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Chapter 1045: Grandpa is going to toss again

"Du Bai, this demon, is on his way."

According to Li Yu's arrangement in this world, "Devil" is Du Bai, "Immortal" is Shi Xuan, and "Emperor" is the Emperor of Zhongzhou. "Demons," "Gods," and "Buddhas" are needed to be complete.

"Nine ways of the road, verify the nine material ways of the five elements, wind and thunder and light. Du Bai has verified the magic way, and the emperor of Zhongzhou has verified" the imperial road of Saint. "

According to Li Yu's plan, he stayed in this world for no more than a hundred years. In a hundred years, it is not a miracle that Li Yu is his own person. Others can form top-quality Jindan within a hundred years.

Therefore, the role of Du Bai and Shi Xuan, even the emperor of Zhongzhou, is actually not great.

"Congenital five virtues, cause and effect, reincarnation, luck, these avenues, no mouse has been found. Next, I have to send the opportunity."

Four-year-old Li Yu stood up and beckoned, "Little Xuzi, take the ancestor out."

"Patriarch ..."

Xu Zhifei walked in with a black line, his heart was so depressed that he could not speak.

I am also a true fairy! Grandpa, can you change your name? Little Xuzi, it sounds like eunuch!

"Okay. What kind of energy is there? Send the ancestor to the Five Elements World, and the ancestor will condense the five elements."

Li Yuyi waved his hands with anger.


With a helpless sigh, Xu Zhifei selected the space coordinates to use the "Great Void of the Two Realms", opened a void channel, and led Li Yu into it.

Crossing the void, the two came to a vast void.

In front of this void, a huge light group shining with five colors of light, quietly floating in the darkness and nothingness.

"Patriarch, this is the Five Elements World, also known as Tongtian World. This world is open to all monks in the heavens, and anyone can enter and exit at will. And this world is a transit station leading to countless worlds, so it is called Tongtian Great world. "

Xu Zhifei explained, taking Li Yu through a huge golden passage into the Five Elements World.

"Sure enough, the power of the Five Elements is very strong. This world is respected by the Five Acts."

Passing through the golden channel, there is a vast expanse of heaven and earth ahead.

The five colors flowing in the sky evolved the mystery of the Five Elements.

Countless floating islands float in midair. On each floating island, there are beautiful palaces. There are also countless ornate buildings on the ground.

All kinds of black light roared through the air, and people came and went. There are countless monks from countless worlds who travel in this world. This is a prosperous place of practice.

"Patriarch, there are many monks in the Five Elements World. Monks in the Celestial are very common here. Moreover, the Five Elements Taoist ancestors in this world are the golden immortals. The disciples have this strength ...

Xu Zhifei stared at Li Yu with jealous eyes, the meaning of this remark was obvious.

Patriarch, if you are tossing about something, your disciples will not be able to carry this strength.

"Do not worry!"

Li Yu waved his hand carelessly, but his heart was a weird smile. Don't toss, why should I come out?

"The five elements of evil spirits are very common in this world. Patriarch, are you going to condense evil spirits first?"

"Condense the five elements first."

If you have to toss, you have to finish your business. As soon as Li Yu waved his hand, Xu Zhifei drove Lu Guang and rushed to the Five Elements Continent with Li Yu.

In this world of five elements, the five elements are everywhere. Looking for a place of high quality five elements, Xu Zhifei fell down.

"Wait while you wait for me to condense."

With a wave of his hand, Li Yu stepped into the ground of five elements.

Golden wood, water, fire and soil, the five elements together, the earth evil turned. Li Yu walked to the center of the five elements, released his energy, and condensed the five elements.

This condensing went very smoothly and there was no noise.

After waiting for two months, Li Yuning was finished, and out of the land of five elements, Xu Zhifei still stunned, right? Don't make a noise, isn't this the ancestor's temperament?

"Stupid! This is the land of the Five Elements ancestors. Doing things here, aren't you afraid that he will die with one finger?"

That being said, but ... Li Da Huyou has made plans to pit old peacocks.

"Yes! The ancestor is wise."

Xu Zhifei quickly slapped his horse, "Next, what is the ancestor?"

"Check it out at the Floating Chamber of Commerce."

Floating Chamber of Commerce is a well-known chamber of commerce in this side of the void universe.

Genius, Dibao or something, Li Yu naturally didn't care. In his realm, as long as he knows the physical properties, he can directly use the "material origin" to make things.

However, the floating chamber of commerce also has countless cheats and magical tricks from various void universes.

This kind of thing, naturally, boss Li must collect a copy.

It can both deepen research and ...

"Old peacock, you guy, even your son-in-law was suppressed, and her daughter's eyes were swollen and swollen, and they ignored them. I can't see you anymore, and I'm here to pit you!"

The daughter of Wuxingdaozu found a son-in-law who did not like the old peacock. In addition, this son-in-law's mind also needs to be tempered.

As a result, the old peacock watched her son-in-law be suppressed for tens of thousands of years ~ ~ her daughter cried and her eyes were too lazy to bother. And also banned Tianxian masters to rescue.

Li Yu couldn't see, but of course it was nonsense.

There are still many good things in the old peacock. Zhou Tianxing swordsmanship, congenital five-colored magic light, are all good things.

Of course, more importantly, there are "fairies" and "magic", aren't there "monsters"? The old peacock is naturally the representative of this "monster".

The idea was settled, so that Xu Zhifei drove Lu Guang, Li Yu rushed all the way to the "Floating Chamber of Commerce".

The "Floating Chamber of Commerce" of the Five Elements World is built on a huge floating island. When Li Yu and Xu Zhifei landed on the floating island, a female nun greeted with a smile.

"Zhenjun, please. We have everything you can at the Floating Chamber of Commerce and we can make Zhenjun satisfied."

Nu Xiu's eyes turned to Xu Zhifei. In her opinion, Tianxian is the lord, and that kid who was in the deflation period should have been brought out by Tianxian Zhenjun to the world.

To her surprise, when hearing the words of the female nun, Xu Zhifei looked embarrassed, and quickly lowered her head to take a step back. "Master, please first!"


Li Yu nodded faintly, bearing both hands, walked over with a big swing.

Xu Zhifei wiped his cold sweat and followed his dog's legs.

During this period of time, Xu Zhifei also knew the temperament of this ancestor.

Grandpa likes people to show up before, who dares to wipe Grandpa's face and win the Grandpa's presence, then the consequence ... Jiang Yehe is still in the chaos frost because he disturbed Grandpa and Penglai disciples.

"Patriarch? Grandpa of Tianxian Zhenjun? A deflation period ..."

The female Xiu face was horrified, "Yes! Yes! The ancestor of Tianxian Zhenjun must be more than half a step away from Jinxian. My cultivation is this, how can I see the strength of such a character?"

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