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Chapter 1017: Hello lord, goodbye lord

"Assassination seeks medical treatment!"

As soon as he stepped out of the "Caxia Temple", Du Bai heard a sound of gongs and drums in front of him.

Looking up, I saw a red list hung above the back wall of Shi Shifu.

"Assassination suffers from a serious illness and seeks medical help!"

Du Bai walked over and saw this red list with a sneer in his heart.

"Don't conceal others, can't I conceal my" Evil Demon Eye "? Although Shenguang is concentrated in the Cabernet Temple in Fengzhou City, I can see the connection of the incense at a glance. Isn't the history of thorns just a gift to the gods? "

However, this also gave Du Bai a chance.

"Send the Lord God, let this seat take care of you well! Have you given the child so many years, have you got Hualiu? Or not?"

Du Bai laughed secretly, but a serious expression on his face.

"I am proficient in the art of Qihuang, and I am willing to work for Lord Shishi."

To the front of the list, Du Bai bowed down to the guard who was on the side of the list.

"Oh? This boy is proficient in Qihuang? You ... aren't you young?"

Xinglin Guoshou, which is not the old man? Young man is proficient in Qihuang, who do you fool?

He gave Du Bai a glance with doubt.

"You have been palpitating for many years, and you have asthma and dizziness. And ... you are weak in your bed, even if you mount your gun, you blink ..."

Under "Eye of the Demon", a mere mortal can see clearly at a glance?

"Master! Master! Please inside! Please inside!"

Hecha heard this, interrupted his conversation, and hurriedly ushered Du Bai into Shishifu.

How can you say "the bed is weak" in the public? Master, are you too ... straight?

I was slandered for a while.

Along with the chaos, Du Bai stepped into the mansion of Shishi.

"Butler Wang, this is the medical master who the villain found."

Chan Cha led Du Bai into the mansion and came to an old man in a black robe.

"Master of medical science? What's a joke?"

When the steward Wang saw Du Bai's age, he suddenly became furious and yelled at him, "Zhang San, where have your eyes gone? This person is less than twenty, will he be a master of medical meditation? Not to me Get out? "

"You have a lot of phlegm and dreams at night, night sweats and palpitations.

"Ah! Master, you are a master!"

The housekeeper Wang was still angry. When he heard Du Bai's words, his face turned pale and he stopped quickly.

"Master, please follow me!"

Turning around, he took Du Bai into the inner courtyard, walked through several gardens, and came to a quiet and cold little courtyard. "Adult is inside."

The housekeeper walked to the cold and cold courtyard and turned his head to explain to Du Bai. "After my family became ill, I was afraid of the heat and cold, and my body was itchy. Recently, I have more signs of ulcers. Please ask the master for detailed diagnosis and treatment"

"Um. I see."

Du Bai nodded his head and laughed again, afraid of hot and cold? It should be fear of the sun and yin!

As for the rotten body ... well, this is really not "giving the child" too much, and got some weird "love disease".

"Sir, the villain has a medical sacred hand to come to the adult for treatment."

The steward blew the door of the courtyard and reported inward.

"Holy Doctor?"

There was a full voice in the yard. Whoever hears this voice will not feel that person is sick.

"Doctor ... I'm not a doctor ... let him in!"

The assassin wanted to refuse, thought about it, and agreed.

After all, this disease ... is of extraordinary origin, and medical treatment is almost impossible to cure. But ... just in case?

"Master, please!"

The steward pushed open the door of the courtyard and motioned for Du Bai to enter.

Entering the yard, the whole yard is very shady. The dense woods blocked the entire yard from the sun.

There is a small building by the pool in the yard.

Stepping into the small building, I saw a luxurious large bed in the room. A red-faced middle-aged man was lying on the bed, where a beautiful woman was carefully serving.

Naturally lying in bed is a thorn history!

The history of thorns is extraordinary, with thick eyebrows, solemn face, and five beards under the jaw.

"Have seen the thorn history!"

Du Bai walked in and made a tribute to Shi Shi.

"You ... the mediocre hand?"

Tattoo history glanced at Du Bai, and a suspicious expression appeared on his face.

"There is no order to learn, the master is the teacher. Is it the sacred hand, Master Shishi will know it once!"

Du Bai answered calmly.

"Oh! Makes sense!"

Shi Shi nodded, and then turned to the beautiful woman around him, "Madam, you go to Xifeng Yuan and rest."

"Then ... retreating."

Mrs. Shishi gave a concerned look at Shishi, then turned and walked out of the yard.

After a moment, there were only Du Bai and Shi Shi in the entire courtyard.


Shi Shi Chao Du Bai smiled and stretched out his wrist.

"Do your best."

Going to the bed, Du Bai reached out and struck Shi Shi's pulse, giving him a pulse.

"Is there a clue?"

After finishing the pulse, Tsang Shi smiled and looked at Du Bai.

"The disease of Assassination is already clear below."

Du Bai glanced at Shishi, smiled and shook his head, "Master Shishi, are you ill!"

"Uh ... well, Dr. Lau!"

Tashi Shi shook his head helplessly.

"How could you be sick? You are God!"

Du Bai smiled and waved, "Hello God!"


Hearing this, Tashi Shi was frightened, his hands were folded, and the sky was full of red glow.

Blossoming red lotuses flashed, and the sacred light illuminated the whole room.

Blossoming red lotuses turned into hot flames, sweeping towards Du Bai.

"It's useless!"

Du Bai smiled, stretched out a finger, and a little cold and white cold lingered at his fingertips.

"Aren't you happy with the cold and afraid of the heat? I'll give you a little cold!"

Pointing at it, the cold cold roared out, like a few cold winters, and the whole room was frozen.

In fact ... this cold air is much colder than the nine cold winters.

This is Du Bai's gifted magical power "Nine Secrets".

Below Jiuyou, the cold and cold air in the ice **** is not comparable to the nine winters.


The cold air swept away, and together with the thorn history, the entire building was frozen into ice sculptures.


Frozen thorn history of ice sculptures, a red light emerged from the top door, a red lotus was born, and a sacred and glorious deity sat on the lotus.

"Finally came out? Just wait for you!"

Du Bai sneered and pointed like a sword, and a pure white light burst out from his fingertips, like a sharp sword, he severely chopped down at "Caxia Shenjun".

"Xuanyin besom ghost!"

The incense deities are made of ghosts. Xuanyin cut ghost, one sword cut ghost god.


With a scream of screaming, the "Kasai Lord" that had just come out of the shell was immediately cut off by the sword and turned into a diffuse Hongxia.

"It's ideal, it's eternal."

In a roll of pure white light, the diffused Cabernet was instantly collected by white light.

"Who are you? Why are you harming me?"

The divine body was broken, but the spiritual knowledge of the Cabernet Monarch had not yet dispersed, and he was still screaming in anger.

"It doesn't matter who I am."

Du Bai smiled ~ ~ Tell you a truth, let you die more ... painful. "

"In fact, you are not ill at all. Shinto is the practice of ghost training. You practice incense and shinto in your body. The stronger the Shinto is, the heavier the yin, the body will naturally rot."

"Actually, you can completely cast off the body and just reshape the **** body."


The Cabernet stunned, "It turns out ... I'm not sick at all?"

"Yeah, if you abandon every body and reshape the body, it will be difficult for me to defeat you. After all ... as long as you don't die, you can regenerate with incense!"

"Goodbye Lord!"

White light swept up, annihilating Hongxia in an instant, leaving only the stubborn long prince of the Cabernet God.

"I hate it!"

Yu Yinyu, the God of Sending a Son was officially destroyed.

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