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Chapter 1037: Mighty Mingqin Fairy

"Yu tastes dead? Who is it? Who is intervening?"

When Meng Yu tasted "stupidly dead", Meng Li suddenly found that the "Life Soul Card" that Meng Yu tasted was broken, and she was suddenly shocked and angry!

Taking Meng Yu's cultivation of qi-breathing period as an example, "Yanlong Real Fire" has been trained into true qi, and there is also a top-quality magic instrument such as "Kowloon God Fire Cover". Is it?

Now even Meng Yu tastes dead, someone must have intervened.

"Who is it? Who dares to kill my Meng Li's descendants?"

Rushing out of Dongfu in anger, Meng Li rose into the air and rushed towards Meng Yu to taste the accident.

"Huh? Meng Li was so angry, didn't ... Du Bai's kid killed Meng Yu? I told Mingqin Fairy. I originally let Mingqin save Du Bai, and then returned to Weizhou with Du Bai. "I didn't expect that Du Bai, how could he still have this ability?"

Meng Yu must have died in Du Bai's hands. If it was Mingqin Fairy's shot, at least one lesson was learned, how could it not have killed Meng Yu.

Mo Yuan opened his mouth, intending to tell Meng to leave. After thinking about it, Mo Yuan stopped again, "The family power of the Meng family is not a good thing for Zongmen. Let him suffer, but he can also take it a little bit."

"right here?"

At the speed of Master Jindan's flight, Meng Li quickly rushed to the island where Meng Yu tasted the accident.

"Sword Qi?"

Feeling the residual atmosphere here, there was a rage in Meng's centrifugal head, "Is the above-mentioned magic weapon Feijian sneaked into jade? Is this thief really sinister and vicious!"

"Dare to kill my Meng Li's children and grandchildren. I will crush your ashes when you run to the sky!"

The flames tossed up, Meng Li drove Qi Guang, and chased quickly towards Du Bai's departure.

"Well ..."

A sword howling rose into the sky, an invisible swordless gas, like a clear breeze blowing in, followed by the wind, the moisturizing sound was silent.

If there was no intentional burst of a sword howl, Meng Li would have been cut silently by a sword.

"The breeze has no phase sword!"

Meng Li exclaimed, her face was incredible.

"Fengfeng Wuxiang Sword", this is a peerless sword technique in the "Zhuxiang Shenfeng True Explanation" of the true transmission method of Weizhou Xianpai.

With sword performance and sword transformation, this sword technique is invisible and invisible, and it is invincible.

In the world, only the Mingqin Fairy of the Weizhou School was known as the "Breeze without Phase Sword".

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is ...

"Mingqin Fairy, why do you stop the poor?"

Suddenly hesitated by Meng's head, he couldn't help shouting: "That thief killed my descendants and killed my Penglai disciple's disciples! Why do you disregard the friendship between the two factions and hinder the poor?"

"He's not a thief."

A breeze blew through, and a woman wearing a moon-white long dress, as cold as a moon, manifested in mid-air, "He is under the gate of my Weizhou."

"Under Weizhou?"

Meng's centrifugal head set off another anger. "Mingqin fairy, that person is just getting out of the realm, just now Gabon Lai Fahui. What is he under the door of Weizhou? You should disregard the friendship between the two factions and interfere with it. You can rest! "

"I said he was under the gate of Weizhou, and he was naturally under the gate of Weizhou. If you disagree, come to war!"

A fibrous finger flew, and an invisible sword air blew through like a breeze, tearing the void and cutting a crack in front of Meng Li.

"You are so unreasonable? I must report to you and ask you to send accounts to Weizhou!"

Meng Li, who is inferior to Jin Dan, and Mingqin Fairy, who is keeping up with Jin Dan, are not a grade at all. Obstructed by Mingqin, although Meng Li jumped like thunder, there was no way.

With a hateful sleeve, Meng Li returned to Penglai angrily, and went to find a sue.

"Penglai Neimen disciple, intending to harm my Weizhou Zhenchuan disciple, you deserve it. You dare to sue?"

Mingqin Fairy snorted, fluttered into a breeze, and hurried past Du Bai's direction.

"Finally at Mingyuefang."

Stepping on Mingyuefang, Du Bai still didn't relax.

Mingyuefang belongs to the Ming family! This is Penglai's territory! Once the news of Du Bai's killing of Meng Yuta came out, on Mingyue Island, Ming Qingyue's father, who was a true disciple of Penglai.

Although it was in self-defense that Meng Yushan was killed in the counterattack, however, this also killed Penglai's disciples.

Even if the Penglai faction talks about rules, it behaves with integrity. The insider's disciples were killed, and they must be arrested.

If the disciples are killed and Zongmen is not in their early stages, what cohesion is there in this Zongmen? At this time, whether it is to protect the shorts or to avenge the disciples, Du Bai must be taken down.

"Penglai has a very close relationship with Weizhou. I must not be able to worship Weizhou!"

The best solution is to escape the East China Sea. However, the teleportation array of Mingyuefang is located near the three islands of the East China Sea.

"Even if Penglai wanted me, the news didn't spread so quickly across Weizhou. The Jinyu Island in Weizhou waters had a teleportation array leading to the south.

Having made up his mind, Du Bai hurried to the teleportation team.

"Go to Jinliao Island."

Stepping into the teleportation array, Du Bai passed the two middle-class spirit stones to the monks guarding the teleportation array.

The teleportation cost is a medium-grade spirit stone. The extra piece was understood by the caretaker monk, and he politely put it into his pocket.

This kind of monk who is in trouble and wants to run away is very common.

Waving to open the teleportation array, a flash of light flashed through ~ ~ Du Bai's figure disappeared instantly.

"A medium-grade spirit stone is equal to 10,000 grade-quality spirit stones. Make a small profit today!"

The caretaker whistled comfortably.

"Where did he just teleport?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in the ear, and the caretaker monk was startled.

"Do you understand the rules?"

The caretaker moved his finger, "Below this number, you won't have to talk."

"Huh? Rules?"

Mingqin fairy frowned, a huge breath came over the sky.

"Jin ... Jindan ..."

The caretaker monk slumped to the ground with a whistle, "Senior spares his life! Seniors spares his life! Golden Island! He went to Golden Island!"

"Golden Island? Damn it! Does he want to run to the South Wilderness?"

The face of Mingqin Fairy changed, and she instantly understood Du Bai's plan.

Du Bai didn't know that someone was covering him behind, and thought he was an ordinary practitioner. The killing of Penglai disciples' internal disciples is a great disaster for ordinary Sanshou.

"Bad boy, don't go to Nanhuang. It's too much trouble to find."

Stepped into the teleportation array and waved an aura of light. The fairy harem rushed to Jinyu Island through the teleportation array and chased Du Bai.

"My God!"

The caretaker touched the cold sweat on his forehead and stood up tremblingly. "What did the boy do? He offended a master Jindan?"

"Where did that person teleport just now?"

Suddenly, another voice sounded in my ear.

"Jin ... Jin Dan ... another Jin Dan!"

The caretaker monk was already frightened, "Jinjiu Island! Jinjiu Island!"

"Is it Golden Island?"

Meng Li stepped into the teleportation array with a look of shame, "Ming Qin, how do you protect that kid. I'll see if he is your first face or your bastard!"

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