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Chapter 1019: "Gravity", Li Yu's new flicker

"What? You want?"

Hearing Shi Xuan's exclaim, Du Bai glanced at Shi Xuan with a squinting eye, and a hint of jokes flashed on his face.

"This one……"

Shi Xuan touched his head and was in a dilemma.

"It seems our path of practice is different!"

Du Bai has always believed that Shi Xuan has also been passed down as the "Large Free Lord". Even with the same practice, different people practice different paths. It is not surprising that Shi Xuan needed Geng Jin.

"Geng Jin, it's really useless for me to take it. But why should I give it to you?"

Reaching for Geng Jin, holding it in his hands, Du Bai looked at Shi Xuan with a smile, "What do you want to change with me?"

"I don't know what my brother wants?"

Seeing Du Bai ’s gesture, Shi Xuan naturally knew that Du Bai had already planned to trade with him. I just don't know what Du Bai liked.

If it's the body ... Shi Xuan said he could not die.

"In Zhongzhou, only the two of us are the true practitioners of terror. However, we all know that there must be a world of cultivation in this world."

Obtained the inheritance of "the master of great freedom," Du Bai also learned a lot of common sense. The world is extremely vast.

But ... how do you leave Zhongzhou?

"My request is simple. Next, I will look around for a way to leave Zhongzhou. If I find it first, then stop. If you find it first, you must notify me."

Du Bai glanced at Shi Xuan and said his requirements.

"Okay! I'm done!"

After being promoted out of the realm, the practice becomes more and more difficult, and it is inevitable to leave Zhongzhou next. Shi Xuan also made this plan.

Finding a way to leave, and bringing Du Bai, is not a big deal.

"Then it's up to you."

Du Bai nodded and waved Geng Jin to Shi Xuan. "Remember your promise."

Du Shao sleeves, Du Bai drove up the light, whistling away.

"Geng Jin is finally here."

After taking over Geng Jin, Shi Xuan gave birth to a bit of joy.

With this piece of Gengjin, he can practice a supernatural power in the "Shangqing Treasure Record", "Taiyin Lung Jing Gengjin Sword Qi".

"There are other four supernatural powers, gold, wood, water, fire and soil, and five elements. Unfortunately, the materials for practicing supernatural powers are too rare. I hope to find a way to leave Zhongzhou, otherwise, I really can't practice it."

With a dazzling figure, Shi Xuan also drove Qi Guang to leave.

Shi Xuan and Du Bai are still looking for a way to leave Zhongzhou. At this time, Xiao Li Yu is also depressed and speechless.

"Sister, why do you run in when I take a shower?"

In the top space of Shenxiao Palace, Li Yu was lying in a jade-made swimming pool, leisurely soaking in the hot spring, and then ... Yu Shenxiao rushed in angrily.


Yu Shenxiao pointed at Li Yu and yelled, "This is too cold and cold jade, how can you use it to build a pool? Also, do you even bathe in" Tianlu Ganlinquan "? Come out, I promise not to kill you! "

"How big is it?"

Li Yu waved his hand carelessly, "These things are just average, and they're not peerless feats, nothing great."

"But ... you jerk, why did you put the bath water in the Yujing bottle again? My mother used tea for the past few days," Tianlu Ganlinquan! "You asked my mother to drink your bath water? Go to death! "

Yu Shenxiao roared and waved an electric light.

"Well ..."

A series of electric snakes rushed in the pool, and the electric light swept out of the sky, covering the entire pool.

"Ah! Wife, you are so cruel!"

Li Yu groaned, and came out of the pool.

Although Yu Shenxiao had a sense of shot, he did not make great magic. However, it was painful to be so electrified!

In Li Yu's current state, where can he carry this supernatural power?

"Wife-in-law? Hey, madam let you see what is called a wife-in-law!"

Hearing the words "Evil Wife", Yu Shenxiao was furious again, all of them rushing out, chasing Li Yu and pounding.

Poor boss Li, who has never suffered in all aspects of the world, is now chased by a small half-step Jinxian!

That scene ... it was terrible!

"You can do it again, you're welcome!"

The hair was so straight that Li Yu was upset, so depressed that he didn't know what to say.

"You're welcome? How can you be rude?"

Yu Shenxiao grinned for a while, and the electric light in her hand flashed even more violently.

"Your path of spiritual practice was broken a million years ago. Don't you want to go any further? Fight again, I won't give you pointers!"

Li Yuang raised his head and stood with his hands on his back, looking like "Come on me".

"Guide me? It's up to you? If you're a true golden immortal, or even a powerful creature, you still need reincarnation? Can you be better than me?"

Yu Shenxiao waved her hand again, and an electric snake tossed up at her fingertips.

"Stop! Stop!"

Boss Li knew the truth that "good guys don't know what's wrong with them" and "good men don't fight with women" and quickly lowered their attitude.

"Shangqing Treasure Records are not just yin and yang, tai chi, morality, Liangyi, life and death, and cause and effect. This seat has new insights."

"Oh? Come and listen!"

Yu Shenxiao put away the electric snake in her hand, and looked at Li Yu with interest, and then ... she smiled again, "Can you put on your clothes next time you call yourself this seat?"


Boss Li was suddenly shocked, only to find that he was clean and refreshing.

"Don't ignore it! You bastard!"

With a roar, Boss Li waved his hands quickly, took out his clothes and put them on again.

"Well! How old are you? Ignore it!"

Yu Shenxiao let go of her lips, and she didn't care about "being rude", "Well, what do you think, let's hear it!"

Yu Shenxiao knew that Li Yu was a "mighty reincarnation" and was also interested in his perception.

"You are connected to the Avenue of Electricity. Although the Avenue of Electricity is also one of the Three Thousand Avenues, it is not an a priori avenue. Therefore, your road is stuck in the first place of the Avenue and cannot be reached. Only the electricity way can be sublimated. For the Innate Avenue, you have no further possibility. "

Li Yu waved a futon, sat on the floor and talked.

"Say something useful."

Yu Shenxiao waved his hand impatiently.

"There is really no patience."

Li Yu shook his head pretending to look like ~ ~ Well, the Avenue of Electricity. What is electricity? You closed the road to electricity. Naturally, we know that in the countless worlds of this void universe, there is also a world with electricity as energy? "

"Well! I did see it. The vitality of the other side of the world is very thin, but the use of electricity is very extensive. When I combined electricity, I spent hundreds of years in that world."

Yu Shenxiao nodded, then looked at Li Yu with a look of hope, "Is there ... the way of electricity and something I didn't find?"

"Electricians are born from the intersection of yin and yang. Didn't you find the relationship between the power of electricity and the power of elementary magnetism in that world? The way of electricity can also extend the elementary magnetism. By extension, everything They all have magnetism, which is for the power of heaven and earth. In the end, you can prove the 'way of power'. "

Li Yu smiled and came to a summary, "This method is called 'gravity!'"

So, Li Dahuo flickered out "gravity."

According to the research of modern science, electromagnetic force and gravity are the four basic forces, which are the foundation of the universe, and naturally are the innate avenues.

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