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Chapter 1052: All fell into the fire pit

Ghost Sea, Nether Teaching!

In this dark sea, there is a dark and cold island. This is where the Nether Church resides.

"Dear students, fellow students, our long-cherished wish of the Nether Church has been reached!"

Yan Luo Tianzi stood on the high platform, holding up a big seal in his hand, the six mysterious lights turned incessantly, and the breath was overwhelming.

"Today, we have the" Six Reincarnations "of the Nether Religion. Today, we have the return of the Arcane Wheel that has survived three robberies. Today, we are about to accomplish an unprecedented feat in this world. , Evolution cycle! "

"Our ghost religion will be invincible!"

Holding up the reincarnation seal and standing against his hand, Yan Luo Tianzi shouted to the sky, the momentum was shocking!




Under the platform, countless apprentices of the Nether religion suddenly cheered loudly with excitement.

"Architecture! Bring together the strength of everyone in Zongmen, let us open up the land together!"

The reincarnation stamp in his hand flew off his hands and floated in mid-air, and a ray of light flew from the reincarnation stamp, linking the large array below, bringing together everyone's power.

"Om ..."

Each phantom aura was poured into the reincarnation seal, a cold and pure, cold and quiet, dark and sacred breath condensed slowly on the reincarnation seal.

Yan Luo Tianzi is standing in the middle of the high platform, and the left and right sides are the Pluto and the runner.

"The emperor's heaven is above. Today, Yan Luo, Hades, and Runners, led all members of the Netherworld, adhering to the virtues of heaven and earth, based on the reprints of the ancient treasures, and opened up land for this world, and evolved reincarnation. Created for thousands of ghosts Reincarnation opportunity! "

"My generation is in charge of the land government, and he promises to be fair and just. All sentient beings are treated equally, and the world is informed!"

"My generation is in charge of the land government, and vows must be rewarded clearly. If you have virtue, you will be rewarded. For evil, you will be punished."

"My generation is in charge of the land government, and we will swear to ourselves, and we will cultivate dignity and morality, and we will never be selfish."

Three vows were issued, the sky trembled, and the avenue was peaceful.

A pure and deep, but sacred and transcendent breath condenses between heaven and earth.

"Dade! Dade! Dade!"

Between you, countless ghosts and remnants throughout the world are worshipping reverently, claiming high praise.

"Open up the land! Evolution cycle!"

With a loud shout, the three of Yan Luotianzi summoned their strength and poured into the reincarnation.


A loud noise!

The whole world is shaking, the whole world is roaring!

The reincarnation printed an endless brilliance, and a huge force broke out violently.

A icy and pure, cold and quiet, dark and sacred light suddenly blasted into the earth, penetrating the earth's origin of endless depth.

"Om ..."

In the depths of the earth, a quiet and peaceful space slowly opens. The reincarnation printed a halo suddenly, rolled up all the ghostly disciples, and rushed into this dark and deep space.


The reincarnation print bursts into pieces, turning into endless light, and blending into this dark and deep space.


On the dark ground, a towering and huge palace rises from the ground.

Six light wheels transformed into six bottomless ancient wells in the palace. A mysterious glow emerged from the wellhead.

This is the reincarnation passage of the six reincarnations.


With a sound of water, a muddy river spread from the void, running through the earth.

This is the Styx!

The land government was opened, reincarnation evolved, and the Styx River penetrated. This newly opened land government has been incorporated into the land government system of the entire void universe.


The sounds of the sky were violent, and a dark and sacred light rose from the earth to the sky, manifesting a large seal in mid-air.

It's still reincarnation, but it's different.

Da Yin fell into his hands, and Yan Luotianzi instantly understood its function.

This is the Yuxi in charge of the Yin Division, in charge of the prefecture! This is authority and shackles!

"So it is!"

Yan Luo Tianzi held up the big seal, his face was solemn and serious, and he proclaimed loudly: "From today on, my name is Yan Luodijun! It is the Supreme Mansion of the Land!"

As soon as the words fall, I will seal up!

A black emperor emperor embodies on Yan Luo Tianzi. Wearing a crown of heaven and wearing imperial robes, the majestic glory spreads over the earth, sacred and majestic!

At this moment, Emperor Yan Luo has become a fairy! A disaster-free emperor who lives a million years!

Seeing this scene, all the disciples of Netherism were shocked and happy!

Sure enough, the development of the land government, the evolution cycle, there are endless benefits!

"Meet Emperor Yan Luo!"

At this time, if the nether cult people didn't know what to do, they would be stupid.

"The ministers are flat!"

Sealed and reincarnated, Emperor Wei has appeared, Yan Luo Tianzi has truly become the prefecture Yan Jun!

"Today, I waited for the teachings to do my best to open up the land, and all the ministers were rewarded!"

Holding up the big seal, Emperor Yan Luodi began to divide the land government.

"The Emperor Fengming is the Emperor of the Minghe River. He is in charge of the Minghe Ferry and guards eighteen floors of hell."

"The Fengren runner is the runner emperor, who is in charge of the reincarnation of sentient beings!"

"Seal ..."

In a round of rewards, the entire Nether Religion went up and down to receive the priestly priesthood and turned it into the **** of the land.

The judge, impermanence, ghosts and ghosts, various priesthoods have been fulfilled, and the structure of the prefecture has been completed.

"Gods return!"

Stepping into the palace of the prefecture, Yan Luodijun sat down on the dragon chair and pressed the big seal in his hand on the case in front of him. The breath was connected, everything in the whole prefecture was in the palm of your hand ~ ~ The reincarnation has been completed , The gods are in place! "

"Order! Open the door to the land and store the ghost!"

With a call, the door of the prefecture officially opened, the prefecture officially operated, and the prefecture officially opened!


Heaven and earth are harmonious, Praten is praised!

Endless merit, endless Yin, fall from the sky!

The vigor of merit turns into a blossoming golden lotus, the vigor of Yinde turns into a blossoming white lotus, falling from the void.

For a moment, the entire land was bright and dazzling, with small ceilings and transpirations.

In the eyes of Yu Yutian's people, countless brilliance has fallen in the sky, and it rains like a raindrop on the sea of ​​ghosts, making that gloomy sea sacred and glorious, like a fairyland.

"This is ... merit from heaven?"

Seeing this scene, the faces of the major practitioners in the practice world became difficult to look at.

The ghost monks who are taught by the ghosts to be indifferent to ghosts and ghosts must have opened up a land government and perfected the reincarnation of heaven and earth if they want to have merits.

"With this momentum, there is another Tianxian Lingbao in your hand, and the power of the Nether Religion is soaring, I am afraid it is difficult to resist!"

A lot of people of insight are worried!


"What? Except for the black and white impermanence and the ghosts who can go out to take the ghosts, other gods of the yin shi can't leave the prefecture?"

"What? If you dare to break the three vows, you will be deprived of the throne?"

"What? All the ghosts must be judged for their merits and demerits? Reincarnation or **** detention in accordance with the law?"

"There can't be any slack? Not even a holiday? Just do it for millions of years until you die?"

"Why don't I do it, okay? What? Not okay? I ..."

Yan Luodijun kicked the table with a kick!

So, the upper and lower parts of the Nether Sect were just fooled into the fire pit!

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