together!"

Then ... Liu Ziqing was beaten with bags!

The plan to push 100,000 harems across the country seems to be incomplete in a short time!

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