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Chapter 1021: What is His Royal Highness Prince?

"You said that the emperor of Zhongzhou is also a practitioner?"

On this day, Du Bai hurried to Luojing after receiving the "Paper Crane Biography" sent by Shi Xuan.


Shi Xuan nodded. "Yesterday, I accidentally passed by the vicinity of the palace, and suddenly felt a huge coercion. Opening the eyes of the sky, the dragon air was soaring into the sky.

"Longqi? Is this the way of Qiyun or the National Games?"

Du Bai raised his eyes and looked at Luo Cheng, frowned. "Go, look over!"

The two walked into Luojing together and came near the palace.

"Sure enough it is a dragon gasification!"

Opening the "Eye of the Demon", Du Bai discovered that a huge golden dragon was hovering above the palace, and a mighty coercion to suppress the world permeated the scene, which made people feel shocked.

"This power must not be owned by the emperors of the world. It is very likely that the emperor of Zhongzhou is a monk."

Du Bai nodded. "If the emperor is a monk, with his power over a country, he probably knows how to leave Zhongzhou."

"I think so too. So we need to meet the emperor and friend."

Shi Xuan smiled, reached out and gestured, "Let's go!"

With that said, the two drove Qi Guang together, intending to fly directly into the palace.

In the eyes of the two, even if the emperor was a monk, it was at best a commendation of Taoist friends, and he did not have much respect for the emperor.

But ... when the light of the two men just swept up the walls of the palace.


A huge dragon chant sounded, and the Saint Dejin Dragon entangled in the palace suddenly burst into a huge and boundless coercion.

Overwhelming, like Mount Tai.

Under this huge coercion, the two men seemed to have pressed a heavy mountain, their bodies sank, they suddenly fell from the light, and they fell off the city wall.

"this is……"

Fortunately, the two were not weak in refining their bodies. Several lifted up and down, and stepped on the wall to the ground. This did not hurt them.

"The true emperor of the dragon, Shengde Longqi. The emperor and his friend follow the path of the Holy Virtue of the Holy Emperor. Saint Delongqi suppresses the world. Although this man's cultivation is not too high, he sits The Royal Palace, with the repressive power of one country, we cannot cast spells within the limits of the Royal Palace. "

Du Bai shook his head, "Can't cast, we are no different from ordinary people. Entering the palace, if the angered emperor takes our direct question and beheaded, then he will die unjustly!"

"It seems that we have to find another way."

Shi Xuan also felt that it was too dangerous to penetrate the palace.

Leaving the palace wall, the two walked along the moat towards the main entrance of the palace to see if they could find a chance to send a letter to the emperor and find out how to leave Zhongzhou.

"Your Highness! Your Highness! Slow down!"

They had just reached the main entrance of the palace, and suddenly heard a noise in front of them.

I saw a little boy about four years old, with his hands on his back, looking old-fashioned, and came out of the palace door.

Behind the little boy, a general in armour shouted after him.

"Guard King?"

Li Yu was thrown directly into the imperial palace from Shenxiao Palace by Yu Shenxiao, and was stunned by his parents for a long time, and then walked out.

As soon as I went out, I heard the guard Wang screaming behind him, Li Yu turned back depressed, "Lao Wang, what's the matter?"

"His Royal Highness, that little girl has long admired His Highness ..."


Li Yu kicked the guard Wang out. "Your daughter is only one year old? She admires me? You have to make up for your nonsense!"

He kicked the king's guard, kicked his sleeves, and walked out of the palace without looking back.

"His Royal Highness? Is it Prince Edward Zhongzhou?"

Seeing Li Yu stepping out of the palace, Du Bai and Shi Xuan suddenly lighted up.

Isn't this a suitable candidate to get online with the emperor?

As for the crown prince's "reincarnation of the emperor", Du Bai and Shi Xuan did not believe it at all. Ordinary men and women, pass on the rumors, can they know what the "holy emperor" is?

"Poor Shixuan, have seen His Royal Highness!"

"Poor Du Bai, have seen His Royal Highness!"

When Li Yu walked out of the palace gate and strolled leisurely on the street, Shi Xuan and Du Bai greeted with smiles.


Li Yu crooked his head and glanced at the two of them. "You wear jade crowns, silk robes, and clothing worth more than one thousand dollars, but you even claim to be poor? Why are you poor?

Seeing these two guys, boss Li's bad taste was born, and he planned to make them have fun.

"Uh? This ..."

Shi Xuan and Du Bai looked at each other.

Poor ... This is just being humble! My immortal cultivation, can the body be measured by all the money?

Moreover, we are not poor in the world. When it comes to Xiuxianjie, we must still be poor!

"Also, there is no king of earth in the whole world, no king of the governor's shore. Prince Ben faced in front of you, why didn't you worship?"

Li Yu's eyes glared, and the prince's qualifications were set high.


Du Bai and Shi Xuan were speechless for a while.

We are gods! We are the gods of food and drink, happy heaven and earth! Want to give you a **** kid? Why is this ...

"Fuck him with a magic trick!"

The translator talked a bit, and Shi Xuan squeezed his fingers and used an illusion.

A small rock on the ground beat a few times and made a "bang" sound. This illusion reveals that, from the point of view of the "Prince", it is naturally that the two men bowed their heads and worshiped.

"These two guys, no matter what your identity is, are enough to make you scratch your head. How dare you fool me with this thing? Hehe!"

Li Yu sneered, but his face remained calm. "You're kind of courteous. Let's go, what's the matter to see Prince Ben?"

"His Royal Highness, we have a letter and would like to ask His Royal Highness to give it to the Emperor."

Shi Xuan took out a stationery and handed it to Li Yu.

"No need to send a letter. You follow me."

Li Yu didn't pick up the stationery at all, turned around and took the two of them in the direction of Huilongguan.

Li Yu's thoughts were clear to them, weren't they just to leave Zhongzhou?

"His Royal Highness ..."

Seeing Li Yu's actions, the two hearts were confused, wasn't the emperor in the palace?

Thinking of this, the two quickly followed Li Yu and walked all the way to Huilongguan.

Soon after, everyone came to Huilongguan.

"I am back!"

At the door, Li Yu kicked open the door to Huilongguan, and was shocked by the two dormant young priests in Taoguan.

"Li Yu? Are you back?"

Pirates heard this voice ~ ~ and ran out from the backyard.

"Meet the division ..."

"No! No! Disciples meet with the ancestor!"

Li Yugang was about to salute the robber, and he was so frightened that he fell to his knees.

"Patriarch? He?"

Shi Xuan and Du Bai, following Li Yu, were shocked and straightened, wondering what the situation was.

The Emperor Zhongzhou was a practitioner, and the prince was the ancestor of this old Taoist priest.

This old priest looked inconspicuous, but there was a faint breath that was definitely not ordinary.

So ... what is this little prince about four years old about?

A grandfather under four? Are you kidding me?

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